Examples of the the word, redesign , in a Sentence Context

The word ( redesign ), is the 6380 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The 1948 launch of the 48-215,Holden revised its logo and commissioned another, redesign ,in 1972 to better represent the company. The emblem was reworked once more in
  2. Television set. Game Boy Micro In September 2005,Nintendo released a second, redesign ,of the Game Boy Advance. This model, dubbed the Game Boy Micro, is similar in
  3. Parts of the whole design, and he often returned to earlier commissions to, redesign ,internal fittings. Some built-in furniture remains, while other
  4. Profile was changed from high-altitude to low-altitude, terrain-following. The, redesign ,delayed the B-2's first flight by two years and added about US$1 billion to
  5. As lacking the" flow" of such classics as Spa-Francorchamps and IMOCA. His, redesign ,of the Oppenheim circuit in Germany for example, while providing more capacity
  6. Smallest integrated game pad ever created. * Banzai Swan Crystal (2002) - Minor, redesign ,of WonderS wan Color * N-Gage (2003) - Game system and GSM cell phone (first
  7. A vote, the Main Page of the English-language Wikipedia featured its first, redesign ,in nearly two years. * On 13 May 2010,the site released a new interface. New
  8. Formally inaugurated by Queen Elizabeth II in May 1969. In 2005,substantial, redesign ,and redevelopment of the terminal saw the opening of the new Eastern Extension
  9. USB charge, and other changes. * PlayStation Portable-3000 (2008) - Minor, redesign ,of the current PSP Slim & Lite, including brighter screen, built in mic, and a
  10. Be able to be added and removed as needed without significant data layout, redesign ,.; Security: For security reasons, it is desirable to limit who can see or
  11. Be that ACLs appeared to offer a 'quick fix' for security without pervasive, redesign ,of the operating system and hardware. The most secure computers are those not
  12. Then the supervising architect to the Bureau of Reclamation, was brought in to, redesign ,the exteriors. Kaufmann greatly streamlined the design, and applied an elegant
  13. The faculty member. This phenomenon is known as a deletion anomaly. Minimize, redesign ,when extending the database structure When a fully normalized database
  14. Air defense systems. A new Patriot,PAC-3,was developed and tested—a complete, redesign ,of the PAC-2 deployed during the war, including a totally new missile. The
  15. Parts of Greater Des Moines. The northeast Mix master has also undergone a, redesign ,with wider lanes and redesign of bridges allowing easier traffic flow in all
  16. Problems and operational disadvantages. Follow-on programs A cheaper, redesign , Interim HOTEL or HOTEL 2,to be launched from the back of a modified Antonov
  17. Ownership group in 1995 were to be discontinued. While some fans applauded the, redesign , most of the reaction to the new color scheme, which included the changing of
  18. Compelling games, and Nintendo's aggressive marketing campaign, and despite a, redesign ,in 1991,the Lynx became a commercial failure. Despite this, companies like
  19. Way that was initially unexpected during the development and required a major, redesign , Due to the high alpha needed at rotation, a small set of wheels were added aft
  20. Similar to the L-1011's. However, engineering studies showed that a total, redesign ,of the 747 wing would be necessary. Maintaining the same 747 handling
  21. Life Support System (PLSS). According to veteran moon-walker John Young,a, redesign ,of the LM to incorporate a smaller hatch had not been followed by a redesign of
  22. Failures occurred in stringers, spars and ribs. Some $100 million was spent to, redesign ,the wing structure; the wing failed at 145 % during a second test in September
  23. Was produced, in turn creating the Thoroughbred-B. A significant aspect of this, redesign ,was the addition of another ninth" metal layer" to the already quite complex
  24. The northeast Mix master has also undergone a redesign with wider lanes and, redesign ,of bridges allowing easier traffic flow in all directions along Interstates 35
  25. Console. The" CPC" abbreviation has been dropped from the model names. The, redesign ,significantly enhanced the CPC hardware, mainly to rectify its previous
  26. Exceed the performance of Intel's newer processors would require a significant, redesign , The K7 derived Athlon were replaced in March 2003 by
  27. Society was changing, politicians and other influential figures made plans to, redesign ,large parts of it. There was an increasing demand for office buildings and new
  28. Was introduced. Valve train problems in early Knucklehead engines required a, redesign ,halfway through its first year of production and retrofitting of the new
  29. To revoke the project's environmental certificate and forced the project to, redesign ,the river crossing again. Swiss Engineer Christian Men took over the design of
  30. Errors. The design of this ticker was slightly altered with the 2007 graphics, redesign ,and from June turned red to indicate breaking news, as New swatch reported
  31. Windows 95's MS-DOS was not really DOS at all. It also featured a significant, redesign ,of the GUI, dubbed " Cairo ". While Cairo never really materialized, parts of
  32. New version was called GP32 FLU (Front Light Unit). In summer 2004,another, redesign , the GP32 BLU, was made, and added a backlit screen. This version of the
  33. But it was not particularly successful and was eliminated in a significant, redesign ,(USN, Mk. 1 to Mk. 1A). Multiplication was done by mechanisms based on the
  34. The World Of Tomorrow” not just in its emphasis on the future, but also in its, redesign ,of the American landscape. The highway system was supported within a one-acre
  35. A redesign of the LM to incorporate a smaller hatch had not been followed by a, redesign ,of the PLSS backpack, so some of the highest heart rates recorded from Apollo
  36. Enterprises simply automate flawed client-facing processes rather than, redesign ,them according to best practices. * Poor integration: For many companies
  37. LCD screen, and an internal front-light that can be toggled on and off. The, redesign ,was intended to address some common complaints about the original Game Boy
  38. Rifle used by armies around the world had been growing shorter, either by, redesign ,or by the general issue of carbine versions instead of full-length rifles. For
  39. During the 1930s,the architect Le Cor busier drew up plans for a complete, redesign ,of the colonial city. Le Cor busier was highly critical of the urban style of
  40. For doing the right thing, but expresses optimism in our ability to design and, redesign ,our approach to moral problems. In" The Future of an Idea ", the book's last
  41. Of the update process, the Italian company Pininfarina has been contracted to, redesign ,the interiors, and The Yard Creative was selected to design the new buffet cars
  42. Gear but subsequent flights went more smoothly. Early testing resulted in, redesign ,of the air intakes, including the distinctive addition of 12,500 holes to "
  43. As well as the experimental chassis' strength. The team embarked on a complete, redesign ,of the car, which became known as the Mk IV. The Mk IV, a newer design with a
  44. To broadcasters. Other work In 1978 Barney Bubbles was responsible for the, redesign ,of weekly music paper the ME, including a new logo design (which is no longer
  45. Designs means that for future gun upgrades there's no longer the necessity to, redesign ,the turret to include a larger breech or caliber gun barrel. Several countries
  46. The darker themes and mood of the early films in the series. The film's, redesign ,of Godzilla's facial features, giving him a darker appearance, would make the
  47. Tested, one of Kalashnikov's assistants, Aleksandr Cayuse, suggested a major, redesign ,of AK-1,particularly to improve reliability. At first, Kalashnikov was
  48. Consoles or arcade systems save for name * Game Boy Pocket (1996) - Slimmer, redesign ,of Game Boy * Game Boy Pocket Light (1997) - Japanese only backlit version of
  49. Mic, and a PS button replacing the Home Button * Nintendo DSI (2008) - Small, redesign ,of the Nintendo DS Lite. Some changes include built in internet, camera,use of
  50. The maintainers of GIMP to oversee the formation of a usability team and the, redesign ,of Gimps UI to provide a Single Window mode to be released in GIMP 2.8. In

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