Examples of the the word, sponsorship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sponsorship ), is the 6225 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of their faith in public, but not on public property with government, sponsorship ,or endorsement. *Drug policy reform to reduce harm and promote sustainable
  2. And were acquired by the National University of Turin Library with generous, sponsorship ,of Turbines businessmen Roberto FOA and Filippo Giordano, in memory of their
  3. And in preparation for his 1957 New York Crusade, he sought broad ecumenical, sponsorship , Bob Jones, Sr. argued that if members of Graham’s campaign executive committee
  4. Those schools with upgraded athletic facilities in exchange for Coca-Cola's, sponsorship , This is especially prevalent at the high school level, which is more dependent
  5. Radio station owners soon realized they could earn more money by selling, sponsorship ,rights in small-time allocations to multiple businesses throughout their radio
  6. Now, this name hasn't been officially in use, the board instead opting for, sponsorship ,deals because of financial motives. However, to this day the name maintains a
  7. Moholy-Nagy also went to Chicago and founded the New Bauhaus school under the, sponsorship ,of industrialist and philanthropist Walter Peace. This school became the
  8. Sponsors, the airline company Emirates, with whom the club signed the largest, sponsorship ,deal in English football history, worth around £100 million; some fans referred
  9. Throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than selling the, sponsorship ,rights to single businesses per show. This practice was carried over to
  10. Experimentation to the band, now called the Light Crust Dough boys due to radio, sponsorship ,by the makers of Light Crust Flour. Brown left the band in 1932 to form the
  11. Sponsor the New York Yankees as well. In October 2010 they agreed to a three, sponsorship ,year-deal with Everton. Multiethnic campaign In 2001,Audi promoted the new
  12. Responsible for the renaming of these divisions — until the advent of Coca-Cola, sponsorship , they were referred to as Divisions One, Two and Three. Since 2004,the
  13. Ground as Ashburn Grove, or the Grove, as they did not agree with corporate, sponsorship ,of stadium names. The stadium will be officially known as Emirates Stadium
  14. TV apps. Additionally, some like brands have opted for social television, sponsorship , Advertising education has become widely popular with
  15. Required to supply their gloves and shoes themselves. Many players enter into, sponsorship ,arrangements with shoe manufacturers, but through the mid-1980s,the Reds had a
  16. A company representing the Ruth estate brought the Baby Ruth candy bar into, sponsorship ,officialdom when it licensed the Babe's name and likeness for use in a Baby
  17. The edicts describe in detail the first wide expansion of Buddhism through the, sponsorship ,of one of the most powerful kings of Indian history. It gives more information
  18. In flux, and several organizing bodies were involved in tournament, sponsorship ,: the American Bridge League (formerly the American Auction Bridge League
  19. Americas. *British author Stephen Baxter includes Columbus' quest for royal, sponsorship ,as a crucial historical event in his 2007 science fiction novel Navigator (
  20. Chassis? ". Anheuser-Busch is known for its sport sponsorship , video game, sponsorship ,(Tapper),and humorous advertisements. Advertising campaigns have also
  21. For no material gain. AA's analogs for these are meetings," the steps ", and, sponsorship , One legacy not drawn from the Group was anonymity, which came about due to AA
  22. Their sponsorship . It was announced shortly after that Vodafone had signed a, sponsorship ,deal with the club worth A$5.4 million over three years. The Brisbane Lions
  23. Is the National Football League's second-largest market. The team has major, sponsorship ,deals with Chase, Miller Brewing Company, Cadillac,United Airlines, Motorola
  24. The West Indies team because of a dispute over his personal Cable & Wireless, sponsorship ,deal, which clashed with the Cricket Board's main sponsor, Digicel. Six other
  25. Of a series of 'wrong way' races for amateur crews. British Steel had agreed a, sponsorship ,deal with Middlesbrough Football Club during the 1994-95 season, with a view to
  26. Built around the phrase" Chassis? ". Anheuser-Busch is known for its sport, sponsorship , video game sponsorship (Tapper),and humorous advertisements. Advertising
  27. Middlesbrough shirts making their appearance the following season. But the, sponsorship ,deal was terminated before it commenced after it was revealed that British
  28. Theme park," England ". This opened in 2000 and survived for a decade before, sponsorship ,was eventually lost. Most of the major England attractions remain in
  29. Is based on a particular era it is more hobbyist oriented, reducing corporate, sponsorship ,and politics. Events are regulated to only allow cars of a certain era to
  30. United On June 3,2009,it was reported that Aon had signed a four-year shirt, sponsorship ,deal with English football giant Manchester United. On June 1,2010,Aon
  31. This view was shared at the time by the printer William Caxton, who enjoyed, sponsorship ,from Edward IV and Richard III. Nine days after the battle, Caxton published
  32. Others. In the late 1930s,Mies van der Rohe re-settled in Chicago, enjoyed the, sponsorship ,of the influential Philip Johnson, and became one of the pre-eminent architects
  33. Amati, the last woman to attempt to race in Formula One, was dropped when her, sponsorship ,failed to materialize. Argentine Sergio Finland designed the team's final cars
  34. Event 6 times. * Tour de Corse – The BMW M3 – E30 won this event in 1987 Sport, sponsorship ,beyond motor sport BMW sponsors many other sports beyond motorsport. It is an
  35. Coal-mining areas, Lib-Lab candidates were popular, and they received, sponsorship ,and endorsement from trade unions. In the first election after the Act was
  36. Originally £21,000,and was subsequently raised to £50,000 in 2002 under the, sponsorship ,of the Man Group, making it one of the world's richest literary prizes. The
  37. To higher education. Along with its numerous academic programs, including its, sponsorship ,of post-doctoral research fellowships, the undergraduate concentration in
  38. Music in Cornish as well as interviews and features. The language has financial, sponsorship ,from many sources, including the Millennium Commission. A number of language
  39. In a stand of solidarity, when these players were dropped because of their, sponsorship ,deals. The issue was resolved after the first Test of the series against the
  40. Was the first sponsor of Coronation Street beginning in July 1996. The original, sponsorship ,had a chocolate-like version of the street (which can be seen in place at the
  41. Will remain: Simon Black and Jonathan Brown. Corporate Membership base and, sponsorship ,Crowds and memberships for the Brisbane Lions grew dramatically during the four
  42. Commercial stations,i.e. through the sale of on-air advertising, programme, sponsorship , and the sale of any program content and merchandising rights it owns, such
  43. Games in Amsterdam, and has been an Olympics sponsor ever since. This corporate, sponsorship ,included the 1996 Summer Olympics hosted in Atlanta, which allowed Coca-Cola to
  44. Campaign to radio, employing several variations of the jingle. Sports, sponsorship ,Coca-Cola was the first commercial sponsor of the Olympic Games, at the 1928
  45. Animated film was Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors directed by SEO in 1945 with, sponsorship ,by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The success of The Walt Disney Company's 1937
  46. Away season it was revealed that major sponsor ADAPT would not be renewing their, sponsorship , It was announced shortly after that Vodafone had signed a sponsorship deal
  47. Related in myths and images. The wearing of the aegis and its contents show, sponsorship , protection, or authority derived from yet a higher source or deity. The name
  48. Of the game for television viewers, paying spectators, and corporate television, sponsorship , which eventually enabled football to become the first dominant sports
  49. And Minis in a deal made in November 2009. The company also made a six-year, sponsorship ,deal with the United States Olympic Committee (USMC) in July 2010. BMW has
  50. Four round-trip voyages between Spain and the Americas, all of them under the, sponsorship ,of the Crown of Castile. These voyages marked the beginning of the European

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