Examples of the the word, smash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smash ), is the 6863 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Where it achieved cult status. The 1978 film version of Grease was considered a, smash ,hit; its songs were original compositions done in a 1950s pop style. However
  2. Overwhelming support from fans, players,directors and staff. They were able to, smash ,the target. Statistics and records David O'Leary holds the record for Arsenal
  3. Married in 1957,to The Every Brothers, and it appeared on the B-side of their, smash ,hit" All I Have To Do Is Dream ". The first and perhaps only royalties Orbison
  4. Provided an example for imitation. #Once slaving in any form is taken up it may, smash ,a moral barrier to exploitation, and make its adoption in other forms seem a
  5. Valley of Ben Hinton in front of elders and priests to illustrate that God will, smash ,the nation of Judah and the city of Judah beyond repair. God instructs Jeremiah
  6. A website, www. Endthedebate. Com, where people voted by a two to one margin to, smash ,the ball. Bonds concluded the 2007 season with a .276 batting average,28 home
  7. Knew it was going to be a hit record. " We at Jive said,'This is a fucking ', smash ,'," revealed the label's A&R executive at the time Steven Aunt; however
  8. Stealing some" giant robots" from the planet Mars, the villains callously, smash ,the gates on the Martian canals, thereby threatening the immediate depletion of
  9. Oscar-nominated performance as Paul in Last Tango in Paris (1972),another, smash ,hit, revitalized Brando's career and reestablished him in the ranks of top box
  10. Produced a remix of Duran Duran's" Notorious" and The Pet Shop Boys' hit, smash , Domino Dancing produced by Lewis A. Martinez, who produced many of Expose's
  11. Garnered by his performance in Diner, Bacon starred in the 1984 box-office, smash ,Footloose. Richard Collins of TIME likened Footloose to the James Dean classic
  12. Two murals; one of King John conceding Magna Carta, the other of Moses about to, smash ,the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The mahogany and marble chamber was
  13. Hits collection, Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Kenya, again a top five, smash ,in the UK and Germany, which featured two new songs:" Paint the Sky with Stars
  14. Of global marketing icon such as Beckham made this particular tour a financial, smash ,for Los Merengues. Shortly after his Real switch, Beckham also dropped his
  15. The add-on QuakeWorld) seared the title into the minds of gamers as another, smash ,hit. In 2008 id Software was honored at the 59th Annual Technology &
  16. Was glad of the distraction from the Loans Affair, and believed that he would ", smash ," not only the Senate, but Fraser's leadership as well. Whitley told the House
  17. Clique members allowed the Communists to continue attacking foreigners and, smash ,idols, since they shared the goal of expelling the foreign powers from China
  18. Fought their way through to the battlefield. Napoleon made a last attempt to, smash ,Wellington's center before his two enemies could achieve any kind of linkage.
  19. Power had never been seen before," and" whose primary impulse is to, smash ,the world. " The Thing has a temper, and the Human Torch resents being a child
  20. And future talk-show superstar Oprah Winfrey, the film was a box office, smash ,and critics hailed Spielberg's successful foray into the dramatic genre. Roger
  21. The film received an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. The film became a, smash ,underground hit, first on the nationwide college circuit, then in revivals and
  22. Whereas the fastest badminton stroke during gameplay was FM Haifeng's recorded, smash , Comparisons of speed and athletic requirements Statistics such as the smash
  23. Accelerators have been used to make neutrino beams. The technique is to, smash ,protons into a fixed target, producing charged ions or koans. These unstable
  24. Smash. Comparisons of speed and athletic requirements Statistics such as the, smash ,speed, above,prompt badminton enthusiasts to make other comparisons that are
  25. Actions gave his roommate, weightlifting coach Tu via Bokanovsky, enough time to, smash ,a window and escape. Wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg fought the intruders, who
  26. 1950,Superman journeys to Mars to help actor-director Orson Welles, smash ,a plot by the Martian dictator Master to" blitzkrieg the solar system" and
  27. Ditch. " Many years later, Captain Collier, a Royal Navy officer assigned to, smash ,the local smuggling ring, uncovered the deception and Dr. Syn's true identity
  28. Jupiter's ring system is formed by dust kicked up as interplanetary meteoroids, smash ,into the planet's four small inner moons. The outermost ring is actually two
  29. A half year old gorilla in the Republic of Congo was discovered using rocks to, smash ,open palm nuts inside a game sanctuary. While this was the first such
  30. Of the Worlds featured violent invaders. The film was another huge box office, smash , grossing over $591 million worldwide. Spielberg's film Munich, about the
  31. Movie musical of all time and has been named the number one box office, smash ,of 2008,and the biggest-selling DVD ever in the UK. Benny Andersson Worcester
  32. In his final screen role as Nevada Smith, also played by Steve McQueen in a, smash ,hit prequel the following year. Pepper started choosing tough guy roles in big
  33. Shrimp (of the smash er variety) uses cavitation as well in order to stun, smash ,open, or kill the shellfish that it feasts upon. Their knees do wear out as a
  34. 400 motion pictures, many of them highly acclaimed, such as the 1949 box office, smash , Sands of Two Jim. He directed his last movie in 1961. He died in Los Angeles
  35. Efforts. In November 1965,the group followed up their number-three summer, smash ," California Girls" with another top 20 single," The Little Girl I Once Knew
  36. And best-selling games have come from Canadian studios and gone on to become, smash ,hits in the international market. Such games include BioWare's Mass Effect and
  37. No. 1 on the Billboard charts for five weeks in 1966. It was also a crossover, smash , reaching No. 1 on Billboard's Easy Listening chart and No. 2 on Billboard's
  38. And the Last Crusade. After using his umbrella to induce a flock of seagulls to, smash ,through the glass cockpit of a pursuing German fighter plane, Henry Jones
  39. Office; the Civil War movie, with strong antiwar and humanitarian themes, was a, smash ,hit in the South. As an aviator, Stewart was particularly interested in
  40. Content, and 1 million units were sold that year. Atari Inc. then licensed the, smash ,arcade hit Space Invaders by Tito, which greatly increased the unit's
  41. 38 republican prisoners, armed with 6 handguns, hijack a prison meals truck and, smash ,their way out of the Maze prison. It is the largest prison escape since WWII
  42. Singles" Lump "," Peaches ", and " Kitty ", their debut album proved to be a, smash , Critics praised the band's catchy, humorous,and self-deprecating songs
  43. Abrahams and Tucker also lampooned the anti-disco sentiment in their 1980, smash , comedy film Airplane! In one scene, there is a city skyline featuring a radio
  44. Listed The Beach Boys as a major influence, which is apparent in its 1975 chart, smash , Autobahn. Kraftwerk's lyrics deal with post-war European urban life and
  45. When the lady is dead, Iago and Othello place her lifeless body upon her bed, smash ,her skull, and cause the cracked ceiling above the bed to collapse upon her
  46. And a memorable zither score by Anton Kara's. The film was an international, smash ,hit, but unfortunately Welles had turned down a percentage of the gross in
  47. About the founding of the state of Israel, and continuing with the, smash ,hits Hello, Dolly! (1964,2,844 performances),Made (1966,1,508
  48. Jesus, which produced a hit in" All Summer Long ". It was his first worldwide, smash ,hit, charting #1 in eight countries across Europe and in Australia. Rock N Roll
  49. To bite immediately. Some will use their heads as sledgehammers and literally, smash ,an opponent, some will rush or swim toward the threat from a distance, even
  50. Paved paradise and put up a parking lot. " Ladies of the Canyon was an instant, smash ,on FM radio and sold briskly through the summer and fall, eventually becoming

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