Examples of the the word, firewall , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firewall ), is the 6270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Insisted his client had only run unsupervised tests to help design an improved, firewall , whereas trial records indicated the youth showed no remorse and had expressed
  2. Be kept up-to-date with new pattern files at least every few days. The use of a, firewall ,is also recommended. In the April–June 2008,issue of IEEE Transactions on
  3. As seen on the inside of a newly constructed townhouse unit, showing how the, firewall ,goes past the roofline. File: Firewall_Electrical_Substation. JPG|Example of a
  4. Availability software, and a grid management package called Sun Grid Engine and, firewall ,software such as Sunscreen. For Network Equipment Providers and
  5. Codenamed" Springboard" ), which included a major revision to the included, firewall ,that was renamed to Windows Firewall and became enabled by default, Data
  6. Firewall Linux Mandrake 7.2 had a version tailored specifically for use as a, firewall , known as Single Network Firewall (SNF). Its successor, based on Mandrake 8.2
  7. Protected from unauthorized external access by means of a network gateway and, firewall , For smaller companies, intranets may be created simply by using private IP
  8. If a magic packet sent over the Internet is routed to it. This requires any, firewall ,to be set up to allow entry of the Wake-on-LAN signal to a specified port. The
  9. Windows Update, and the new Windows Firewall. Third-party antivirus and, firewall ,applications can interface with the new Security Center. Service Pack 2b In
  10. Detection/prevention systems. Most modern operating systems include a software, firewall , which is enabled by default. A software firewall can be configured to allow or
  11. Of the vehicle. In the event of an accident, resulting in fuel spillage,the, firewall ,can prevent burning fuel from entering the passenger compartment, where it
  12. Segment size) in the initial packet that sets up the TCP connection at one's, firewall , RFC 4821,Marketization Layer Path MTU Discovery, describes a Path MTU
  13. The third iteration is named MNF 2 and is based upon Mandrakelinux 10.0. These, firewall ,distributions are designed to provide security for computer networks, and can
  14. To attack other systems on the same network to avoid restrictions such as, firewall ,configurations, which may prohibit direct access to all machines. For example
  15. Substation in the event of a mineral oil tank rupture and ignition. The, firewall ,serves as a fire containment wall between one oil-filled transformer and other
  16. And Unix-like systems, both protocols must be enabled inbound through the, firewall , There are also traceroute implementations that use TCP packets, such as
  17. Journalists usually rely on top management to create and maintain a ", firewall ," between the news and other departments in a news organization to prevent
  18. Telnet or FTP, and not have to be threatened by a security breach because the, firewall ,would deny all traffic trying to connect to the service on that port. An
  19. Of load distribution based on TCP sessions. The device may include a stateful, firewall , a VPN concentrator, or be an IPsec security gateway. Layer 7 Layer 7 switches
  20. Systems include a software firewall , which is enabled by default. A software, firewall ,can be configured to allow or deny network traffic to or from a service or
  21. Between WAN routers as places for analytic modules. Some vendors provide, firewall , network intrusion detection, and performance analysis modules that can plug
  22. Organizing sound Schools Other * Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance, a network, firewall ,* Adaptive Security Algorithm is a proprietary algorithm that run on Cisco
  23. Type 8) instead, as used by the Windows tracer utility. If a network has a, firewall ,and operates both MS Windows and Unix-like systems, both protocols must be
  24. A typical conversion of a production car for rallying will include a metal, firewall ,which seals the fuel tank off from the interior of the vehicle. In the event of
  25. Suggestions include deploying Microsoft Windows behind a hardware or software, firewall , running antivirus and anti-spyware software, and installing patches as they
  26. A Firewall used to inhibit the spread of a fire at an electrical substation. A, firewall ,is a fireproof barrier used to prevent the spread of fire between or through
  27. Referring to a firewall unless distinguishing between them is necessary. * A, firewall ,is a wall separating transformers, structures,or buildings or a wall
  28. Where it could cause serious injury or death. In regular stock cars,the, firewall ,separates the engine compartment from the cabin and can, at times, contain
  29. By bonding the sheet metal to the bodywork using fiberglass resin. The term, firewall ,is also commonly used by automotive mechanics to refer to the barrier between
  30. Users from launching simple flooding type attacks from machines behind the, firewall , Some stateful firewall s, like OpenBSD's pf (4) packet filter, can act as a
  31. Constant K (-look) *Port knocking, a method of externally opening ports on a, firewall ,Sports Other *Philosopher king, the hypothetical Guardians of Plato's utopia
  32. Are too deep in the network hierarchy. Routers may be affected even before the, firewall ,gets the traffic. Nonetheless, firewall s can effectively prevent users from
  33. A fire are critical to selecting and installing a firewall . For example,a, firewall ,designed to meet National Fire Protection Agency, ( NFPA),221-09 section
  34. Materials in precast concrete. Refractory concrete is designed to allow a, firewall ,to retain considerable strength and impact resistance at extreme temperatures (
  35. State. For example, configuration requirements may be different for a network, firewall ,that functions as part of an organization's Internet boundary versus one that
  36. Effectively giving the attacker full network access as if they were behind the, firewall , Typically, the proxy or VPN applications enabling pivoting are executed on the
  37. Who cannot download the program onto their computer (for various reasons, like, firewall , for instance). ICQ2Go uses a ‘ port-80’ browser for this type of
  38. It also introduced a built-in tool called Loki for configuring the, firewall ,capabilities. In version 6 Red Hat moved to glib 2.1,egcs-1.2,and to the 2.2
  39. If the content control software is installed on an Internet gateway or, firewall , Products and services Some ISPs offer parental control options. Some offer
  40. Code base allows it to talk with the server, running inside it can bypass the, firewall , An applet may also try DoS attacks on the server where it is hosted but
  41. The common use of language typically includes all three when referring to a, firewall ,unless distinguishing between them is necessary. * A firewall is a wall
  42. Also have some extensive knowledge of commercially-available antivirus and, firewall ,software. This has become known as a" drive-by download ", which leaves the
  43. Businesses allow users within their intranet to access public internet through, firewall ,servers. They have the ability to screen messages coming and going keeping
  44. Be blocking ICMP traffic, or high port UDP in UNIX ping, to a site. Note that a, firewall ,may permit ICMP packets but not permit packets of other protocols. Traceroute
  45. A dedicated solution to spyware and malware. Zone Labs, creator of Zone Alarm, firewall ,have also released an anti-spyware program. Anti-spyware programs can combat
  46. The fluid mechanics of blood within the heart. This structure is an impermeable, firewall ,that excludes both blood and electrical influence (except through anatomical
  47. Iris characteristics. * Where you are, for example inside or outside a company, firewall , or proximity of login location to a personal GPS device. Authorization
  48. As part of the overall security strategy. Separate from the router may be a, firewall ,or VPN handling device, or the router may include these and other security
  49. That may exist during a fire are critical to selecting and installing a, firewall , For example, a firewall designed to meet National Fire Protection Agency, (
  50. Center, a bundle of McAfee antivirus, CA anti-spyware, and proprietary, firewall ,and phishing protection software. The software was offered free of charge, but

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