Examples of the the word, para , in a Sentence Context

The word ( para ), is the 6271 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Repressions Military Units to Aid Production or UMAP's (Updates Military, para ,la Audi de Producción) (forced labor concentration camps) were established
  2. Are also other chemical naming systems, using numbers instead of" meta ",", para ," etc. as descriptive dividers, breaking up the name, which then no longer can
  3. Low temperatures, the equilibrium state is composed almost exclusively of the, para ,form. The liquid and gas phase thermal properties of pure para hydrogen differ
  4. Isáng avocado. King law a Hindi Maratha NG avocado, ang forte ang magtatakdâ, para ,SA IPO. " (" You have the right to obtain a lawyer. If you cannot obtain a
  5. Ring. In this way, the negative charge on oxygen is shared by the or tho and, para ,carbon atoms. In another explanation, increased acidity is the result of
  6. In the pre para tion and storage of liquid hydrogen: the conversion from or tho to, para ,is exothermic and produces enough heat to evaporate some hydrogen liquid
  7. Puebla and open to SOME students. * ON MAS (Olympiad Nacional de Matemáticas, para ,Alumnus de Secundaria) * ON MAP (Olympiad Nacional de Matemáticas para
  8. Sections. Their name is derived from their distribution in the nucleus; the ", para ," is short for para llel and the" speckles" refers to the splicing speckles to
  9. Dwelling beside, stranger,sojourner ", which is a compound of παρά (, para ,)," beside, by,near" + οἶκος (oiks)," house ". Being an ancient concept
  10. The new armed forces were formed through a commission, the Commissar Conjunta, para ,a Formica was Forces Armadas de Defesa e Severance de Moçambique (CCF ADM)
  11. Albeit ", Imprenta Artisanal de Madrid,2009 * Torres, Jacinto:" Integral, para ,VOZ y piano ", TRITÓ Editions,1998 Notes External links *
  12. Measures of it remained in force. Timeline of Constitutions * Regiment, para ,el rarely de la Authorized Executive Proviso de Chile 1811 * Constitution de
  13. But because the or tho form is an excited state and has a higher energy than the, para ,form, it is unstable and cannot be purified. At very low temperatures, the
  14. Carried out in the context of the protracted Cabinet Conflict by the Free, para ,a Libertarian do Enclave de Cabinda, but most of all, the dilapidation of the
  15. Becomes important for which the are substitution patterns or tho, meta,and, para ,are devised. For example, three isomers exist for crest because the methyl
  16. Stevens, Australian novelist (d. 1997) *1912 – Maj-Gen John Frost, British, para , commander (d. 1993) *1917 – Wilfred Noyce, English mountaineer (d. 1962)
  17. That time are stamped" Not valid for travel to Iraq" ( Tagalog: Hindi valid, para ,SA paglalakbay SA Iraq). South Korea does not consider travel
  18. At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen gas contains about 25 % of the, para ,form and 75 % of the or tho form, also known as the" normal form ". The
  19. Comes from the Greek παράλυσις," disabling of the nerves ", itself from παρά (, para ,)," beside, by " + λύσις (Luis)," loosing" and that from λύω (duo),"
  20. Superimposed on an image of the flag of Andalusia reads Andalusia POR SI, para ,España y la Humanized (" Andalusia by herself, for Spain and Humanity" ).
  21. Pattern nomenclature common for homo aromatic systems (or tho, meta, para , ) are used sometimes. Here α (or tho),β (meta) and γ ( para ) refer to the
  22. Manifestation of God through a complex system of reality. Paraphilia (in Greek, para ,παρά beside and -Philip φιλία friendship, having the meaning of love) is a
  23. By one, two and three carbon-carbon bonds, later named or tho, meta and, para ,isomers respectively. The counting of possible isomers for derivatives was
  24. Best Costume Design for Gabriella Vespucci. Like Water for Chocolate (Como Agra, para ,chocolate),a 1989 love story by novelist Laura Esquivel, was adapted to film
  25. Alliance for the Peoples of Our America" ( Spanish: Albania Bolivarian, para ,Los Pueblos de Nuestra America). Demographics Ethnic groups The inhabitants of
  26. Members of the extinct hominin genus Paranthropus (from Greek παρα, para ," beside "; άνθρωπος, ánthropos" human" ), were bipedal hominids that
  27. And through the Collection de Documentos de Indias, as well as in the Documents, para ,la Historian de México of Ycazbalceta. There are a number of reprints and
  28. Para Alumnus de Secundaria) * ON MAP (Olympiad Nacional de Matemáticas, para ,Alumnus de Primaria) held along with ON MAS * Olympiad de Mayo (The selective
  29. Integration agenda was further advanced by the creation of the SICK, Sistema, para ,la Integration Centroamericana or System for the Central American Integration.
