Examples of the the word, spec , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spec ), is the 6365 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Captioning (working to the CEA-608 NTSC spec rather than the CEA-708 DTV, spec ,). The captions are then run through transcodes made by companies like EEG
  2. Require any emissions' equipment, made. They also differed visually from the US, spec ,model by not having the US cars' low-speed impact bumpers and the round
  3. With modules of varying sizes and shapes. Designed with the existing NTR AK, spec ,in mind, is fully compatible with such modules. *Z-Bend Track, uses a double
  4. Almost another decade, with The Curse of Chain. This book was also written on, spec ,and offered up to a book auction. This time, she met with considerable critical
  5. Was a change in body styling for all 2001/2002 models, and the 2001/2002 GT, spec ,also had a change in engine management and power output was increased from to.
  6. Ferrari appealed for spec ial permission for Schumacher to test in a 2009, spec , car but Williams, Red Bull and Too Ross were against this test. Schumacher
  7. Proposes to Angel and she accepts. The movie ends with the troupe mounting a ", spec ," to open their improvised performance, which will keep the show in the black
  8. Old French word spice, which became epic, and which came from the Latin root, spec , the noun referring to" appearance, sort,kind ": spec ies has the same root.
  9. 8,12,and 24 modes. A rumored 256 color modes (detailed in the original Andy, spec ,for the TIME) The 6809 in the Coco 1 and 2 ran at 0.895 MHz; the Coco 3 runs
  10. Such as hen bane, jimson weed and Angel's Trumpets (Data resp. Brugmansia, spec , ), and cork wood (DuBois spec ies). Scopolamine exerts its effects by acting
  11. Of removing all immediate mode and fixed functionality (non-shader mode),the, spec ,included them as deprecated features. The proposed object model was not
  12. That it wished to address before releasing the spec ification. As a result,the, spec ,was delayed, and the Thrones group went into a media blackout until the release
  13. Mind for the two leading characters, Shyamalan began to write Unbreakable as a, spec ,script during post-production on The Sixth Sense. With the financial and
  14. Of production, power increased to matching that of the previous year's Le Mans, spec ,cars and the base model 944 (itself retuned by for 1988). This was achieved
  15. A street look with steel tube-framed silhouette bodies powered by carburetor, spec ,V8 engines. For Info about the 2010 season please check the 2010 in NASCAR
  16. A convector Kin \to K. Thus, points in n-space, thought of as the max, spec ,of R=Km_1,\dots, x_n, correspond precisely to 1-dimensional representations of
  17. Negative-4.940656458412465E-324 -1.797693134862231E+308 The, spec ,also defines several spec ial values that are not defined numbers, and are known
  18. And processes them automatically. Only JMS support is required by the Java EE, spec , but Message Driven Beans can support other messaging protocols. Such protocols
  19. HTML spec and did not provide them with the necessary support to use the HTML, spec ,correctly. Standards W3C/IETF Standards (over Internet protocol suite):
  20. As the Syn clavier system components were almost entirely military and aviation, spec ,), and the rapidly increasing capabilities of personal computers, MIDI-enabled
  21. MIDI standard. Extensions Many extensions of the original official MIDI 1.0, spec , have been standardized by MMA/MSC. The General MIDI Level 1 (" GM" )
  22. Provide the same base level of technologies (namely, the Java EE, spec ,and the associated APIs),they can differ considerably with re spec t to extra
  23. Volatility, but advanced ionization techniques allow one to obtain the" mass, spec ," of virtually any organic compound. * Crystallography is an unambiguous method
  24. The JARS spec ification does explicitly support EMB. Following the JARS, spec , Stateless- and Singleton session beans can be root resources via the @Path
  25. Merged its GT classes along with its LMP classes. This allowed room for its new, spec ," Challenge" classes in both prototype and GT. The LMC and GTC cars are
  26. Tables illustrating the transfer limits are shown in Chapter 5 of the USB, spec , For synchronous devices like audio streams, the bandwidth is constant, and
  27. 95 mm (height). Storage * Removable memory card: 2 KB or 68-pin REID very. 3, spec , memory ** Any 68-pin memory that fits the REID very. 3 spec will work
  28. Sold a screenplay entitled The Flickering Light),that he was selling another, spec , Proving Ground, to Tom Cruise and United Artists. In 2008,Kaczyński wrote a
  29. Series such as the IndyCar Series which allows teams to purchase chassis, and ", spec ,series" such as GP2,which require all cars be kept to an identical
  30. For Unbreakable. In return, Disney purchased Shyamalan's screenplay at a ", spec ,script record" for $5 million. He was also given another $5 million to direct.
