Examples of the the word, despair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( despair ), is the 6381 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Duty. By now, the war is nearing its end and the German Army is retreating. In, despair , Paul watches as his friends fall one by one. It is the death of Kat that
  2. Tenor of the 16th century ". At the age of 75,alone and in mental and physical, despair , he completed the work as one of his 14 Black Paintings, all of which were
  3. The immense difficulties to be found here was Augustine, who labored almost to, despair ,over this problem. " Martin Heidegger refers to Augustine's descriptive
  4. Termini (opposite Hydra). The fortifications too, were allowed to fall into, despair ,and were inadequately guarded. 16th century After the fall of the Duchy of
  5. Brother Giraffe. Although both appear happy on the surface, they reveal their, despair ,: Piquette has led a miserable existence as a sexual object, and the monk
  6. Defines it in his Either/or:" Any life-view with a condition outside it is, despair , " In other words, it is possible to be in despair without despair ing. The
  7. Existentialist despair is a state one is in even when they aren't overtly in, despair , So long as a person's identity depends on qualities that can crumble, they
  8. 60–80 years. During old age, people experience a conflict between integrity vs., despair , When reflecting on their life, they either feel a sense of accomplishment or
  9. Level fell still lower; there inescapable, inhuman misery, and with it, despair , spread still more disgustingly. Ask the native population in our border
  10. Reality on which to constitute the individual's sense of identity, despair ,is a universal human condition. As Kierkegaard defines it in his Either/or: "
  11. Early in his reign. At the age of only seven, he drove his father Germanic us to, despair ,and death by secretly terrorizing him. Graves's Caligula commits incest with
  12. Down on the advice of her confessor, and he was leaving town by mule in, despair , when Ferdinand intervened. Isabella then sent a royal guard to fetch him and
  13. Expired at the end of the year. Congress had abandoned Philadelphia in, despair , although popular resistance to British occupation was growing in the
  14. One hand, and Epictetus on the other, in order to bring the unbeliever to such, despair ,and confusion that he would embrace God. Pascal's Lenses is widely considered
  15. Greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of, despair , " *" God is either of no importance, or of supreme importance. "
  16. Where he is overcome with conflicting emotions, chief among them, guilt and, despair , He goes to the police station, where he shockingly notices that Sandy's
  17. Majesty have given me cause to bury my hopes in the deep abyss and bottom of, despair ,rather than now to attempt, after so many trials made in vain & so many
  18. Depends on qualities that can crumble, they are considered to be in perpetual, despair , And as there is, in Sartre an terms, no human essence found in conventional
  19. Sincerely, in spite of many existential obstacles and distractions including, despair , angst, absurdity,alienation, and boredom. Subsequent existentialist
  20. Way in which Giant Despair a character in The Pilgrim's Progress represents, despair , he would be an allegorical figure. In reality however he is an invention
  21. Hopeless state. For example, an athlete who loses his legs in an accident may, despair ,if he has nothing else to fall back on, nothing on which to rely for his
  22. With Kronecker as a quarrel between two Jews, and Cantor's madness as Romantic, despair ,over his failure to win acceptance for his mathematics, and fills the picture
  23. They remained close throughout life, so much so that the only time Beatty felt, despair ,was at his brother's death. Beatty later wrote to his wife about Charles, we
  24. Portraits of his former companion emperor were torn down and destroyed. Deep in, despair ,and illness, Diocletian may have committed suicide. He died on December 3,311.
  25. A condition outside it is despair . " In other words, it is possible to be in, despair ,without despair ing. The Other and the Look This concept of the 'Other' has
  26. Was an ignorant and profane Deist, who died with a mind replete with horror and, despair ," was the opinion of Newark, New Jersey's Reverend Ural Ogden. His grandson
  27. That Jewish men had been marrying non-Jewish women. He tore his garments in, despair ,and confessed the sins of Israel before God, then braved the opposition of some
  28. Couple David and Lucy Mallet; and finally Gibbon's father, already " in, despair ," had enough. David Wesley has shown, however,that Gibbon's claim to
  29. Extreme neglect. The possible short-term effects of this deprivation are anger, despair , detachment, and temporary delay in intellectual development. Long-term effects
  30. Which included the deficient Belladonna. At the hospital in a state of, despair , Wilson had a physiologically induced ecstatic/hallucinogenic experience in
  31. Romantic intrigue (Ion, Iphegenia in Taurus, Helen ) *a final period of tragic, despair ,(Orestes, Phoenician Women, Bacchae) However, about 80 % of his plays have
  32. Of Beersheba until her bottle of water was completely consumed. In a moment of, despair , she burst in tears. The boy then called to God and upon hearing him, an angel
  33. Mirror Caesar's forces and let hunger do the fighting for him. Caesar began to, despair ,and used every channel he could think of to pursue peace with Pompey. When this
  34. It's very therapeutic when it's quite empty. It's so hard in a moment of, despair ,not to say a prayer. Instead of abandoning (Catholicism),which is impossible
  35. 1885),and Love and Pain) or as the cause of great longing, jealousy and, despair ,(see Separation, Jealousy and Ashes). Munch often uses shadows and rings of
  36. And dinner. During the retreat to Portugal in 1811,he subsisted, to the, despair ,of his staff who dined with him, on " cold meat and bread ". He was, however
  37. To the goddess Ishtar/Ivanna/Ashe rah. Lilith ran into the wilderness in, despair , She then is depicted in the Talmud and Kabbalah as first wife to God's first
  38. Notion of despair apart from the dictionary definition is that existentialist, despair ,is a state one is in even when they aren't overtly in despair . So long as a
  39. End the game (with Melville losing).: A straggling few got up to go in deep, despair , The rest: Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;: They
  40. Perspective (Campbell 6). These constructed women lift Christine up from her, despair ,over the misogyny prevalent in her time. Together, they create a forum to speak
  41. Of poison gas into the bunker's air intake. Speer stated his motive was, despair ,at realizing that Hitler intended to take the German people down with him.
  42. The potato as their staple food. By 1848,Mayo was a county of total misery and, despair , with any attempts at alleviating measures in complete disarray. There are
  43. That pessimism as a denial of" the promise of American life ... the counsel of, despair , " The prohibition issue solidified the wet vote for Roosevelt, who noted that
  44. Regardless of the sins' people commit and that the soul can be delivered from, despair ,through the mercy of God," Amazing Grace" is one of the most recognizable
  45. In some versions, the destruction of her loom leads Arachne to hang herself in, despair ,; Athena takes pity on her, and transforms her into a spider. The fable suggests
  46. As a center from which to evangelize, but the work was not successful. In, despair ,he resolved to pass on by way of Carbon to Bregenz on Lake Constance, where
  47. To be that which defined his being. What sets the existentialist notion of, despair ,apart from the dictionary definition is that existentialist despair is a state
  48. And faith in God and strengthens against temptations to discouragement, despair ,and anguish at the thought of death and the struggle of death; it prevents from
  49. Alexei asked his father for permission to become a monk. Still, Peter did not, despair , On the 26 August 1716 he wrote to Alexei from abroad, urging him, if he
  50. Pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own, despair , against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ' What we need

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