Examples of the the word, anatomy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anatomy ), is the 6379 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And microscopic anatomy . Human anatomy , including gross human, anatomy ,and histology, is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the adult
  2. In some of its facets' anatomy is closely related to embryology, comparative, anatomy , and comparative embryology, through common roots in evolution. Anatomy is
  3. Medical schools or teaching hospitals. They are often involved in teaching, anatomy , and research into certain systems, organs,tissues or cells. Other branches
  4. Is subdivided into gross anatomy (or macroscopic anatomy ) and microscopic, anatomy , Human anatomy , including gross human anatomy and histology, is
  5. Of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy , animal, anatomy , ( zoology) and plant anatomy (photocopy). In some of its facets' anatomy is
  6. Into gross anatomy (or macroscopic anatomy ) and microscopic anatomy . Human, anatomy ,Human anatomy , including gross human anatomy and histology, is primarily the
  7. Optics ". Alien discussed the topics of medicine, ophthalmology, anatomy , and physiology, which included commentaries on Gaelic works. He described the
  8. To the comparison of the anatomy of different races of humans. *Artistic, anatomy ,relates to anatomic studies for artistic reasons. Affirming the consequent
  9. Body. In line with modern teaching methods. A thorough working knowledge of, anatomy ,is required by physicians, especially surgeons and doctors working in some
  10. Mosses, liverworts and ferns),and algae and fungi. The increased knowledge on, anatomy , morphology and life cycles, lead to the realization that there were more
  11. Anatomy or physical anthropology relates to the comparison of the, anatomy ,of different races of humans. *Artistic anatomy relates to anatomic studies for
  12. Microscopic) in different animals. *Anthropological, anatomy ,or physical anthropology relates to the comparison of the anatomy of different
  13. Of Thomas Aquinas, which bases animal classification as much on habit as, anatomy , This is similar to the Church's classification of the capybara, another
  14. Known than Torvosaurus, differed noticeably from Allosaurus in functional, anatomy ,by having a taller, narrower skull with large, broad teeth. Paleo biology Life
  15. 520-485 BC),in which the Greek sculpture attained a full knowledge of human, anatomy ,and used to create a harmonious, proportionate whole. Ranking from the very
  16. In other disciplines, such as geology, physics,zoology, paleontology, anatomy , music theory, art history, sociology and so on, belonging to professional
  17. General term that includes human anatomy , animal anatomy (zoology) and plant, anatomy ,(photocopy). In some of its facets' anatomy is closely related to embryology
  18. Mineralized organic matrix that makes up the osseous tissue. Structure Gross, anatomy ,Bone structure Bone is not a uniformly solid material, but rather has some
  19. Thorough education, including some art courses that involved study of human, anatomy ,through the study of human cadavers. In They Do It with Mirrors (1952),it is
  20. From invertebrates. The most straightforward way to get information about brain, anatomy ,is by simple visual examination, but many more sophisticated techniques have
  21. Roots in evolution. Anatomy is subdivided into gross anatomy (or macroscopic, anatomy ,) and microscopic anatomy . Human anatomy , including gross human
  22. Was very effective and efficient in harvesting food. When analyzing fossil, anatomy , Australopithecus aphaeresis has very similar features of the hand and shoulder
  23. Needling” or" medical acupuncture" if the points are determined by, anatomy ,and not by TCM. In some sources“ acupuncture” refers to random needling with
  24. That it possessed the brain size necessary for flying. The overall brain, anatomy ,was reconstructed using the scan. The reconstruction showed that the regions
  25. His most original anatomical contribution was his description of the functional, anatomy ,of the eye as an optical system, or optical instrument. His experiments with
  26. Study and imitation of nature. A large portion of his time was also devoted to, anatomy , which science was regarded by him as the secret of the art. He likewise
  27. Of the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human, anatomy , animal anatomy (zoology) and plant anatomy (photocopy). In some of its
  28. For example Atlases of the flora and fauna of Britain and Ireland) * Atlas (, anatomy ,), the topmost cervical vertebra of the spine * Atlas Bear (Ursus arctos
  29. And hazmat-) from the Ancient Greek word (Haifa) for" blood ". In terms of, anatomy ,and histology, blood is considered a specialized form of connective tissue
  30. Other phyla are uncertain and controversial. Traditional phylogeny, based on, anatomy ,and on the development of the adult forms from embryos, has produced no
  31. Paleognath, the ancient Greek for" old jaws" in reference to the skeletal, anatomy ,of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than that in
  32. Sometimes called carcasses. The study of the structure of the body is called, anatomy , A carcass is the body of a slaughtered animal, after the removal of offal
  33. Band. These bands had previously been allocated to UHF TV channels 70–83. The, anatomy ,of each channel is composed of 2 frequencies. 416 of these are in the 824–849
  34. And have been found as far north as southern Illinois and Indiana. Habitat and, anatomy ,Armadillos are prolific diggers with sharp claws. Many species use their sharp
  35. Anatomy (or macroscopic anatomy ) and microscopic anatomy . Human anatomy Human, anatomy , including gross human anatomy and histology, is primarily the scientific study
  36. Abyss and Said in the Late period. Medical papyri show empirical knowledge of, anatomy , injuries, and practical treatments. Wounds were treated by bandaging with raw
  37. The relationships between the orders themselves; evidence from modern bird, anatomy , fossils and DNA have all been brought to bear on the problem, but no strong
  38. Recovered, providing scientists with a more detailed knowledge of Albertosaurus, anatomy ,than is available for most other tyrannosaurids. The discovery of 22
  39. Embryology, through common roots in evolution. Anatomy is subdivided into gross, anatomy ,(or macroscopic anatomy ) and microscopic anatomy . Human anatomy
  40. Things as: the causes of health and disease, the temperaments, the humors,the, anatomy , general physiology, the breath, psychology,discussion of causes diseases and
  41. Between the eye and the camera obscure which brought about his synthesis of, anatomy ,and optics, which forms the basis of physiological optics. As he conceptualized
  42. Information that is important to, but is not the main idea of, the main text In, anatomy ,: * Vermiform appendix, or simply" appendix ", a part of the human digestive
  43. William Henson, who lived in the house for two years and who had built a small, anatomy ,school at the back of the house. They note that while Franklin likely knew what
  44. And translucent media. He also carried out further examinations into, anatomy ,of the eye and illusions in visual perception. He built the first camera
  45. Into certain systems, organs,tissues or cells. Other branches *Comparative, anatomy ,relates to the comparison of anatomical structures (both gross and microscopic
  46. Anatomy (zoology) and plant anatomy (photocopy). In some of its facets, anatomy ,is closely related to embryology, comparative anatomy and comparative
  47. The essential nature in animal and human phenomena than a study of zoology and, anatomy , The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our
  48. In this, Ibn Sing is credited as being the first to correctly document the, anatomy ,of the human eye, along with descriptions of eye afflictions such as cataracts.
  49. Of evidence-based medicine which is based on the germ theory of disease, human, anatomy , and human physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine attributes disease and
  50. Sauropods barring any unknown, unique characteristics that set the soft tissue, anatomy ,of their necks apart from other animals. Apatosaurus, like Diplodocus, would

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