  30. Without Borders USA, Flood The Nations, SHH,Global Brigades, and Agra, para ,el Pueblo in partnership with Aguilar at Cornell University. In addition
  31. In connection with the program for reform of the United Nations (A/51/950, para , 79),the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and
  32. Confederation of Independent Unions in the Public Sector (CIU),Kanagawa, para ,SA Malayan NG Bryan (MALAYAN),the National Labor Union (NLU),Parties
  33. Clause in order that you/she/we have ... would be translated to Portuguese as, para ,tears/ELA TER/terms ... (European Portuguese is a null-subject language).
  34. Was coined in or around 1889 by philosopher Max Despair, and originates from, para ,meaning" alongside ", and psychology. The term was adopted by J. B. Rhine in
  35. Or chlorination of phenol leads to substitution on all carbons or tho and, para ,to the hydroxyl group, not only on one carbon. Production Because of phenol's
  36. Ortho, meta, para ) are used sometimes. Here α (or tho),β (meta) and γ (, para ,) refer to the 2,3 and 4 position, respectively. The systematic name for the
  37. For their thermal properties. The catalyzed interconversion between, para ,and or tho H₂ increases with increasing temperature; thus rapidly condensed H₂
  38. Program for the Conservation of the Brazilian Rain Forests (Program Pilot, para ,a Protect was Forests Tropical do Brazil—PPG-7) was supported by the world
  39. 2009–2010 (October): 13–14. * Kohl, Jerome. 2009b. " Hoffman/Esperanza, para ,violin, viola e violoncello (2007): 9ª hora de Slang, as 24 horas do did ".
  40. Technology and Higher Education (MATES) itself and the MCTES's Mindanao, para ,a Council e Technology (FCT). The largest R&D units of the public
  41. Parties Renovation Costariccense). * Union for Change Party (Parties Union, para ,el Cam bio). * National Restoration Party (Parties Restoration National --
  42. Fifth, on the Honduras expedition, is contained in volume IV of the Documents, para ,la Historian de España. The important letter mentioned in the text has been
  43. 1987 ISBN 0930462211 *Hardware La Terra (in Spanish): Enemas Biblical, para ,la Economic Political (Biblical Principles for Economics),1987 ISBN
  44. Removed from each other (meta),or two positions removed from each other (, para ,). Tylenol has two methyl groups in addition to the hydroxyl group, and,for
  45. H₂ contains large quantities of the high-energy or tho form that converts to the, para ,form very slowly. The or tho/ para ratio in condensed H₂ is an important
  46. Times, such incidences are rare. However, according to the SGDRN (Societal, para ,a Gestapo e Desenvolvimento the Reserve do NASA Mozambique),attacks on humans
  47. From the Greek" παράνοια" ( para noia)," madness" and that from" παρά" (, para ,)," beside, by " +" νόος" ( news)," mind ". The term was used to describe
  48. Precognition, telekinesis and telepathy. The term is based on the Greek, para ,(beside/beyond),psyche (soul/mind),and logos (account/explanation) and
  49. Olympiad Ibero-American de Matematicas, para ,Estudiantes Universities (similar to Olympiad Ibero-American de Matematica
  50. De Music 2009–2010 (October): 18. * Kohl, Jerome. 2009c. " Conceit/Belize, para ,clarinet Diego, flauta e compete (2006): 6ª hora de Slang, as 24 horas do

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