Examples of the the word, revenge , in a Sentence Context

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  1. whether this was the result of a drunken accident, or a deliberate act of, revenge ,for the burning of the Acropolis of Athens during the Second Persian War. Fall
  2. Bow into Achilles' heel. One interpretation of his motive is that it was in, revenge ,for Achilles' sacrilege in murdering Troilus, the god's own son by Hecuba, on
  3. Mother, had cast him off Olympus; deeming him ugly and deformed. His, revenge ,was to trap her in a magic throne, and then to demand Aphrodite's hand in
  4. Sennacherib was murdered by his own sons in a palace revolt, apparently in, revenge ,for the destruction of Babylon. Esarhaddon (680-669 BC) expanded Assyria
  5. Father be healed through a ritual act, thus openly displaying her thirst for, revenge , Alboin's remains were allegedly buried beneath the palace steps. Alboin's
  6. Kill Clytemnestra and Aegis thus, her lover. Orestes and Places carry out the, revenge , and consequently Orestes is pursued by the Erin yes (Furies, female
  7. Or military motives. Additionally, assassins may be prompted by financial gain, revenge ,for grievances, a desire to acquire fame or notoriety (that is, a
  8. Found out what had happened and killed the bear, so Artemis sent a plague in, revenge , The Athenians consulted an oracle to understand how to end the plague. The
  9. The Bad Sleep Well, based on a script by Kurosawa's nephew Mike Income, is a, revenge ,drama about a young man who climbs the hierarchy of a corrupt Japanese company
  10. Times. In addition, Thyestes had an affair with Atreus' wife, Aerope. In, revenge , Atreus killed Theses' sons and served them to him unknowingly. After eating
  11. Tortuous without Nero's knowledge, so that he wouldn't be able to seek, revenge ,against her over his brother's death. Empress of Rome On the day that
  12. Before a tournament in Munich. Although Christopher renounced his claim for, revenge , he lay in wait for Nicholas in Riesling. When the latter arrived, he was
  13. The 1979 film Agatha (with Vanessa Redgrave, where she sneaks away to plan, revenge ,against her husband) and the Doctor Who is a episode" The Unicorn and the Wasp" (
  14. In World War II, Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basters offers a satirical, revenge ,fantasy where a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler succeeds. Alternate histories
  15. André; as a result, André suffered a Payfare mild heart attack and vowed, revenge , During the next few weeks, Roberts frequently walked to ringside during André
  16. War. On 7 January 1325,Afonso's father died, and he became king, taking full, revenge ,on his brother. His rival was sentenced to exile in Castile, and stripped of
  17. Being a length of bike chain. He later becomes a police officer, exacting his, revenge ,on Alex for the abuse he once suffered under his command. *P. R. Deltoid: A
  18. Rejection of him (due to his drug addiction and neglect of their son) that in, revenge ,he portrayed her as a gold-digging spendthrift. Her actual settlement was said
  19. S trickery and her true origins. This infuriated Cambyses, and he vowed to take, revenge ,for it. Amass would die before Cambyses reached him, but his heir and son
  20. He was a better hunter than she. In other versions, Artemis killed Adonis for, revenge , In later myths, Adonis had been related as a favorite of Aphrodite, and
  21. Camp Ba gong Diva in Bhutan, Taguig City. They killed 4 government soldiers in, revenge ,of killing his 2 men. They barricaded the S. I. C. A compound. This started the
  22. Attacking André from behind (injuring his knee). Jimmy Hart would later get, revenge ,for the humiliation by secretly signing Tugboat and forming The Natural
  23. Was divided into three main efforts — to prepare for future invasion, to seek, revenge ,against Persia, and to organize a means of dividing spoils of war. The members
  24. Behind in Egypt and move to Persia in forced exile. In an attempt to exact, revenge ,for his forced exile, the physician would grow very close with Cambyses and
  25. In it, the first-person narrator seems to approve of the troops' crimes as, revenge ,for German atrocities, expressing his desire to take part in the plunder
