Examples of the the word, affirmative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( affirmative ), is the 6226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As reverse discrimination. In particular, minority quotas (for example, affirmative ,action) discriminate against members of a dominant or majority group. In its
  2. In the post-apartheid era, the ANC government's laws in support of their, affirmative ,action policies define 'Black' people to include" Africans "," Coloreds "
  3. Rather than a local, tribal or parochial one; an absolute who integrates all, affirmative ,values and brooks no evil. Aphid constitutes the foremost article of the
  4. Have proposed that this gap can and will be eliminated through policies such as, affirmative ,action, desegregation,and multiculturalism. In Chicago, Marva Collins, an
  5. Race In America ", in response to a participant argument that the issue was not, affirmative ,action but" racial preferences" asked the participant a loaded question:" Do
  6. Action Tun Abdul Rank, who was then the Prime Minister, implemented the, affirmative ,action policy named as New Economic Policy soon after May 13 Incident in 1969.
  7. Even though he doesn't care to do so? The reasons' eternalist answers in the, affirmative ,(" Yes, Sasha has a reason not to steal from that poor person. "),since he
  8. Of democracy, the use of Catalan increased significantly because of new, affirmative ,action and subsidy policies and the Catalan language is now used in politics
  9. Public and private, even when the information is held only under an, affirmative ,legal obligation to protect it from unauthorized access),and to a mistrust of
  10. States created" majority-minority" districts. This practice, also called ", affirmative ,gerrymandering ", was supposed to redress historic discrimination and ensure
  11. On the other hand, Belgian federalism is federated with three components. An, affirmative ,resolution concerning Brussels' place in the federal system passed in the
  12. As a defense The Supreme Court of the United States described fair use as an, affirmative ,defense in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. Is generated by confusion over
  13. Weight and attractiveness. A common approach to remedying discrimination is, affirmative ,action. Potential employees have ethical obligations to employers, involving
  14. Following clause **particles for negation, interrogation,and occasionally for, affirmative ,declarations *unfixed pronouns positioned between particles and verbs *lack of
  15. With social dominance orientation. The authors concluded that opposition to, affirmative ,action, especially among more highly educated conservatives, was better
  16. One to say that she would have made the trade anyway. This rule also created an, affirmative ,defense for pre-planned trades. Security analysis and insider trading Security
  17. Orders: one is for main clauses and another for subordinate clauses. In normal, affirmative ,sentences the inflected verb always has position 2. In polar questions
  18. On a variety of topics, including hot-button social issues such as abortion, affirmative ,action, and gay rights. They then compared journalists' attitudes to their
  19. Include:" Is getting an abortion immoral? "" Is euthanasia immoral? "" Is, affirmative ,action right or wrong? "" What are human rights, and how do we determine them?
  20. Questions to comply with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. An, affirmative ,answer to both of the above questions waives the rights. If the suspect
  21. Government has been working towards creating equality between castes with, affirmative ,action, such as guaranteed seats in educational institutions, government jobs (
  22. On. I think you're too late now to do much about it. SHIRR: That's, affirmative , I don't think anybody down there has worn the helmets as much as we have.
  23. A small panel to decide if it should investigate the matter and, with an, affirmative ,response, a neutral commission was created. In June 1921,the League announced
  24. Strict adherence to fair use protects you from being sued. Fair use is an, affirmative ,defense against an infringement suit; it does not restrain anyone from suing.
  25. Include ending racial segregation, and busing for the purpose of desegregation, affirmative ,action, and banning of school prayer. Reform efforts in the 1980s In the 1980s
  26. Formulation of the problem. In other words, the solution to the problem is, affirmative ,if and only if each number in the given set of numbers is constructive.
  27. On Cleaner’s demand that the modern curriculum“ include nothing for which an, affirmative ,case can not be made out” ( Cretin,281) the new school organized its
  28. Black' people to include" Africans "," Coloreds" and" Asians ". Their, affirmative ,action policies have also favored 'Africans' over 'Coloreds '. Some South
  29. Essential in founding the later poetic personas: By means of this artless yet, affirmative ,anti-poet, Caeiro, a short-lived but vital member of his coterie, Pessoa
  30. Run out. Under the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, laches is an, affirmative ,defense, which means that the burden of asserting caches is on the party
  31. Among historians whether this actually took place despite Bouquet's, affirmative ,reply to Amherst, and the continuing correspondence on the point. Smallpox is
  32. Which drafted the Malaysian Constitution made a provision for limited, affirmative ,action through Article 153,which gave the Malays special privileges, such as
  33. A Santa Claus ", to which Ken Mat tingly, the current CAP COM, replied," That's, affirmative , you are the best ones to know ". The spacecraft began its journey back to
  34. With an interrogative pronoun and yes/no questions) have the same structure as, affirmative ,sentences, but with intonation rising at the end. In the formal register, the
  35. Proposal with the most supporters is put to the referendum. In the event of an, affirmative ,referendum a Transitional Legislative Assembly is elected for one year, which
  36. Parliament or change the constitution, but at least 1500 citizens must vote, affirmative , so referendums to suspend parliament or change the constitution fail if they
  37. Wayne was asked by a student," Is your hair real? " Wayne responded in the, affirmative , then added," It's not mine, but it's real! ") Wayne had several
  38. But they did not go so far as to say that no term can be applied to God in the, affirmative ,sense. They admitted that while" eternal,"" omnipotent," etc., as we apply
  39. Companies are men. Of them,97 % are white. " In its report, it recommended, affirmative ,action, which is the consideration of an employee's gender and race in hiring
  40. Into the military. The social science data answered this question in the, affirmative ,then, and do so even more clearly now. Rather, the issue is whether the United
  41. KKK shifted its focus to opposing court-ordered busing to desegregate schools, affirmative ,action and more open immigration. In 1971,KKK members used bombs to destroy 10
  42. They should be extended the right to suffrage; over 90 % would vote in the, affirmative , *1938 – The animated cartoon short Porky's Hare Hunt debuts in movie theaters
  43. Are to be reclassified as" Black people" solely for the purposes of accessing, affirmative ,action benefits, because they were also" disadvantaged" by racial
  44. To be),Etruscan am (to be),and Sumerian am (to be) * English aye (yes, affirmative ,vote) and Japanese HAI (はい) (yes) and Cantonese" HAI" ( 係) (yes) *
  45. v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. Is generated by confusion over the use of the term ", affirmative ,defense. "" Affirmative defense" is simply a term of art from litigation
  46. Of the doctrine or by religious faith. Another explanation is that both, affirmative ,and negative positions regarding these questions are based on attachment to and
  47. Grammatical moods in other languages). *нали (Nazi) – is a universal, affirmative ,tag, like " isn't it"/"won't you ", etc. (it is invariable, like the French
  48. Civil Rights Institute's Ward Connery stated," There is nothing positive, affirmative , or equal about ' affirmative action' programs that give preference to some
  49. When conducting a trade. However, Rule 10b5-1 also created for insiders an, affirmative ,defense if the insider can demonstrate that the trades conducted on behalf of
  50. By Larry Was, Steve Winker, and Bob Verify, answered Robbins's question in the, affirmative ,: Every Robbins algebra is a Boolean algebra. Crucial to McCune's proof was the

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