Examples of the the word, remarkably , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Left the finances of the Ottoman Empire in a flourishing condition, which had, remarkably ,been obtained without excessive taxation or extortion procedures. He was a
  2. Zephaniah 2:4-15) the destruction of the city, predictions which were, remarkably ,fulfilled (625 BC) when Nineveh was destroyed apparently by fire, and the
  3. Him to govern without major crises. The economy and industrial sector grew, remarkably , but his greatest achievement was the construction of the new capital city of
  4. He became the first to prove the quadratic reciprocity law on 8 April. This, remarkably ,general law allows mathematicians to determine the solvability of any quadratic
  5. Explanation for this fact: he noted that the cosmological constant has a, remarkably ,low value, some 120 orders of magnitude smaller than the value particle physics
  6. And the fleeing of the remainder to Egypt. The book of Jeremiah depicts a, remarkably ,introspective prophet, a prophet who was impetuous and often angered by the
  7. Attend classes to learn. Since then the country's literacy rate has improved, remarkably , Today the overall literacy rate in Albania is 98.7 %, the male literacy rate
  8. Was born in 1843 and Edward Baker Lincoln (Eddie) in 1846. Lincoln" was, remarkably ,fond of children ", and the Lincolns were not considered to be strict with
  9. Proper, completely cut off from civilization. His anchored lifestyle was, remarkably ,harsher than that of his predecessors. By the 2nd century there were also
  10. The Canary Islands, Hawaii,and many other places. Nakamura Cave near Hilo is a, remarkably ,long and deep lava tube; it is. Lava caves, include but are not limited to lava
  11. Theory and deformation theory lead to some further extensions. Most, remarkably , in late 1950s,algebraic varieties were subsumed into Alexander Grothendieck
  12. Their time, including his championing of Delacroix, and some of his views seem, remarkably ,in tune with the future theories of the Impressionist painters. In 1846
  13. The arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a, remarkably ,accurate approximation of pi. He also defined the spiral bearing his name
  14. Have been the Puccini, who bordered on the empire. Such a treaty was seemingly, remarkably ,effective, as the Pasternak disappear, save for a single passing mention in
  15. And the crisis of heavy industries, the Basque economic condition has recovered, remarkably ,in recent years, emerging from the Franco regime with a revitalized language
  16. Of a community can be studied in such detail. Cuisine Egyptian cuisine remained, remarkably ,stable over time; indeed, the cuisine of modern Egypt retains some striking
  17. Publisher Penguin Books under the title Penguin Science Fiction. This was, remarkably ,successful, going into numerous reprints, and was followed up by two further
  18. Of some vicious air bombings during the three years of civil conflict, most, remarkably , the bombing by the Italian Aviation Legion aria of the Mercado de Abastos in 25
  19. Middle. In the case where the middle 8/10 of the interval is removed, we get a, remarkably ,accessible case — the set consists of all numbers in 0,1 that can be written as
  20. In the meantime IBM had released its original IBM PC, which incidentally looked, remarkably ,like the Asters base with floppy drives + separate keyboard set-up. The aster
  21. Conservative author Whittaker Chambers called the book" sophomoric" and ", remarkably ,silly ". He described the tone of the book as" shrillness without reprieve "
  22. Form sentences in ways apparently governed by very complex systems, they are, remarkably ,unaware of the rules that govern their own speech. Thus, linguists must resort
  23. On a scale that was truly phenomenal. The public opinion of voters was, remarkably ,influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theaters
  24. Of Raymond West, her nephew (A Caribbean Mystery,1964). She demonstrates a, remarkably ,thorough education, including some art courses that involved study of human
  25. Of over 50 manuscript bestiaries surviving today. Medieval bestiaries are, remarkably ,similar in sequence of the animals of which they treat. Modern Bestiaries In
  26. Bavaria). Culture Some features of the Bavarian culture and mentality are, remarkably ,distinct from the rest of Germany. Noteworthy differences (especially in rural
  27. From Roman Gaul depict the use of crossbows in hunting scenes. The specimen is, remarkably ,similar to the later medieval crossbow, including the typical nut lock (see
  28. For a couple of weeks in February or early March. Cape Town's weather is, remarkably ,similar to that of San Francisco, with temperature being the conspicuous
  29. Projections from the main mass of Earth's surface. It includes, within its, remarkably ,regular outline, an area of, including adjacent islands. Separated from Europe
  30. Respect for humans, and as adults they are decorative couch potatoes with, remarkably ,gracious house-manners. Borzois should never display dominance or aggression
  31. she's a classic dazzler ... Michael Keaton's manic-depressive hero remains a, remarkably ,rich creation. And Danny DeVito's mutant Penguin - a balloon-bellied Richard
  32. And merge. This result, now known as the second law of black hole mechanics, is, remarkably , similar to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total
  33. Radii, equivalent to a solar parallax of 8.6 ". Although Huygens' estimate is, remarkably ,close to modern values, it is often discounted by historians of astronomy
  34. The slenderest kind, consisting mainly in adopting the title of abbé, after a, remarkably ,moderate course of theological study, practising celibacy and wearing a
  35. 1999 postal service was operating again. Postal services to/from Kabul worked, remarkably ,well all throughout the war years. Postal services to/from Heart resumed in
  36. That education was a strong predictor,“ with most educated Americans being, remarkably ,free of prejudicial views. ” The belief that Jews have too much power was
  37. Domes up to three stories tall built with this method proved to be, remarkably ,strong. Other shapes such as cones, pyramids and arches proved equally
  38. Metal counterparts. When in solution, the calcium ion to the human taste varies, remarkably , being reported as mildly salty, sour," mineral like" or even" soothing. "
  39. Departures from the Benedictine arrangement. In each the prior's house is, remarkably ,perfect. All Clinic houses in England were French colonies, governed by priors
  40. Albertus's knowledge of physical science was considerable and for the age, remarkably ,accurate. His industry in every department was great, and though we find in his
  41. Goods to citizens. In 2009,Cuba ranked 51st out of 182 with an HDI of 0.863;, remarkably ,high considering its GDP per capita only places it 95th. Cuba also
  42. Sector, locally called the agronegócio (agribusiness),has also been, remarkably ,dynamic: for two decades this sector has kept Brazil amongst the most highly
  43. Delays. There was a shortage of Pentium III parts. In contrast, AMD enjoyed a, remarkably ,smooth process transition and had ample supplies available, causing Athlon
  44. Constantly remain the general's main concern, a maxim which was never more, remarkably ,disproved than in the war of 1809. The editor of the archduke's work is able
  45. Its natural abundance, aluminium has no known function in biology. It is, remarkably ,nontoxic, aluminium sulfate having an LD50 of 6207 mg/kg (oral, mouse ), which
  46. The case of unicellular organisms such as bacteria and yeast, this process is, remarkably ,simple and essentially only requires the inoculation of the appropriate medium.
  47. Information, but,to judge by what is extant, those twenty-two years were not, remarkably ,eventful in comparison to those before and after his reign. However, he did
  48. To Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) in the Urals, via Astana. These services are, remarkably ,slow (over 48 hours to Yekaterinburg),due to long stops at the border and
  49. Paper. Numerals and related words In the Indo-European family, the numerals are, remarkably ,stable. This is a rather exceptional case; especially words for higher numbers
  50. Of modern day table games. Rome The ancient Romans played a number of games, remarkably ,similar to backgammon. Lupus duodenum scripture (" Game of twelve lines" )

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