Examples of the the word, broaden , in a Sentence Context

The word ( broaden ), is the 6384 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Up the formula with added nudity and gore. Although some attempts were made to, broaden ,the range of British horror films, such as the comic Captain Kronor, Vampire
  2. With the 11th edition, the Britannica shortened and simplified articles to, broaden ,its North American market. In 1933,the Britannica became the first
  3. The construction of hydroelectric plants and new industrial incentives began to, broaden ,the industrial base. Industry was composed principally of manufacturing and
  4. Rapidly from their sources in the Paraná Plateau to the lower lands. There they, broaden ,and become sluggish as they meander westward. After heavy rains these rivers
  5. From Bank towards or. The main benefit of such an extension would be to, broaden ,the available direct transport links to the Canary Wharf site. It would create
  6. Be jeopardized, increased the number of advisers in Afghanistan. Amino worked to, broaden ,his base of support and purged the PDP of his perceived enemies. His regime
  7. Of the Andes to the lower elevations of the other regions. The highland rivers, broaden ,as they enter the more level areas of the Costa and the Oriented. In the Costa
  8. And the United States and intelligence from the Thai military. In an attempt to, broaden ,its support base, the Khmer Rouge formed the Patriotic and Democratic Front of
  9. Eugenics started helping his master expand the library's collections and, broaden ,access to its resources. At about this time Eugenics compiled a Collection of
  10. To Amos, arguing that the reference to Amos happens as the texts expand and, broaden ,their focus, and that Amos serves to disrupt the linear flow of the narrative.
  11. Nuclear weapons program, it became clear that the IAEA would have to, broaden ,the scope of its activities. Iraq was an NPT Party, and had thus agreed to
  12. Duke first felt the need for super-tribal unity, as expansion allowed them to, broaden ,their influence. Minsk and his people were described around 966 by Abraham
  13. to make them applicable to the full spectrum of emotional disorders and, broaden ,the potential for treatment to pathologies thought to be untreatable by
  14. A War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his running mate. To, broaden ,his coalition to include War Democrats as well as Republicans, Lincoln ran
  15. Written in a fairly standardized form (see below). Jazz musicians sometimes, broaden ,the term still further to embrace all slow-tempo pieces. Jazz, blues and
  16. Islamic Conference (now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation),in part to, broaden ,its base of international support but also to please the country's sizeable
  17. Became a full member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in part to, broaden ,its base of international support but also to please the country's sizable
  18. Preserving words and ideas. Although the definitions of words and ideas might, broaden , continuity (preservation) requires retention of their original are (
  19. The university introduced a new curriculum in January 2010 that was intended to, broaden ,the knowledge of graduates and to include study in general education subjects.
  20. To five-hour period. The indictment rate is about 98-99 %; the grand jury can, broaden ,(about 1 % of the time) or narrow (about 3 % of the time) the counts in the
  21. Of many of these games for the Atari 2600 and Intellivision, in an effort to, broaden ,its market. Compared to arcade ports, the ColecoVision did not offer many games
  22. Members seek to pool their talents and resources in a collective effort to, broaden ,the scope of their children's education. They provide a classroom environment
  23. On fishing means the economy remains extremely vulnerable. The Faeroese hope to, broaden ,their economic base by building new fish-processing plants. Petroleum found
  24. The period of the communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Amino tried to, broaden ,his internal base of support and to bring the interest of Pakistan and the
  25. In 1994. They were designed to soften rum's aggressive image (below) and, broaden ,its appeal from the traditional older male drinker to a more sociable audience.
  26. Water in the liquid state possesses many molecular interactions which, broaden ,the absorption peak. In the vapor phase, isolated water molecules absorb in
  27. Was named to replace Hamlin as Lincoln's running mate. Lincoln was seeking to, broaden ,his base support and was also looking ahead to Southern Reconstruction, at
  28. And growth: *To reshape the role of the Government in the economy and to, broaden ,private sector participation *To diversify the economic base and sources of
  29. In the country. To the east, near the Nicaraguan border, the Caribbean lowlands, broaden ,to an extensive area known as the Mosquito. Unlike the western part of the
  30. Council with the Consultative Assembly (Males Alisha) to systematize and, broaden ,public participation in government. The Assembly has 83 elected members with
  31. The FJ to New Zealand. Exports to New Zealand have continued ever since, but to, broaden ,their export potential, Holden began to cater their Commodore, Monaro and
  32. Itch (1955). Limited by typecasting, Monroe studied at the Actors Studio to, broaden ,her range, and her dramatic performance in Bus Stop (1956) was hailed by
  33. Of the witnesses and legal questions of the prosecutors. The ability to, broaden ,or narrow indictments does technically allow for grand juries to open new
  34. Dissenters, and Quakers such as William Penn the Younger. Such attempts to, broaden ,his basis of support succeeded in antagonizing members of the Anglican
  35. Companies. In order to help maintain economic stability, the Bank attempts to, broaden ,understanding of its role, both through regular speeches and publications by
  36. Of music and musical composition. In the arts tradition, music is also used to, broaden ,skills of non-musicians by teaching skills such as concentration and listening.
  37. Fantasy films set in ancient times on the planet Earth, and still others would, broaden ,the term to encompass films that have no fantastic elements whatsoever. To some
  38. Robert Borden attempted to form a coalition with the opposition Liberals to, broaden ,support for controversial conscription legislation. The Liberal Party refused
  39. Which could eventually emerge as a competitor to APEC. France is seeking to, broaden ,its commercial presence in China and will pose a competitive challenge to U. S.
  40. Back and forth. But Suburbia wanted to appeal to children's sensibilities and, broaden ,the genre's audience. This approach was favored by Too and to this end, King
  41. Of earphone guides in 1975,including an English version in 1982,helped, broaden ,the art's appeal. As a result, in 1991 the Kabuki began year-round
  42. Represent the vast majority of tourists. Recently, El Salvador has attempted to, broaden ,its tourist base and increase the number of visitors from Europe and South
  43. Recordings. Little had her husband play classical music in church concerts to, broaden ,his skill and improve his solo play, and she prodded him into wearing more
  44. Objective was achieved, Nevada-Semipalatinsk made various attempts to, broaden ,into a more general political movement; it has not pursued a broad ecological
  45. Maturity and musical intelligence. It was these traits which helped them, broaden ,metal's scope. " Bernett's misprint In 1984,the French record label Bennett
  46. Exploratory age" and" toy age. " When children attend preschool, they, broaden , their social horizons and become more engaged with those around them. Impulses
  47. Changes, including the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, have been proposed to, broaden ,the scope of the audits. Bloomberg L. P. News brought a lawsuit against the
  48. Disraeli even favored certain concessions to the" free traders" in order to, broaden ,the support for the Conservative Party. This position brought him unpopularity
  49. The state religion of the empire. With Christianity in power, ethical concerns, broaden ,and included discussions of the proper role of the state. Render unto Caesar …
  50. Secrets of the human psyche, make an especial appeal to the layman seeking to, broaden ,his knowledge of life ... For years, ever since it was first published, the

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