Examples of the the word, revive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revive ), is the 6371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Original Plan Colombia were to promote peace, combat the narcotics' industry, revive ,the Colombian economy, improve respect for human rights, and strengthen the
  2. Who was a patron of a group of individuals working worldwide to preserve and, revive ,the Aramaic language. Titus was a companion of Saint Paul, mentioned in several
  3. Text, the title served (along with the general hype created in Australia) to, revive ,public interest in the legend. The first mention of" The Ashes" in Widen
  4. His censorship, but they did not survive his reign. Claudius also tried to, revive ,the old custom of putting dots between successive words (Classical Latin was
  5. Lends the fearsome goatskin to Athena. In the Iliad when Zeus sends Apollo to, revive ,the wounded Hector of Troy, Apollo,holding the aegis, charges the Achaeans
  6. Begins in the Renaissance, partly as the result of various attempts to, revive ,such earlier movements. During the Italian Renaissance, for example
  7. National Institute of Advanced Studies has recommended the Indian government to, revive ,this research. Projects were commenced at the Chennai's Indian Institute of
  8. Policies (the Southwest Handling Fishermen's Association has started to, revive ,the fishing industry),and agriculture, which has also declined significantly.
  9. Status Revived language In the 20th century a conscious effort was made to, revive ,Cornish as a language for everyday use in speech and writing (see below for
  10. The 3rd century, Apollo fell silent. Julian the Apostate (359 - 61) tried to, revive ,the Delphic oracle, but failed. " * At Panama, in Lucia, there was a seasonal
  11. Steinmetz accepted the position as NASA (President) of the 2004 attempt to, revive ,the Sanhedrin. In 2008, he resigned from this position due to differences of
  12. And Crusaders—from destroying the Digital World and using its data to, revive ,the original ruler of the Digital World: the tyrannical Lemon. In general
  13. Tudor Christmas as a time of heartfelt celebration, and efforts were made to, revive ,the holiday. In 1843,Charles Dickens wrote the novel A Christmas Carol, that
  14. West scenes with figures carved in relief. Renaissance architecture was keen to, revive ,the classical vocabulary and styles, and the informed use and variation of the
  15. Charlemagne almost a century before, undertook an equally ambitious effort to, revive ,learning. It entailed the recruitment of clerical scholars from Mercia, Wales
  16. Audiences. His stock remained low for a generation after his death. It began to, revive ,significantly in the 1960s,helped by new recordings of his works. Some of his
  17. Concerto (which he passed off as an original Vivaldi work) helped, revive ,Vivaldi's reputation. This spurred the French scholar Marc Pitcher to begin
  18. From the student government. In November 2006,student government attempted to, revive ,the" Dart moose" as a potential replacement amid renewed controversy
  19. Of immigrants to be seen as German negatively, and they have actively sought to, revive ,and recreate concepts of identity in connection to traditional ethnic origins.
  20. As Gold Album by the Recording Industry Association of America and helped, revive ,both Wynette 's and Lynn's careers. Also in 1994,Parton contributed the song
  21. Horror/suspense anthology issue with no superheroes. Atlas Comics attempted to, revive ,its superhero titles when it reintroduced Captain America, along with the
  22. Has generally fallen into disrepute, though there have been recent attempts to, revive ,it buy Stephen Neal and Frank Jackson. According to the direct-reference view
  23. The quantities of spice in Chani's special pregnancy diet. Scale offers to, revive ,Chain as a folk in return for all of Paul's CHAM holdings. Paul refuses to
  24. Afternoon, Alden discovered him unresponsive on his bathroom floor. Attempts to, revive ,him failed, and death was officially pronounced at 3:30 pm at Baptist Memorial
  25. Sherrill, the sound brought country music to a diverse audience and helped, revive ,country as it emerged from a commercially fallow period. This subgenre was
  26. In Spain in 1700 and introduced economic reforms that gradually began to, revive ,trade in Santo Domingo. The crown progressively relaxed the rigid controls and
  27. In 1843,Charles Dickens wrote the novel A Christmas Carol, that helped, revive ,the 'spirit' of Christmas and seasonal merriment. Its instant popularity
  28. Sahara India Finance for raising funds for his company. Bachchan attempted to, revive ,his acting career and had average success with Bade Milan Chose Milan (1998)
  29. Language in parts of Cornwall until the late 18th century, and a process to, revive ,the language was started in the early 20th century, continuing to this day. The
  30. A revival of Woman in Mind (although he did allow other West End producers to, revive ,Absurd Person Singular in 2007 and The Norman Conquests in 2008. ) After
  31. And Brazil have steadily warmed. Brazil continues to play its part in trying to, revive ,and upgrade the offshore oil and gas infrastructure of Cuba. In addition, talks
  32. When we had experience of a Scottish government, the Queen did seem to, revive , Then was her memory much magnified. " Elizabeth's reign became idealized as a
  33. Forms of Revived Cornish Unified Cornish The first successful attempt to, revive ,Cornish was largely the work of Henry Jenner and Robert Morton Dance in the
  34. Barnard persisted until the advent of microsporic, which helped, revive ,the operation throughout the world. He was also the first surgeon to attempt
  35. Programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989. After an unsuccessful attempt to, revive ,regular production with a backdoor pilot in the form of a 1996 television film
  36. Powers, however,did not want a Europe-wide war and in 1878 they attempted to, revive ,the concert of Europe by meeting at Berlin under the auspices of Bismarck, who
  37. Other planets later inhabited by humanity. The Instrumentality attempts to, revive ,old cultures and languages in a process known as the Rediscovery of Man. This
  38. Corp. merged with JT Storage in a reverse takeover. In a last ditch effort to, revive ,the Jaguar, Atari Corp. tried to play down the other two consoles by
  39. Community patents was made at Luxembourg on December 15, 1989. It attempted to, revive ,the CPC project, but also failed. This Agreement consisted of an amended
  40. Universally regarded as Ayckbourn's greatest disaster. His fortunes began to, revive ,in 1963 with Mr. Whatnot, again premiering at the Victoria Theatre. This was
  41. Style and movement that originated as a reaction to the Baroque. It sought to, revive ,the ideals of ancient Greek and Roman art. Neoclassic artists used classical
  42. States that, while he feels that Hope has indeed come to save mutant kind and, revive ,his dream, she is still only a young woman and will have a long and difficult
  43. Folk Festival brought traditional blues to a new audience, which helped to, revive ,interest in prewar acoustic blues and performers such as Son House, Mississippi
  44. Disappeared from the legislative agenda. When the House of Commons attempted to, revive ,the proposal in 1610,it was met with a more open hostility. Union during the
  45. To the situation and maintain his political work, hoping that Caesar might, revive ,the Republic and its institutions. In a letter to Carry on c. April 20,46 BC
  46. The eighth century, and enticed foreign monks to England, monasticism did not, revive ,significantly during his reign. Alfred undertook no systematic reform of
  47. Into stardom. The album was eventually certified 4x Platinum and helped to, revive ,the Aftermath label. Also during this time, Dre assisted on the mix for Nine
  48. Disbanded in mid-1890 and took the team with it. An attempt was made to, revive ,the old Northwestern League in 1891,but it also collapsed in mid-season, and
  49. Doctor, plus many attempted television movie and big screen productions to, revive ,the original Doctor Who, after the original series was cancelled. Paul McGann
  50. Are demonstrably reversible, after which medicine will begin to reach back and, revive ,people cryopreserved by more primitive methods. Revival of people cryopreserved

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