Examples of the the word, hesitate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hesitate ), is the 6376 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two would never shoot without warning and soil their family’s honor, so they, hesitate ,to acknowledge one another. As an“ act of God,” a tree branch suddenly falls
  2. Is as poorly used as possible, particularly by the critics, since they do not, hesitate ,to apply it to Turner, the finest creator of mysterious effects in all the
  3. Years (1949–1969) After the war, Adorno,who had been homesick, did not, hesitate ,long before returning to Germany. Due to Horkheimer's influence he was given a
  4. Roger Ebert and Jonathan Ross seem to accept this interpretation, but both, hesitate ,to overanalyze the movie. Ebert states," There is no explanation. There may
  5. Power of logical thinking based on facts was so strong that he did not, hesitate ,to express a claim contradicting to all tradition, because he had convinced
  6. He said:" We did not hesitate to shoot thousands of people, and we shall not, hesitate , and we shall save the country. " On 14 May 1921,the Politburo, chaired by
  7. Last name. (For example, a hypothetical Paige Smith marrying a John Turner may, hesitate ,to take her new husband's last name to avoid becoming Paige Turner. Other
  8. Became evident that this was the time to attack the Hungarians, and he did not, hesitate , Despite a volley of arrows from the Hungarians,Otto's army smashed into the
  9. Are necessary for subjecting them to his command, any more than that he should, hesitate ,about employing a new physical agent, such as electricity or galvanism. In
  10. He investigated the report, and,ascertaining it to be well-founded, did not, hesitate ,to declare the Samaritans, for all ritualistic purposes, Gentiles (Yer. Avowal
  11. With Italy had suffered badly. After the Peace of Moscow, Germany did not, hesitate ,to move to improve ties with Finland, and within two weeks non-German
  12. Are threatened. They also tend to be curious; when startled, they will often, hesitate ,an instant to ascertain the cause of their fright, and may not always flee from
  13. Powell had remarked that" all political lives end in failure" and did not, hesitate ,to agree that this maxim applied to his own. Like Tony Been (a personal friend
  14. 8th to 6th century BC) in the Greek city states. Because of this, they didn't, hesitate ,to speak for a 'Greek miracle '. But if we follow carefully the course of
  15. Deficiency),but again this risk is small, and the physician should not, hesitate ,to use quinine in patients with G6PD deficiency when there is no alternative.
  16. Days ago concerning the loss of meaning in this medium: I am new here, and thus, hesitate ,to comment, but I too have suffered from the lack of tone, gestures,facial
  17. Obtained a large majority at the general elections, King Alexander would not, hesitate ,any longer to proclaim Queen Draga's brother as the heir to the throne. In
  18. Such as the ecumenical councils or the Church Fathers, although he did not, hesitate ,to use other sources to support his arguments. The principles that guide
  19. Political theory to advocate a modern Islamic perspective that does not, hesitate ,to criticize genuine societal ills while simultaneously remaining faithful to
  20. Was probably meant as a reminder to her children that Constantine would not, hesitate ,in" killing his own relatives when he felt this was necessary ". Later
  21. And that a king in particular is obliged to punish criminals and should not, hesitate ,to kill them, even if they happen to be his own brothers and sons. According to
  22. Year. When Lucius was hailed as imperator again, however,Marcus did not, hesitate ,to take the Imperator II with him. Occupied Armenia was reconstructed on Roman
  23. Attempting to cross the wall were criminals and needed to be shot:" Do not, hesitate ,to use your firearm, not even when the border is breached in the company of
  24. On 12 January 1920,while addressing trade union leaders, he said:" We did not, hesitate ,to shoot thousands of people, and we shall not hesitate , and we shall save the
  25. System. Snakes use their venom principally for hunting, though they do not, hesitate ,to employ it defensively. Venomous snake bites may cause a variety of symptoms
  26. Or pottery have yet been found. " He did not generalize, but others did not, hesitate ,to do so. The next year,1866,Dawkins proclaimed of Neolithic people that "
  27. Gain an inheritance, common reasons for making vows among those who would not, hesitate ,to sacrifice their slaves or even children if it would bring them an
  28. Famous of these organizations during this decade was Greenpeace, which did not, hesitate ,to lead illegal actions in the name of environmental preservation. These
  29. Appealed to Napoleon Bonaparte to oust the Knights. The Little Corporal did not, hesitate , His fleet arrived in 1798,en route to his expedition of Egypt. As a ruse
  30. Been seriously shaken for the first time in over a decade. Therefore, he did not, hesitate ,to send troops to Corpora to reinforce the Corcoran fleet, which was fighting
  31. Seriously wounded. Concern for their families' standard of living made men, hesitate ,to enlist; voluntary enlistment rates went up after the government guaranteed a
  32. And even Pericles' own son, Xanthippus, who had political ambitions, did not, hesitate ,to slander his father. Nonetheless, these persecutions did not undermine
  33. we're shot at. " He added," In the military,it's like we're trained to, hesitate ,now. If somebody had seen something wrong and shot, he probably would have been
  34. On 31 January 1934,fixed the value of the gold dollar at 59.06 cents. British, hesitate ,to return to gold standard During the 1939–1942 period, the UK depleted much of
  35. Yielded any of his authority; Henry VIII was a paternalistic ruler who did not, hesitate ,to use his power. Popular" consent" was a means to augment rather than limit
  36. Gas from them. Senior officials from Hezbollah warned that they would not, hesitate ,to use weapons to defend Lebanon's natural resources. Figures in the March 14
  37. Well as in his criticisms of contemporary failings. For instance, he does not, hesitate ,to reproach the rabbis of his day for their general neglect not only of the
  38. A later scene in which Connery says to Cage," I'm rather glad you didn't, hesitate ,too long" lost its impact on viewers who had not seen the first scene. Other
  39. Fired. Thomas and Sam's characters are similar; a hard-nosed EP who would not, hesitate ,to air questionable stories to attract ratings. * Game (Prose) Prose (
  40. Had her own ideas, and though she only did bits and ingénue roles, she didn't, hesitate ,to express them. " For the next several decades, Davis claimed she was fired
  41. The country may enjoy the advantage and relief of its total repeal. I do not, hesitate ,to affirm that an effort should now be made to attain this advantage, nor to
  42. Connery throws a knife through a sentry's throat and says" you must never, hesitate ," to Cage was cut, although this scene was shown on British television.
  43. Varro's a model theological definition. Augustine in his discussion does not, hesitate ,to understand the summat as the ultimo that he thinks should be in Terminus's
  44. Of goods ... and, if the common good demands it, there is no need to, hesitate ,at expropriation, itself,done in the right way "; on balance, the Pope offered
  45. Displayed an atypical attitude for a woman of that era in that she wouldn't, hesitate ,to sacrifice herself or those around her for her dreams. When director Miyazaki
  46. Foreign Minister, Golda Meir, suggested in an interview that Nasser would not, hesitate ,to use gas against Israel as well. There were no reports of gas during 1964
  47. In English, Watchful ...." The medieval writers who give this etymology do not, hesitate ,to apply it to the life of Gregory. Aelfric, for example, goes on:" He was
  48. Ages. King of Croatia In Slavonic he managed to establish control. He did not, hesitate ,to use violent methods (see Bloody Labor of Križevci) but from the river Save
  49. Consumers who have been sold on the benefits of instant results may, hesitate ,giving the required commitment of twenty to forty private lessons. This is the
  50. Did not materialize; he knew that his patients were not cured, but " did not, hesitate ,to build grand theories on these non-existent foundations. " Followers Freud

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