Examples of the the word, splash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( splash ), is the 8702 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the Paris Peace Conference,1919. One made a considerable public, splash ,in 1918 when he published—in advance of Versailles—an essay titled Reject the
  2. Talent agencies, it was important also for CAA that the Beckhams made as big a, splash ,as possible upon their arrival in the United States. On 16 July, CAA had hosted
  3. For a Titan Mare Explorer (Time),which would be a low-cost lander that would, splash ,down in a lake near Titan's North Pole and float on the surface of the lake
  4. Was buried at sea, she said:" Dear Edwina, she always liked to make a, splash , " After being advised by a Conservative Minister in the 1970s not to employ
  5. Of the first game, the Four Freedoms are displayed in text version as a, splash ,screen at the opening of the game, with fifth freedom added: The freedom to
  6. Water straight, without any angle. Many judges award divers for the amount of, splash ,created by the diver on entry, with less splash resulting in a higher score. To
  7. Rowing into sight, and Dick Dead eye was later thrown overboard with a real, splash , The Times praised the hearty singing but noted that some subtlety is lost when
  8. Rock Chart. On April 16, 2009,Marilyn Manson. Com was updated with a new, splash ,page featuring the projected album artwork as well as the track listing for The
  9. The blended sweep and skill of the miniature settings provided the visual, splash , The human beings, with good dubbed English voices, were a personable lot as
  10. PowerPoint will include more templates and transition effects, OneNote a new, splash ,screen. On May 16, 2011,new images of Office 15 were revealed, showing Excel
  11. Tequila with orange juice and energy drink. *A Screw-Up is a Screwdriver with a, splash ,of 7-UP on top. One little-known Screwdriver variation is the" Sonic
  12. As of 2007,for the next three years. Prior to the 2007,the Bulldogs made a, splash ,by trading for Brisbane midfielder Jason Åkermanite. They were hot Premiership
  13. Added to the group for certain live performances and recordings. He made a big, splash ,with his performance with Trader at the 1958 Monterey Jazz Festival. Guarani
  14. When this action is completed correctly a bit of water, called " back, splash ," is splash ed. Breathing during a rowing stroke There are two schools of
  15. Waters, usually called" soda water ", and the soda fountain made the biggest, splash ,in the United States. Beginning in 1806,Yale chemistry professor Benjamin
  16. Very common English-language examples include hiccup, zoom,bang, beep,and, splash , Machines and their sounds are also often described with onomatopoeia, as in
  17. Multi-crew,multiscreen demo) * The Cuddly Demos (1989,The Carriers big, splash ,in the Atari demo scene) * The Decade Demo (1990,by a UK based group called
  18. First of these, opening at the Boston Museum on 25 November 1878,made such a, splash ,that the piece was quickly produced in major cities and on tour by dozens of
  19. A Somerset. *The well known Harvey Wall banger cocktail is a Screwdriver with a, splash ,of Gallant floated on top. *In some cases, sloe gin is added as part of the
  20. Published character. In fact, the only drawings of Spider-Man were on the, splash ,i. e., page 1 and at the end where Kirby had the guy leaping at you with a web
  21. Career. He would do cruel things such as pop children's balloons with a cigar, splash ,water on the audience, and use a fake prosthetic arm to attack opponents. Once
  22. Velocity" ) and flight time. At this time the article Tsiolkovsky made a, splash ,in the scientific world. Tsiolkovsky has found many friends in the world of
  23. Clone program, although System 7.5.1 and later used the" macOS" name on the, splash ,screen) *Mac OS 7.6.1 Proper PowerPC error handling introduced. Mac OS 8 Mac
  24. Including hollandaise sauce, sauce Provencal, Béarnaise sauce or even a, splash ,carbonate flamage stew from an ever-bubbling pot, in the spirit of British "
  25. Hands, arms and head which, with a vertical entry, will pull down and under any, splash ,until deep enough to have minimal effect on the surface of the water (the
  26. Runoff takes place. There are two stages of sheet erosion. The first is rain, splash , in which soil particles are knocked into the air by raindrop impact. In the
  27. Allows water to be drained efficiently, and even in heavy rain, no water will, splash ,up, in contrast with concrete or other pavement types. The Netherlands is the
  28. With a half dozen large water slides, a lazy river, wave pool,children's, splash ,pool and a 36-hole mini-golf course. The Magnetic Hill Concert Site, a large
  29. Tidewater glaciers calve above sea level, which often results in a tremendous, splash ,as the iceberg strikes the water. If the water is deep, glaciers can calve
  30. Musical comedy Foodora (1899) by Leslie Stuart and Paul Rubens made a, splash ,on both sides of the Atlantic, as did A Chinese Honeymoon (1901),by British
  31. Comedian's costume in order to" lighten" the overall design, later adding a, splash ,of blood to the badge to imply his murder. Gibbons said the creators came to
  32. Cuba Libre popular in the West Indies is a“ Hot” Cuba Libre which includes a, splash ,of the Caribbean hot sauce (for example, Capt'n Sleepy's Quintessential Habanero
  33. Two DVD singles were released, and the band's official website received a new, splash ,intro by artist Joshua Davis. The" double vinyl four-picture disc" edition of
  34. Award divers for the amount of splash created by the diver on entry, with less, splash ,resulting in a higher score. To reduce the subjectivity of scoring in major
  35. His stepson, David Samson, executive vice-president. Gloria made his initial, splash ,by signing Game Lloyd for $3,000,000,and acquiring Hide Irabu's
  36. Manhattan is made with equal parts of white rum, sweet and dry vermouth, and a, splash ,of Maraschino cherry juice, served up with a twist. *A Royal Manhattan is made
  37. Syllables; syllables may begin with up to three consonants (as in string or, splash ,), and occasionally end with as many as four (as in prompts). Many others
  38. Should hear me and Jules Gaffer going at it in a room. 'No, you designed the, splash ,page for this one, then you wrote the ending — I came up with the idea for the
  39. Of the service and at some point the priest will take an olive branch and, splash ,holy water on the faithful. Latvia In Latvia, Palm Sunday is called" Pussy
  40. A British guard. Each time the guard asks for a type of tea, there is a, splash ,heard off-screen, and the American says they're out, implying that each
  41. With sharks. Mail is widely used in industrial settings as shrapnel guards and, splash ,guards in metal working operations. Electrical applications for mail include RF
  42. Bears as their offensive coordinator. On March 5,2010,the Bears made a big, splash ,in free agency, signing defensive end Julius Peppers, running back Chester
  43. For isolation between circuits, explosion proof, outdoor,oil and, splash ,resistant, washable for printed circuit board assembly * Operating environment
  44. To roll or scoop in the same direction their dive was rotating to pull the, splash ,away from the channel that they have just created. United States diving Summer
  45. To move the arms and legs in a specific fashion. Drowning non-swimmers often, splash ,and kick in an effort to stay above the surface but their lack of technique
  46. Ten sources of news in regional papers, and the stories simply did not make a, splash ,outside New York City. Rather, war came because public opinion was sickened by
  47. Vibrating air or string with the resonating body of the instrument. The complex, splash ,of strong, high overtones and metallic ringing sounds from a cymbal almost
  48. Tabs, a custom toolbar, and autostart, a download accelerator, an optional, splash ,screen, preview with option (to view files you are currently downloading),an
  49. It had the advantage of ensuring that all sales were firm and pre-paid. A big, splash ,on launch produced a large influx of cash at the outset of a campaign, though
  50. Conformance of their body to the requirements of the dive, and the amount of, splash ,created by their entry to the water. A possible score out of ten is broken down

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