Examples of the the word, hardship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hardship ), is the 6382 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were created. During the occupation the population suffered considerable, hardship ,due to ethnic cleansing policies, repression and starvation, to which the
  2. East End in the face ". The Royal family were seen as sharing their subjects ', hardship , as The Sunday Graphic reported: On 15 September 1940,known as the Battle of
  3. War until World War II, Alabama,like many Southern states, suffered economic, hardship , in part because of continued dependence on agriculture. Despite the growth of
  4. With disapproval while married to white women and other examples of the, hardship ,and prejudice. Cover versions Considering the number of compositions that
  5. Was $33,255 compared to $53,356 of European Americans. In times of economic, hardship ,for the nation, African Americans suffer disproportionately from job loss and
  6. S once-ambitious foreign policy has been downsized as a result of economic, hardship ,after the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Without massive Soviet subsidies and its
  7. To fast following a prescribed set of guidelines. They do not view fasting as a, hardship , but rather as a privilege and joy. The teaching of the Church fixes both the
  8. However, the Algerian economy became increasingly dependent on oil which led to, hardship ,when the price collapsed during the 1980s oil glut. In foreign policy, Algeria
  9. Familial situations, tragedy,illness, neuroses,or emotional and physical, hardship , " Film critics sometimes use the term" pejoratively to connote an unrealistic
  10. Completely disrupted. The Atoms took the fullest advantage of the unspeakable, hardship ,of the Mughal. With the progress of monsoon, the Atoms easily recovered all
  11. As self-correcting, government did not intervene during periods of economic, hardship ,because it was seen as futile. Thomas Malthus wrote two books, An essay on the
  12. Be impossible according to the tenets of classical economics, led to economic, hardship ,from which the voters demanded relief. In the words of William Jennings Bryan
  13. Themselves were abused, arrested and physically threatened. In time, enduring, hardship , inclement weather, illness and more, Herman stood as the only remainder from
  14. And high living standards, although laborers remained locked in poverty and, hardship , The large underclass of unemployed beggars and riffraff required government
  15. Pre-collapse levels of economic development. Still, most of the economic, hardship ,that struck many of the former East Bloc countries and the post-Soviet states
  16. Family in the village of Atari (east of Kabul),Bark Karma lived in, hardship ,following the death of his mother. His ethnic background is disputed, some
  17. Issues within African American communities is poverty. Poverty itself is a, hardship ,as it is related to marital stress and dissolution, health problems, low
  18. After liberation by mainly Canadian forces. The post-war years were a time of, hardship , natural disaster and mass emigration, followed by rebuilding, large-scale
  19. To Cormac Ó Grade the first attack of potato blight caused considerable, hardship ,in rural Ireland, from the autumn of 1846,when the first deaths from
  20. Adjusted for apparent differences arising from such factors as training, trust, hardship , and unemployment. Paul Samuelson finds in Smith's pluralist use of supply and
  21. 5th),enforce contracts (7th),and close a business (5th),and exceptional, hardship ,to employ workers (127th) and pay taxes (83rd). Finnish law forces all
  22. Farmers must have been intolerable, causing some measure of starvation and, hardship , At the same time, as in later times all the way through the European
  23. Were convicts. The early years of the colony had been years of struggle and, hardship , but the worst was over, and there were no further famines in New South Wales.
  24. Travelling to the East. The construction of the Wall had caused considerable, hardship ,to families divided by it. Most people believed that the Wall was mainly a
  25. Chapter (Sure Al-Aqsa),Verse 280,which notes:" And if someone is in, hardship , then let there be postponement until a time of ease. But if you give from your
  26. Candidate. The paper lost the suit and was forced to fold due to financial, hardship , He was elected to the Legislative Assembly as a supporter of George Brown in
  27. Avowal Sarah, i.39b). Where, however,the rigorous exposition of laws worked, hardship ,on the masses, he did not scruple to modify the decisions of his colleagues for
  28. After 1944,and no significant group of people suffered serious economic, hardship ,because of border delineation. Postwar Bulgaria contained a large percentage of
  29. Was hit hardly by the isolation that the regime imposed and from the economic, hardship ,that followed the fall of communism as well. The treatment of the minority by
  30. Much pressed and squeezed, so Israel's destiny is one of great oppression and, hardship , in order that it may thereby give forth its illuminating wisdom. Poverty is
  31. Taken to Rome, then sent back, and forced to undergo many interrogations and, hardship ,before he, and his brother, and various companions were put to death. The
  32. Arranged. But the torrential rain and violence of the rivers caused immense, hardship ,to the Mughal and the communication with the Mughal fleet and Latham and with
  33. Civilians who had maintained faith in their defenders despite material, hardship ,and social disruption similarly recognized that the end had come .... Most
  34. Physique of the women, enabling them to compete with men in enduring toil, hardship ,and privations," and Alfred Ellis concurred that the female soldiers,"
  35. Of taxation that was possible at the time. The skyrocketing inflation was a, hardship ,on the few people who had fixed incomes—but 90 percent of the people were
  36. Illinois, for California, on what will become a year-long journey of, hardship , cannibalism, and survival. *1849 – Hungary declares itself independent of
  37. Dependent on. The winters of 1991-92,1992–93,and 1993-94 brought enormous, hardship ,to a population lacking heat and electric power. (The large-scale felling of
  38. Have communal ownership of goods, the effects of excommunication could impose a, hardship ,upon the excluded member and family leaving them without employment income and
  39. Hungary. The couple were married in 1966 by Allen Ginsberg. Facing financial, hardship , Mingus was evicted from his New York home in 1966. Changes Mingus's pace
  40. Wall Street Crash of 1929 combined with drought ushered in a period of economic, hardship ,in the United States and Canada. From 1936 to 1949,this was a popular uprising
  41. Outcomes, such as depression or recession, which manifest in widespread, hardship , Business cycle theory is used by Keynes to explain 'liquidity traps' by which
  42. Singing with your gold quill of ships, exile: :And war, hardship on land, hardship ,at sea. Scholars, fragments and sources The story of Antaeus is partly the
  43. Of existing plants and transmission lines to ease the blackouts and economic, hardship ,caused by this shortfall, but sabotage and looting held capacity below 6,000
  44. Of the Decembrists, who revolted in 1825,and the financial and political, hardship ,caused by the Crimean War, which caused large numbers of Russian people to lose
  45. It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic, hardship ,for others and eliminate inequality. Aka consists of spending 2.5 % of one's
  46. Is cautious optimism that Cameroon is emerging from its long period of economic, hardship , The Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (USAF) signed recently by the
  47. The service module upon which the Command Module depended. Despite great, hardship ,caused by limited power, loss of cabin heat, shortage of potable water and the
  48. More full-throated: :Singing with your gold quill of ships, exile: :And war, hardship ,on land, hardship at sea. Scholars, fragments and sources The story of Antaeus
  49. Team in the B-Division is promoted to the A-Division. This format caused much, hardship ,for countries such as Australia, Canada,Slovakia, and Spain, who have all been
  50. 1920 to 1930,Estonia entirely transformed its economy, despite considerable, hardship , dislocation, and unemployment. Compensating the German landowners for their

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