Examples of the the word, compulsory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compulsory ), is the 6373 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its military branches. Service obligation and manpower 21–45 years of age for, compulsory ,military service; conscript service obligation - 9 to 12 months; 17–45 years of
  2. Algeria Education is officially, compulsory ,for children between the ages of six and 15. Approximately 5 % of the adult
  3. Through negotiating licenses that provide terms within the parameters of the, compulsory ,license. Article 11bis (2) and Article 13 (1) of the Borne Convention for
  4. AJJ),plus the Territorial Air Defense Force. Service in the military is, compulsory ,for men aged 19–30,for a total of 18 months (six training and 12 in civil
  5. Instance, the autonomy of the Communities neither includes decisions about the, compulsory ,aspect nor allows for setting minimum requirements for awarding qualifications
  6. In pre-revolutionary France as set out in the Civil Code of Quebec; accepts, compulsory ,International Court of Justice jurisdiction, with reservations.; Suffrage:
  7. S. A. Education As throughout Spain, basic education in Andalusia is free and, compulsory , Students are required to complete ten years of schooling, and may not leave
  8. After their quaestorship but before their praetor ship. It was not a, compulsory ,part of the cursus, and hence a former quarter could be elected to the
  9. For compatibility to older standards and do contain some ligatures. The only, compulsory ,ligature for fonts and text processing in the basic Arabic language alphabet
  10. A passionate admirer of J. S. Bach's music. Schweitzer absolved the one year, compulsory ,military service in 1894. Schweitzer saw many operas of Richard Wagner at
  11. And adolescents with autism. Antipsychotics are sometimes used as part of, compulsory ,treatment via inpatient (hospital) commitment or outpatient commitment. This
  12. Several factors that explain the collapse of the Confederation. The lack of, compulsory ,direct taxation power was objectionable to those wanting a strong centralized
  13. Advocated passing laws (with success in some states) that established the, compulsory ,sterilization of people deemed to be, as Bell called them, a " defective
  14. Property (through taxation and expropriation),initiate aggression, are a, compulsory ,monopoly on the use of force, use their coercive powers to benefit some
  15. Monopolies, restrict trade, and restrict personal freedoms via drug laws, compulsory ,education, conscription,laws on food and morality, and the like. Many
  16. Secondary schools and technical schools. Education through the eighth grade is, compulsory , Culture The culture of Azerbaijan has developed as a result of many influences
  17. Society and social groups Education free at all levels and, compulsory ,from age six to 15. Vast majority of population literate. Highly developed
  18. In 2004 the army transformed itself into a fully professional organization and, compulsory ,military service was abolished. The country has been a member of NATO, since 12
  19. a billion) of extra state funding was allocated between 2007 and 2012 to improve, compulsory ,education in rural areas. In 2009,Chinese students from Shanghai achieved the
  20. Residents. Education In 1986,China set the long-term goal of providing, compulsory ,nine-year basic education to every child. As of 2007,there were 396,567
  21. National laws. They also provide for the minimum requirements to be set when, compulsory ,licenses are applied, namely that they must not prejudice the author to fair
  22. Domestic Violence and more. Education Although by law, education in Angola is, compulsory ,and free for eight years, the government reports that a certain percentage of
  23. For the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works provide the legal basis for, compulsory ,licenses. They state that member states are free to determine the conditions
  24. Under a proportional voting system from 11 electoral districts. Belgium has, compulsory ,voting and thus holds one of the highest rates of voter turnout in the world.
  25. Education (BGC SE). Secondary education in Botswana is neither free nor, compulsory , After leaving school, students can attend one of the six technical colleges in
  26. Through both social security contributions and taxation. Health insurance is, compulsory , However, health care is delivered by a mostly private system of independent
  27. For a decent and civilized society. In 2005 the BNP proposed to reintroduce, compulsory ,National Service for the young and proposed that men should keep a rifle and
  28. Álava). The official languages are Basque and Spanish. Knowledge of Spanish is, compulsory ,according to the Spanish Constitution (article no. 3),and knowledge and
  29. Federal MPs at the time bar Bruce Smith, a Free Trader),a citizen army and, compulsory ,arbitration of industrial disputes. Labor has at various times supported high
  30. Until age 5 (Education preescolar). Basic education (Education basic) is, compulsory ,by law. It has two stages: Primary basic education (Education basic prim aria
  31. The commission found that smallpox vaccination was effective and should remain, compulsory , though they did recommend some changes in procedures to improve safety, and
  32. Agreement. Compulsory licensing In some countries copyright law provides for, compulsory ,licenses of copyrighted works for specific uses. In many cases the remuneration
  33. Patriarchy (male domination over women) as a fundamental manifestation of, compulsory ,government. It was inspired by the late 19th century writings of early feminist
  34. Such as China's one-child policy). These factors can sometimes result in, compulsory ,abortion or sex-selective abortion. Unsafe abortion Women seeking to terminate
  35. The rule of Francisco Franco in the twentieth century and the spreading of, compulsory ,schooling, Aragonese was regarded as a mere dialect of Spanish, and therefore
  36. By lot, with a much smaller (and more prestigious) group elected. Neither was, compulsory ,; individuals had to nominate themselves for both selection methods. By and
  37. Common to devil for a second year in a less formal arrangement, but this is not, compulsory , In February 2007,the Irish Government's Better Regulation Unit (a branch of
  38. Required or pay heavy fines. Therefore, the tree-planting campaign is actually, compulsory , or at least obligatory (that is, an obligation to the community). The "
  39. This apprenticeship is known as papillae or deviling. Deviling is, compulsory ,for those barristers who wish to be members of the Law Library and lasts for
  40. Minimum wage laws, forcing businesses to provide insurance to employees, and, compulsory , pension systems. And furthermore," as an awakening agent, as an agitating
  41. Constitution (declared through a Loyal JIRA),which made elementary education, compulsory , Some of the reforms that were actually put in place, such as the abolition of
  42. At all for, and eventually to the formal establishment of the Series as a, compulsory ,event starting in. The teams The Pirates won their third straight pennant in
  43. Along with those of Picard, are not used in public life. Education is, compulsory ,from six to 18 years of age for Belgians. Among OECD countries in 2002,Belgium
  44. In an official school from 6 years old to 18 must choose 2 hours per week of, compulsory ,religion—or Laicize—inspired morals. Languages Since the founding of the
  45. World War I. Under the Ottomans,Bethlehem's inhabitants faced unemployment, compulsory ,military service and heavy taxes, resulting in mass emigration particularly to
  46. Provide completely free nine-year education, including textbooks and fees. Free, compulsory ,education in China consists of elementary school and middle school, which lasts
  47. Urban elite. Few Suriname have had formal education. Schooling is free but not, compulsory , and only about 29 % of Burkina's primary school-age children receive a basic
  48. With the existence of a state defined as an agency that possesses a, compulsory ,territorial monopoly of ultimate decision-making (jurisdiction) and/or the
  49. Many cases the remuneration or royalties received for a copyrighted work under, compulsory ,license are specified by local law, but may also be subject to negotiation.
  50. Own specific laws. In most states, registering marriages and divorces is not, compulsory , There are separate laws governing Hindus, Muslims,Christians, Sikhs and

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