Examples of the the word, mud , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mud ), is the 6383 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cement may be introduced to prevent moisture from penetrating the composite of, mud ,and organic matter. Vegas are beams across the roof that support the roof.
  2. The word can be traced from the Middle Egyptian (c. 2000 BC) word debut ", mud ,i. e., sun-dried brick. " As Middle Egyptian evolved into Late Egyptian
  3. Bottom for analysis. Generally speaking, most anchors will hold well in sandy, mud , mud and clay, or firm sand. Loose sand and soft mud are not desirable bottoms
  4. Opened, and 1889,the dam frequently sprang leaks and was patched, mostly with, mud ,and straw. Additionally, a previous owner removed and sold for scrap the 3 cast
  5. Once the water was gone from the basements, the city still had to deal with the, mud ,that was also a result of the heavy rains. It was because of this Frog Pond
  6. Things. When these organisms died, their remains were deposited in the, mud ,on the bottom of the ocean or lake where they lived. Under the heat and
  7. Beavers. Beavers mark their territories by constructing scent mounts made of, mud , debris and Castor, a urine based substance excreted though the beavers
  8. Burst over the region, bogging down the tanks and support trucks in the desert, mud , Montgomery, standing before his officers at headquarters and close to tears
  9. Has become a vision of horror. The battle is a vortex of swirling rain and, mud ,... The ultimate fusion of social identity emerges as an expression of hellish
  10. Delta File: RomaniaDanubeDelta MakingMaterialForCOnstructing0002jpg. JPG|Mixing, mud ,and straw in brick frames File: RomaniaDanubeDelta
  11. The lowest point lies in the Caspian Sea (−28 m). Nearly half of all the, mud ,volcanoes on Earth are concentrated in Azerbaijan, which is also among nominees
  12. But they are formed by density currents - underwater flow mixtures of sand, mud ,and water that are denser than seawater and so sink and flow along the bottom.
  13. From the University of Hartford, claimed to have found evidence of the city in, mud ,flats in South Western Andalusia, in Spain. The team identified its possible
  14. The beavers' homes, their lodges, which are created from severed branches and, mud , The beavers cover their lodges late every autumn with fresh mud , which freezes
  15. By the Louisiana House of Representatives. *1930 – Gandhi raises a lump of, mud ,and salt and declares," With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British
  16. Alloys. Tirupathi is famous for redwood carvings. Kondapalli is famous for, mud ,toys with rich colors. The village of Etikoppaka, located in Visakhapatnam
  17. Language still alive, the name Baltic may derive by the word bale, meaning, mud , due to its mud dy water colors. Another explanation is that the name was
  18. Increasing its holding power. These anchors are only suitable for a silt or, mud ,bottom, since they rely upon suction and cohesion of the bottom material, which
  19. Which was assimilated into Old Spanish as adobe, still with the meaning ", mud ,brick. " English borrowed the word from Spanish in the early 18th century. In
  20. Evil designs, until the manacled criminals sullenly doing forced labor in the, mud ,and the dust are full of mutinous thoughts. " Diogenes of Si nope and the Cynics
  21. Last an entire game. By the end of the game, the ball would be dark with grass, mud , and tobacco juice, and it would be misshapen and lumpy from contact with the
  22. Andhra Pradesh is famous for doll making. Dolls are made from wood, mud , dry grass, and lightweight metal alloys. Tirupathi is famous for redwood
  23. Grapnels rarely have enough fluke area to develop much hold in sand, clay,or, mud , It is not unknown for the anchor to foul on its own rode, or to foul the tines
  24. Branches and mud . The beavers cover their lodges late every autumn with fresh, mud , which freezes when the frost sets in. The mud becomes almost as hard as stone
  25. And relatively easily installed, although may not be ideal in extremely soft, mud , Anchoring gear The elements of anchoring gear include the anchor, the cable (
  26. 100 in the bank ", most people would not think you used a shovel to dig in the, mud , However, some linguistic contexts do not provide sufficient information to
  27. Of the top brass. For example, Baldrick is reduced to making coffee from, mud , and cooking rats, while General Merchant hatches a plan for the troops to walk
  28. Will hold well in sandy mud , mud and clay, or firm sand. Loose sand and soft, mud ,are not desirable bottoms, especially soft mud which should be avoided if at
  29. Went to Orpheus, but suspicious of his motives, she covered her face with, mud ,so the river god would not recognize her. Another story involving the god is
  30. Protect the interior and exterior adobe wall, finishes can be applied, such as, mud ,plaster, whitewash or stucco. These finishes protect the adobe wall from water
  31. BaSO4) is important to the petroleum industry, for example, as drilling, mud , a weighting agent in drilling new oil wells. Applications of other barium
  32. Firm sand. Loose sand and soft mud are not desirable bottoms, especially soft, mud ,which should be avoided if at all possible. Rock, coral,and shale prevent
  33. Are covered with tea plantations, orange groves, and lemon groves; numerous, mud ,volcanoes and mineral springs in the ravines of Houston Mountain near Baku;
  34. Aluminate (the Bayer process). After separation of vertiginous residue (red, mud ,) by filtering, pure gibbsite is precipitated when the liquid is cooled, and
  35. For analysis. Generally speaking, most anchors will hold well in sandy mud , mud ,and clay, or firm sand. Loose sand and soft mud are not desirable bottoms
  36. This evolved into Arabic album (الطّوب all" the" + tub" brick" ) ", mud ,brick," which was assimilated into Old Spanish as adobe, still with the
  37. During winter. Beavers always work at night and are prolific builders, carrying, mud , and stones with their fore-paws and timber between their teeth. Because of this
  38. Is 19,062 (2001) (in 1901 it was only 4,556). The town's hot springs and, mud ,baths are the main economic resource. The waters have a temperature of some
  39. Late Egyptian, Demotic,and finally Coptic (c. 600 BC),debut became to be ", mud ,brick. " This evolved into Arabic album (الطّوب all" the" + tub" brick" )
  40. And ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed from perishable materials such as, mud ,bricks and wood, and have not survived. Peasants lived in simple homes, while
  41. A blunt heavy weight, usually cast iron or cast lead, that will sink into the, mud ,and resist lateral movement. Suitable only for very soft silt bottoms and in
  42. Consisted of apartment-like complexes and structures made from stone, adobe, mud , and other local material, or were carved into the sides of canyon walls. Each
  43. Mineral crystals) and chunks of entrapped detritus (such as sand, ash,or, mud ,). Occasionally agate fills a void left by decomposed vegetative material such
  44. They fill in the gaps between the branches with a combination of weeds and, mud ,until the dam impounds sufficient water to surround the lodge. They are known
  45. Are composed of: *Vertiginous deposits with land origins, consisting of sand, mud , and rock particles formed by erosion, weathering,and volcanic activity on
  46. It, which is then used in various dishes. Name "/NP"> Benin"/> Many people have, mud ,stoves for cooking, which are located outside their homes. Name "
  47. Late every autumn with fresh mud , which freezes when the frost sets in. The, mud ,becomes almost as hard as stone, and neither wolves nor wolverines can
  48. A veneer of small sandstone pieces, which were pressed into a layer of binding, mud , These surfacing stones were often placed in distinctive patterns. The Chapman
  49. Mountain, located near Baku, is carved by deep ravines, from which bubble, mud ,volcanoes and mineral springs. Climate Temperature The climate varies from
  50. Combined, but it afterwards was sunk by an earthquake and became an impassable, mud ,shoal, inhibiting travel to any part of the ocean. The Egyptians, Plato

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