Examples of the the word, irony , in a Sentence Context

The word ( irony ), is the 6369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Don Quixote makes ample figural use of contradiction, inversion,and, irony , such as the names protecting the thighs. The Spanish suffix -one denotes the
  2. Along the equator is considerable. Several scholars have remarked on the, irony ,of the projection's undistorted presentation of the mid-latitudes, including
  3. Too dark and too sociologically acute to readily consume as camp. ) Where the, irony ,with which Reefer Madness was adopted as a midnight favorite had its roots in a
  4. And led to freedom of expression. In addition, the positivity, lack of, irony , and earnestness of the hippies informed proto-disco music like M. F. S. B. is
  5. 7.5 million and started play in the AFL's Eastern Division in 1966. It is an, irony ,of professional sports history, that the two cities that disdained AFL
  6. The character of God in the story is progressively revealed through the use of, irony , In the first part of the book, God is depicted as relentless and wrathful; in
  7. Man – Porfirio Díaz – for so long had made Mexico sick. Madero pointed out the, irony ,that in 1871,Porfirio Díaz's political slogan had been" No Reelection ".
  8. Between 1776 and 1788. The Decline and Fall is known for the quality and, irony ,of its prose, its use of primary sources, and its open criticism of organized
  9. The disillusionment of European Dada and was instead driven by a sense of, irony ,and humor. In his book Adventures in the arts: informal chapters on painters
  10. Kennedy's' songs mixed deliberately extreme lyrics with satire, sarcasm,and, irony ,of social and political issues of the 1980s. In the late 1980s,the band was
  11. Who bridged past musical stage romance into the modern musical era of, irony ,and neurosis. Follies is a blend of both, and the new production is rounded out
  12. Subject to alteration by a legislature's statute. One could note a certain, irony ,: one of the first acts of many of the newly independent states was to adopt the
  13. Free-market system as represented by the US. The Economist noted, however,the, irony ,that in order to achieve the goal the Apollo program was successful by
  14. This essay is widely held to be one of the greatest examples of sustained, irony ,in the history of the English language. Much of its shock value derives from
  15. Outlandish characters, bizarre situations, and equal parts suspense, slapstick, irony , satire, black humor and biting social commentary, Li'l Abner is considered a
  16. A plotand themes. It also relies heavily on such literary devices as, irony , Setting The story of Jonah is set against the background of Ancient Israel in
  17. To the advancement of the plot, to the creation of atmosphere and metafictional, irony , It is this last aspect that is most prevalent in the novels found in Deus Ex
  18. Following chapter to a discussion of ambergris, with special attention to the, irony ,that" fine ladies and gentlemen should regale themselves with an essence found
  19. Which often include alliteration, metaphor,word play and a more or less gentle, irony , have also received praise for their sophistication. Although DiFranco's music
  20. Wolf Henri in the Poetic Edda poem Völuspá. Folklorist John Window sees, irony ,in the fact that Odin feeds one Free at his dinner table and
  21. As straight ones. She argued that Barney had formulated his report with undue, irony ,and skepticism, and that he had failed to take into account the reasons for the
  22. He did not stop chewing narcotic preparations, and did not lose his sense of, irony , He wrote: Military career In 1495,At only twelve years of age, Babur obtained
  23. That more cities across the country have been incinerated as well; a bitter, irony ,in that the world that sought to burn is burned itself. During breakfast at
  24. Whether humorous adventures or domestic comedies) often exhibited a wry, dark, irony , born of hard experience. The 10 pagers showcased Donald as every man, struggling
  25. With colleagues and close friends Milton Ca niff and Walt Kelly),and—with an, irony ,that would become apparent later—a brand of cigarettes, ( Chesterfield). Camp
  26. Although they also employ humor, they are more serious in tone, commonly using, irony ,or satire. The art usually acts as a visual metaphor to illustrate a point of
  27. Polemic attack on the ideologies of the Italian left and has thus been regarded, irony , Honors and awards As President of the Republic, Cossiga was Head (and also
  28. Are seen as changing forms, which can be appreciated and drawn from only with, irony , Furthermore, the separation of cultures is increasingly blurred and some argue
  29. As regent for the twins, whom he has named Let and Ghana. Duncan notes the, irony ,that Paul and Chani's deaths had enabled them to triumph against their enemies
  30. Poe also wrote satires, humor tales, and hoaxes. For comic effect, he used, irony ,and ludicrous extravagance, often in an attempt to liberate the reader from
  31. Interest. This may be accomplished by communicating a sense of playfulness or, irony , Double entendres, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another more
  32. S work has been praised for its style, his piquant epigrams and its effective, irony , Winston Churchill memorably noted," I set out upon ... Gibbon's Decline and
  33. Particularly so in his examination of the" social purity" movement, he used, irony , misdirection and satire to make his point. At a meeting of the Eugenics
  34. In which machines turn humans into zombie slaves. Hobbes comments about the, irony ,of machines controlling people instead of the other way around; Calvin then
  35. And since he was Malvern's local member it was named in his memory. The, irony ,of commemorating him with a swimming pool has been the source of wry amusement
  36. Performing all right, since " trendy twenty-somethings were throwing Showgirls, irony ,parties, laughing sardonically at the implausibly poor screenplay and shrieking
  37. The Epimenides paradox. Epimenides himself does not appear to have intended any, irony ,or paradox in his statement," Cretans, always liars ", nor did Callimachus
  38. 26,where the prophets of Baal frantically dance. Elijah speaks with sharp, irony ,: in the religious ambivalence of Israel, she is engaging in a wild and futile
  39. Culture, philosophy and science, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony ,and aphorism. Nietzsche's influence remains substantial within and beyond
  40. For family-friendly airplay, which has been claimed by the band to be a play on, irony ,of sorts of the messages of their classic hits. 2007–present In an April 2007
  41. The entertainment more like a tragedy and introduced a note of critical, irony ,typical of his other work. His genre-bending inventiveness is shown above all
  42. With Roland-Manuel, Satie again began publicizing his thoughts, with far more, irony ,than he had done before (amongst other things, the and). With Jean Cocteau
  43. Condition, about all one can say is that conditions were bad and that Swift's, irony ,brilliantly underscored this fact ". At the start of a new industrial age in
  44. Joseph Beam, the first of the class to die in battle. In an example of tragic, irony , Beam was the only one who did not want to enter the war. Keynote is a
  45. Reduction of the theory of self-interest to an absurdity, or the application of, irony ,to the ethics of ordinary convention, or a mere setting for a discussion about
  46. Of such chants. Apart from racism, Verona chants can display a great amount of, irony , also about themselves and their team. The core ideology of the BG has always
  47. Head in the boughs of an oak-tree as the mule he was riding ran beneath it - an, irony ,given that he was previously renowned for his abundant hair and handsome head.
  48. Was immense. The Russian historian A. N. MERS-CoV commented that" It was an, irony ,of fate that the view in the USSR was that it was Lenin who shaped the attitude
  49. Pop art merges popular and mass culture with fine art, while injecting humor, irony , and recognizable imagery and content into the mix. In October 1962 the Sidney
  50. To the imprisonment of criminals, Shaw says Shaw, however,often used satiric, irony ,in order to mock those who took eugenics to inhumane extremes and commentators

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