Examples of the the word, shy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shy ), is the 6368 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And legs and to be taller than their peers. Boys with the syndrome are often, shy ,and quiet, and have a higher incidence of speech delay and dyslexia. During
  2. Appearance on the stage at Mercers burg, as Bouquet in the play The Wolves. A, shy ,child, Stewart spent much of his after-school time in the basement working on
  3. Was he embarrassed? He later recalled how he was able to shed his own natural, shy ,persona when he stepped onto the stage:" For there I am not myself. I am not
  4. Entire city. The City of Houston's population count since January 2011 is 600, shy , of the 2.1 million and several redistricting maps have been proposed - a final
  5. Bumbling French detective, star of The Transporter movies *Amélie Plain, shy ,but kind-hearted waitress, star of 2001 film Amélie. *Jean Val jean, protagonist
  6. Century as a reinvention of the Golden Age whodunit; these novels generally, shy ,away from violence and suspense and frequently feature female amateur
  7. Row, losing 4–3 to the Cincinnati Reds on May 30. The Actors were just one loss, shy ,of tying their worst skid in franchise history, before snapping that streak the
  8. He said that she didn't appreciate his kind of singing. " He was generally too, shy ,to perform openly, and was occasionally bullied by classmates who viewed him as
  9. Was not very successful since he was seriously short-sighted and a very, shy ,man. Personal life Waring had a younger brother, Humphrey,who obtained a
  10. He had trouble being cast in Hollywood films owing to his gangling looks and, shy , humble screen presence. Aside from an unbilled appearance in a Sheep Howard
  11. For Richmond, Virginia,where he performed with Sunshine Sue Workman. Atkins's, shy ,personality worked against him, as did the fact that his sophisticated style
  12. I learned to play a little. But I would never sing in public. I was very, shy ,about it. " Entering a new school, Milam, for sixth grade in September 1946
  13. Saw it. In spite of his father's disapproval, he soon became friends with the, shy , gifted Minkowski. " In 1884,Adolf Horowitz arrived from Göttingen as an
  14. Of his new romantic interest in their first known date. At first Daisy acts, shy ,and has her back turned to her visitor. But Donald soon notices her
  15. Arid areas, and have substantially reduced the number of dingoes. Kangaroos are, shy ,and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threat to humans
  16. His Belgrade residence. His best known wife was Joanna Bros. Tito was just, shy ,of his 59th birthday, while she was 27,when they finally married in April 1952
  17. In council since he had not completed the requisite time as a captain. Just, shy ,of 39,the youngest Admiral in the Royal Navy (except for Royal family members
  18. City; and, later in the '70s,Studio 54. He was generally regarded as quiet, shy , and a meticulous observer. Art critic Robert Hughes called him" the white
  19. Into such crowds of infantry, or into charging heavy cavalry, to make horses, shy ,away. The word was rendered into German as Armenia in the earliest attested use
  20. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman showed Clark as a normal and, shy ,every man demonstrating occasional touches of clumsiness (e.g., pretending to
  21. Two). When Eddington refrained from replying, he insisted Arthur not be" so, shy ,", whereupon Eddington replied," Oh, no! I was wondering who the third one
  22. On The Tonight Show with Steve Allen in 1957. Kerouac appears intelligent but, shy , " Are you nervous? " Asks Steve Allen. " New," says Kerouac, sweating and
  23. Orion: The Atomic Spaceship 1957–1965. Friends and colleagues describe him as, shy ,and self-effacing with a contrarian streak that his friends find refreshing but
  24. You the way to complete satisfaction" ) and Powder milk Biscuits, which " give, shy ,persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done. " Later imaginary
  25. And his brother Leon was placed in foster care temporarily. Hendrix was a, shy ,and sensitive boy, deeply affected by the poverty and family disruption he
  26. Does not accuse Cyril of ordering the death of Hepatic, her work does not, shy ,away from speculating on his part in the murder. In the 2009 film Agora, Cyril
  27. New Yorker. Her mother died in West End in July 1898,when Parker was a month, shy ,of turning five. Her father remarried in 1900 to a woman named Eleanor Francis
  28. Despite his mother's and Isum's reservations, Robinson left college just, shy ,of graduation. He took a job as an assistant athletic director with the
  29. Was a charismatic, handsome and socially active man. In contrast, Eleanor was, shy ,and disliked social life, and at first stayed at home to raise their children.
  30. Is exuberant and hard-rocking, Hatfield nonetheless describes herself as very, shy ,and somewhat of a loner, and has said that" happy lyrics don't come naturally
  31. Inspiration for her nickname, the " Swedish Nightingale ". Andersen was often, shy ,around women and had extreme difficulty in proposing to Lind. When Lind was
  32. And comics dubbed Day" the world's the oldest virgin ", and audiences began to, shy ,away from her films. As a result, she slipped from the list of top box office
  33. Sea Serpent. Water Elemental Characters are commonly described as kind, timid, shy , and commonly weaker. But, some of the most dangerous natural disasters are
  34. In captivity, and found that except one animal, they remained, shy ,and vicious even after 10 months. A whole may have been presented as a gift to
  35. Takes a drink, changing posture as the other does, etc.) * Coyness, affectedly, shy , or modest, marked by cute, coquettish,or artful playfulness (e.g. pickup
  36. Fellow aficionado of sleek racing machines. Wexler was impressed by the way the, shy ,teenager handled a camera, cradling it low on his hips to get better angles. "
  37. To return the Sun and the Moon to the skies. The Maratha cycle Song 50: The, shy ,young virgin Maratha becomes impregnated from a lingonberry she ate while
  38. Britain was an acceptable one, and accordingly he argued that Germany should not, shy ,away from such challenges. Ribbentrop for his part told Hitler that Chamberlain
  39. Him as an" endearing perfectionist" with" a droll sense of humor and a, shy ,way of watching you to see if you react to that humor. " And the two gained a
  40. In 1869. In late 1892 Blaine's health failed rapidly, and he died four days, shy ,of his 63rd birthday in Washington’D. C. at the age of 62 of a heart attack.
  41. The advances of a homosexual man. Even in his later years, Wood was not, shy ,about going out in public dressed in drag as Shirley; his alter ego—female
  42. As a child. * Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle/Cat woman: Formerly a quiet and, shy ,secretary for Max Shrek, Selina transforms into Cat woman after an attempt on
  43. Of native species and spreads Tb amongst cattle. Possums can become bait, shy ,but the use of pellets containing the cyanide reduces bait shy ness. Cyanide has
  44. Léon Clade. During his early appearances at these social events, Rodin seemed, shy ,; in his later years, as his fame grew, he displayed the loquaciousness and
  45. Whistled warning calls. Behavior Like most game birds, the northern bobwhite is, shy ,and elusive. When threatened, it will crouch and freeze, relying on camouflage
  46. Third and fourth wings of flies, etc.) Woo'd with long care, CURCUMA cold and, shy ,Meets her fond husband with averted eye: Four beardless youths
  47. Season with the Reds. Hank Aaron entered opening day with 713 home runs, one, shy , of tying Babe Ruth's record of 714. The first pitch Aaron swung at in the '74
  48. Notably a small group of sperm whales live in this area year round. These are, shy ,animals, but there is a good chance of seeing them if you go out on a calm day.
  49. Not naturally prone to crime, being caring and non-violent. He was also never, shy ,of showing his liking for attractive women, and often had dates with those
  50. Often identify them as the bun yip. " Another connection to the bun yip is the, shy ,Australasian bittern (Taurus poiciloptilus). During the breeding season the

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