  26. Gradual approach to modernization. In 1933,however, he was assassinated in a, revenge ,killing by a Kabul student. Mohammed Zahid Shah, Nadir Shah's 19-year-old son
  27. To destroy Hank's character. She uses James Haggard for sex as victory and, revenge ,against Hank and Deign. This does give her the satisfaction she desires and she
  28. Fallen soldiers on both sides. The greatest impact of the war was the victor’s, revenge , Josephus reports that Antaeus brought 800 rebels to Jerusalem and had them
  29. Western territory. The other Allies had mixed-to-poor results. France did win, revenge ,over hated England, but its material gains were minimal and its financial
  30. Of great solemnity and festivity; yet overshadowing it all was darkness and, revenge , The opera depicted politically motivated murder, filial duty and love in
  31. There; removing the inhabitants to make room for it. The locals got their, revenge ,by setting fire to the new building, destroying its contents and in the process
  32. From the dead (transgressing Themes by stealing Hades's subjects),Apollo in, revenge ,killed the Cyclopes, who had fashioned the bolt for Zeus. Apollo would have
  33. To another body, they can take the form of a predatory animal and even exact, revenge , Mythology A large part of mythology is based upon a belief in souls and
  34. Daughter of a man he had slain, and how she waited for a suitable occasion for, revenge , eventually poisoning him. She had previously fallen in love with one of her
  35. Locked in very private embrace. But Hephaestus was not yet satisfied with his, revenge ,— he invited the Olympian gods and goddesses to view the unfortunate pair. For
  36. David, and Abigail attempts to placate David in order to stop him taking, revenge , She gives him food, and speaks to him, urging him not to" have on his
  37. Theses fathered Aegis thus with his own daughter, and this son vowed gruesome, revenge ,on Atreus' children. Aegis thus successfully murdered Atreus and restored his
  38. To bear personal responsibility" for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and, revenge ," and" not taking appropriate measures to prevent bloodshed ". Sharon's
  39. When Demon, king of Ethiopia slew Antioch, Achilles once more obtained, revenge ,on the battlefield, killing Demon. The fight between Achilles and Demon over
  40. The Morin of Cali cut and the sultan of Gujarat, taking it as personal, revenge ,for the death of his son Laurence de Almeida at the Battle of Haul. His
  41. Historians as the League of Corinth). He then announced his plans for a war of, revenge ,against the Persian Empire, which he would command. Exile and return After
  42. Of near treason by cooperating with his country's enemy. Wodehouse got some, revenge ,on his former friend by creating fatuous parodies of the Christopher Robin
  43. Brother Shamash-shum-ukin who was the Assyrian king of Babylon, exacting savage, revenge ,on the coalition of Chaldean's, Nabateans, Arameans, Sutu, Arabs and Examines
  44. Achilles. Achilles, the greatest warrior of the age, withdrew from battle in, revenge ,and nearly cost the Greek armies the war. Although not the equal of Achilles in
  45. He had married Ines in a prior secret ceremony in Barranca, promptly taking, revenge ,on the killers in a very gruesome manner and exhumed her body. He presented the
  46. Of his dead sons, either killed himself or was killed by Apollo after swearing, revenge , A devastated Niobe fled to Mount Silos in Asia Minor and turned into stone
  47. Then ruled Agamemnon's kingdom for a time, Aegisthus claiming his right of, revenge ,for Agamemnon's father Atreus having fed Theses his own children (Theses
  48. And slaughtered them. Sabin us, Cotta and their troops were massacred. Caesar's, revenge ,When the Roman Senate heard what happened, Caesar swore to put down all the
  49. Streets and accidentally encounters his former victims, all of whom are keen on, revenge , The policemen who come to Alex's rescue turn out to be none other than Dim
  50. After eating his own sons' corpses, Thyestes asked an oracle how best to gain, revenge , The advice was to father a son with his own daughter, Pelopia, and that son

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