  31. 50 ohm load, with the resultant voltage being 0.224 volts. There are times when, spec ,sheets may show the voltage & power level e.g. −120 dBm = 0.224 microvolts.
  32. Group went into a media blackout until the release of the final OpenGL 3.0, spec , The final spec ification proved far less revolutionary than the Longs Peak
  33. Octets encoding. Again, reading the definition of the submit_SM PDU from the, spec ,will make all this clearer. Hex dump 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
  34. Site creators who represented the majority of the intended users of the HTML, spec ,and did not provide them with the necessary support to use the HTML spec
  35. That" extend" the 87a definition via a mechanism already defined in the 87a, spec , ) consist of the sentinel, an additional byte spec ifying the type of extension
  36. Up in the automotive press for its very poor performance, e spec ially in its US, spec ,cars. With only 95-110 hp, rapid acceleration was simply not an option, but the
  37. Consisting of a new ECU and exhaust for and torque. The price for the higher, spec ,car was £27,495. http://www.rb5ownersclub.co.uk/tech spec .asp. There was also an
  38. Upgraded suspension and cosmetically upgraded interior and exterior. In Le Mans, spec , the S' 2.5 liter engine produced an additional, taking the total to 160. The
  39. Story a spec t of his outline, Shyamalan began to write the screenplay as a, spec ,script with Bruce Willis already set to star in the film and Samuel L. Jackson
  40. Group of the W3C in order to" take part in ensuring future versions of the SVG, spec ,will meet the needs of developers and end users," although no plans for SVG
  41. Most, if not all, screenwriters start their careers writing on spec ulation (, spec ,), meaning they write without being hired or paid for it. When such a script is
  42. Agency (UTA),where his representative, Andrew Canada, suggested he write a, spec ,script to" reintroduce himself to the town as a screenwriter ". Ball pitched
  43. Done using tools designed for analog captioning (working to the CEA-608 NTSC, spec ,rather than the CEA-708 DTV spec ). The captions are then run through
  44. An animation proclaiming" THE 100MEGA SHOCK! ". The original ROM size, spec ,was later enhanced on cartridges with bank switching memory technology
  45. One class for Grand Touring cars which allows production-based GT racers at a, spec ,somewhere between FIA GT2 and GT3 in terms of modification (e.g. the Porsche
  46. No fewer than 275 dedicated race cars (7 RS Spider LMP2 prototypes,37 GT2, spec ,911 GT3-RSRs,and 231 911 GT3 Cup vehicles). Pronunciation of" Porsche" In
  47. 68-pin REID very. 3 spec memory ** Any 68-pin memory that fits the REID very. 3, spec , will work Collecting Home cartridges There is a thriving collector's scene for
  48. And used the K27 turbocharger from the Turbo S, and an international, spec ,version which used a KKK L41 turbocharger producing 350 bhp and was reduced to
  49. The body fully defines cursors and subprograms, and so implements the, spec , They are stored permanently in USER_SOURCE system table. Two advantages of
  50. Her first foray into fantasy was The Spirit Ring. She wrote the book" on, spec ,", shopped it around, and found low offers, sending her back to Been Books

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