Examples of the the word, admin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( admin ), is the 6378 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Humorous material. The C&C warning originated with the Usenet group news., admin , Net-abuse. Email, but has spread to other groups. The warning is an admonition
  2. Battalion (assigned to the Fort Bragg-based 20th Engineer Brigade; under local, admin ,control of the 101st Sustained Brigade at Fort Campbell) ** 716th Military
  3. The machine was moved to the US, in Seattle, running on a machine at one of the, admin ,'s workplace, Derek " Ceres" Harding, before again moving back to the UK to
  4. Deleted. Eventually the forum collapsed, and a new forum was started by the, admin ," Sharp ", however the new forum never gained the popularity that the old
  5. Working in their non-root account, to the root account. Another reason for an, admin ,to use it pertains to the hyphen parameter (argument). Usage When run from a
  6. To post follow-ups to its own messages, recursively sending posts to the news., admin , Policy newsgroup. This was an early example of (unintentional) Usenet spam.
  7. Databases. In October 2005,several people posting to Nanak (the news., admin , Net-abuse. Email Usenet newsgroup) began to uncover what was at the time the
  8. The projectand it was held in a cheap alternative space, a London Docklands, admin ,block (usually referred to as a warehouse). The event resonated with the
  9. Change from poll to poll mostly as a result of changes initiated by the system, admin , If information is needed for a particular interface, it is imperative to
  10. In the user title it is deemed inappropriate for users to use words such as ", admin ,"," moderator "," leader" and so on, if the censoring system is implemented
  11. Either those who performed well in the daily awards, or simply those the, admin ,deemed worthy. On June 27, 2006,the Icon Helpers system was launched for
  12. And currently GPF Software's system admin istrator. She became GPF's says, admin ,when Booker was called to active duty as a secret agent. Before that, she was
  13. Such that a team that suffers a major loss of players can still come back. An, admin ,configurable time limit (default 15 minutes) was introduced in beta 5 which
  14. Like DHCP-DDNS, it may end up becoming another useful tool in the network, admin ,'s arsenal. IETF RAPT (IP Reachability Using Twice Network Address and Port
  15. Of September 2006 where a hacker who had probably obtained a factory-default, admin ,password for a gas station's white label ATM caused the unit to assume it was
  16. By Martha Stewart * Management services organization, an organization providing, admin ,services for individual physicians * Michigan Southern Railroad (1989),a
  17. Their role in a paid or voluntary position. For example someone working in an, admin ,office role may take an NVQ in Business and Administration. There are five
  18. Internet-based network services. Co-sysops are users who may be granted certain, admin ,privileges on a BBS. Generally, they would help validate users and monitor
  19. Subject: Make Money Fast % ... if the subject header contains this phrase news., admin , Net-abuse-sightings % This rule applies only in the specified newsgroup Score:
  20. Pl" SERVER_ADD="" SERVER_ADMIN=" ( server, admin ,'s email address) " SERVER_NAME="" SERVER_PORT="80 "
  21. Trust that does not extend beyond two domains.; Explicit trust: A trust that an, admin ,creates. It is not transitive and is one way only.; Cross-link trust: An
  22. Over an entire network. Services admin istrator Commonly abbreviated as SA, This, admin , type has access to almost all commands on an IRC network. Usually, an SA has
  23. Of that event existed. Despite repeated attempts by FIRE to get Cal Poly's, admin ,to correct the problem, FIRE brought suit in Hinkle's name. Eventually, Cal
  24. _pagan 55,57,58&_dad portal30&_schema=PORTAL30 Business, admin , Department home page (English) *http://www.thm.de/international/ Information
  25. Use of blacklists to deal with spam and other unwanted network traffic. *news., admin , Net-abuse. Email — discussion of abuse of email by spammers and other parties.
  26. 9 July 1898-Antwerp,25 October 1989),writer. * Folio (Internet Garrison, admin ,extraordinaire, famous founder of" Prestige Servers" ) Twin towns Londerzeel
  27. World War II. See http://www. admin .ch/cp/d/1997Jan29.105055.7098@idz. Bfi., admin , Ch. html. Taiwan After the government of Republic of China was allowed to rule
  28. N U K E D *" and the original poster's name would be replaced by an, admin ,account called Duke Nuked. Ja. oz The second major version of the Shack news
  29. The final relegation spot, resulting in their second consecutive relegation for, admin ,entrance. Leading goalscorer: Leon Knight (Brighton & Hove Albion) and
  30. Only to the sub-forum. Administrator The admin istrators (short form: ", admin ,") manage the technical details required for running the site. As such, they
  31. Two net abuse groups at that time, news. Admin. Net-abuse. Announce and news., admin , Net-abuse. Misc. Later that month it went to vote and passed 451 to 28. In
  32. Assigned to the Fort Bragg-based 16th Military Police Brigade; under local, admin ,control of the 101st Sustained Brigade at Fort Campbell) Lineage HHC,101st
  33. Wetware In Novel Wetware, the superuser was called" supervisor ", later ", admin ,". Older personal systems Many older operating systems on computers intended
  34. Own server applications. However, central policies are voted upon by the server, admin ,community which is archived for referencing. Due to EFnet's nature, it has
  35. Abuse of email systems. According to a timeline compiled by Keith Lynch, news., admin , Net-abuse. Email was the first widely available electronic forum for
  36. Assistant, or sometimes an employee slightly higher-ranking than an, admin ,assistant. However, the term" Coordinator" can refer to a position within an
  37. 2007 also dropped support for Exchange 5.50 migrations, routing groups, admin ,groups, Outlook Mobile Access, X.400,and some API interfaces, amongst other
  38. Rex, the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club, and the Kr ewe of Moms. News., admin , Net-abuse. Email (sometimes abbreviated Nanak or n. a. n-a. E, and often
  39. Head of advertising to try to market the tissue for colds and hay fever. The, admin ,declined the idea but then committed a small amount of ad space to mention of
  40. Strictly to their particular subject, frowning on off-topic postings. The news, admin ,(the admin istrator of a news server) decides how long articles are kept on
  41. At the Prince Office of communications. * Mohamed Said Al-Fihri, Deputy of the, admin ,& finance affairs At The Ministry of Post, Telegraphs and Telephones. *
  42. A newsgroup, a few other groups have been targeted this way. One, news., admin , Net-abuse. Email, is used for discussion of spamming and other email abuse
  43. And passed 451 to 28. In September 2002 it was proposed that a subgroup, news., admin , Net-abuse. Email. Blocklists, be created. Mannerisms Over time, some (more or
  44. Backyard furnaces, and factories. Administrator (sometimes abbreviated, admin ,) may refer to: * Administrator (business),a person for the performance or
  45. Matters related to the functioning of Usenet itself. Examples include: *news., admin , Net-abuse. Blocklisting — discussion related to the use of blacklists to deal
  46. Main Wrangell clan. With the support of Santa pro-union civil society, local, admin , and politicians, USP was subsequently recognized by UNISON as the legitimate
  47. Process of a domain name transfer is: # The end user verifies that the whops, admin ,contact info is correct, particularly the email address; obtains the
  48. Pastor Goblin - trader on Gobelyn's Market, brother to IRA *See Goblin -, admin ,on Gobelyn's Market,Iza's second child *Grid Tomas - back-up everything on
  49. Not have a cohesive" community ". In 2008,after a chance meeting with CAN, admin ,Adam Kennedy at the Open Source Developers Conference, Linux kernel developer
  50. In order to reduce the load on the two net abuse groups at that time, news., admin , Net-abuse. Announce and news. Admin. Net-abuse. Misc. Later that month it went

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