Examples of the the word, varied , in a Sentence Context

The word ( varied ), is the 6366 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Particularly in their political views and attitudes. Loyalties and allegiances, varied ,widely not only within regions and communities, but also within families and
  2. Detailed interpretation for most control codes, interpretations of this code, varied , The original Teletype meaning, and the intent of the standard, was to make it
  3. Systematically reached out to create an impact on other countries. Its success, varied ,widely. The Annals approach was especially well received in Italy and Poland.
  4. Been recognized in many taxonomic systems, but the limits of the family have, varied , In the narrowest definition, the Amaryllidaceae sense strict is characterized
  5. East" or more literally" sunrise ". The precise reference of this term has, varied ,over time, perhaps originally referring only to the Ionian colonies on the Asia
  6. And phase modulation, often used in remote controls, in which the phase is, varied ,) In the mid-1870s,a form of amplitude modulation—initially called "
  7. Has for years been a controversial organization. The reasons for opposition are, varied , although conservatives often view the ACLU stance of separation of church and
  8. As the central character. Youth and children's fiction Delete wrote many and, varied ,children's works, including biographies meant to introduce younger readers to
  9. Is termed a binary alloy. Because the percentage of each constituent can be, varied , with any mixture the entire range of possible variations is called a system.
  10. Frontals may also have had a joint. The number of tail vertebrae is unknown and, varied ,with individual size; James Madsen estimated about 50,The rib cage was broad
  11. Far from the original melodic material, its main interest lies in the deft and, varied ,handling of orchestral colors. La Folio was the most monumental set of
  12. Of soteriology. The current scholarly support for Arminianism is wide and, varied , One particular thrust is a return to the teachings of Arminius. F. Leroy
  13. Law, wildlife Troopers enforce hunting and fishing regulations. Due to the, varied ,terrain and wide scope of the Troopers' duties, they employ a wide variety of
  14. Also commonly used for sound transmissions, in which the frequency is, varied ,; and phase modulation, often used in remote controls, in which the phase is
  15. Influence outside of Louisiana. Common ingredients The American colonial diet, varied ,depending on the settled region in which someone lived. Local cuisine patterns
  16. The eldest of the six men, Rodin conceived the sculpture as a study in the, varied ,and complex emotions under which all six men were laboring. One year into the
  17. Separate English teams were on tour in Australia) and popularity with the fans, varied , The 1890s games were more closely fought, Australia taking their first series
  18. Subjected to a number of restrictions, the application and severity of which, varied ,with time and place. Restrictions included residency in segregated quarters
  19. His forces from the Taliban and lost again from time to time as the front lines, varied , Massed created democratic institutions which were structured into several
  20. Distinction between architects, engineers and often artists, and the title used, varied ,depending on geographical location. They often carried the title of master
  21. Soul was material, tangible and thus measurable. Although MacDougall's results, varied ,considerably from" 21 grams ", for some people this figure has become
  22. Argentines enjoy a variety of alcoholic beverages and Argentina can boast a, varied ,array of elaborations, whether industrial or artisanal. Besides beer and wine
  23. Of the Acadian French regions of Louisiana and the surrounding area, included a, varied ,diet heavily influenced by Africans and Caribbeans, rather than just the French
  24. Of resistant rocks—whose soils, also derived from weathering in silk, are of, varied ,fertility, the best coming from the granite, sandstones and limestones, the
  25. Environment with distinct wet and dry seasons, and flat floodplains. Vegetation, varied ,from river-lining forests of conifers, tree ferns, and ferns (gallery forests
  26. The full extent of her power, and her enemies were now far stronger and more, varied , August Porch (12 October 1868 – 3 February 1951) was a German engineer and
  27. File: Lima_Antalya. PNG|Antalya (southern Anatolia) Anatolia has a, varied ,range of climates. The central plateau is characterized by a continental
  28. Types of ethnic/tribal groups in existence at that time may have been much more, varied ,and numerous than just the two mentioned in this article. European and African
  29. Which player has the most money. Components The components of the game have, varied ,over the years. In particular, the tiles have been made from wood, plastic,and
  30. A study of injuries in the martial arts showed that while the type of injuries, varied ,considerably from one art to the other, the differences in overall rates of
  31. He had a very widespread reputation during his lifetime and his knowledge, more, varied , than profound, caused him to be called Doctor universalism. Among his very
  32. Where popular support remained with the Union though elite opinion was more, varied , They were further distracted by Germany and Italy, who were experiencing
  33. Known about the music that accompanied Greek lyrics, and the meter is often so, varied ,and complex that it is difficult for modern readers or audiences to get a feel
  34. Of conference delegates coming from the branches and affiliated unions has, varied ,from state to state, however under recent national reforms at least 50 % of
  35. The type of arthritis, the common symptoms for all arthritis disorders include, varied ,levels of pain, swelling,joint stiffness and sometimes a constant ache around
  36. Revolts, and the practice of internal exile. The Gulag Archipelagos rich and, varied ,authorial voice, its unique weaving together of personal testimony
  37. Describes acoustic wave propagation, but the phenomena that emerge from it are, varied ,and often complex. The wave carries energy throughout the propagating medium.
  38. Even less favorable use of the word. The respect accorded to apocryphal books, varied ,between Protestant denominations. In both the German (1534) and English (
  39. Lost. As well as The Divine Comedy Television * Star Trek all series, (, varied , themes,though frequently addressed the issues of prejudice and racism) * Star
  40. But rejected body armor for standard issue). The effectiveness of the vests, varied ,widely-some successfully deflected bullets and saved lives, but others were
  41. And sacred vocal music for them. These sacred works, which number over 60,are, varied ,: they included solo motets and large-scale choral works for soloists, double
  42. Induced abortion has long history, and can be traced back to civilizations as, varied ,as China under Shannon (c. 2700 BCE),Ancient Egypt with its Ebert Papyrus (
  43. Applications. APL has been used in a wide variety of contexts and for many and, varied ,purposes. A newsletter titled" Quote-Quad" dedicated to APL has been
  44. Experienced by yogis. Chinese aesthetics Chinese art has a long history of, varied ,styles and emphases. In ancient times philosophers were already arguing about
  45. Was sustained by a certain mass of air, the volume, or " spring ", of which, varied ,with the heat to which it was exposed. Amnions therefore argued that the zero
  46. And business operations. Thus, the last 50 years of the airline industry have, varied ,from reasonably profitable, to devastatingly depressed. As the first major
  47. For their actions and punished. The degree of participation among citizens, varied ,greatly, along a spectrum from doing virtually nothing towards something like a
  48. Often arrived as destructive thunderstorms. While the amount of winter snowfall, varied ,greatly, the Ancient Pueblo depended on the snow for most of their water. Snow
  49. With and supplemented by the work of a variety of disciplines i.e., with, varied , expertise like mechanical, plumbing,electrical, civil,structural, etc.
  50. Associated with the invention of the telephone, his interests were extremely, varied , According to one of his biographers, Charlotte Gray,Bell's work ranged "

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