Examples of the the word, exterior , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exterior ), is the 6870 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And for Wayne Manor. The same method was used for the Bat Ski-boat and the, exterior ,shots of the Gotham Zoo. Music Danny Elf man had great enthusiasm for returning
  2. Distribute the weight more evenly along the wall. To protect the interior and, exterior ,adobe wall, finishes can be applied, such as mud plaster, whitewash or stucco.
  3. Built by For Bach, a regional baron with links to Cardiff Castle also. The, exterior ,has become a popular location for film and television productions. It rarely
  4. Cells of the human body would be roughly 2,000 times as great as the body's, exterior ,surface. *200,000–500,000. This fibrin creates a mesh onto which red blood
  5. R-module is naturally an R-algebra. The same is true for quotients such as the, exterior ,and symmetric algebras. Categorically speaking, the functor which maps an
  6. Of the chord, then they are supplemental. ** For a cyclic quadrilateral,the, exterior ,angle is equal to the interior opposite angle. * An inscribed angle subtended
  7. Seven minute spacewalk to retrieve exposed film from the instrument bay on the, exterior ,of the CSM. The ascent stage of lunar module Challenger impacted the Moon
  8. By reversing the refrigerant flow to heat the interior and draw heat from the, exterior ,air, converting the air conditioner into a heat pump. While room air
  9. To pick an orientation of the plane (or surface) to decide the sign of the, exterior ,angle measure. *: In Euclidean geometry, the sum of the exterior angles of a
  10. Six Excesses, or a pattern of stagnation (of QI, xuě, etc.). In a concurrent, exterior ,pattern, repletion is characterized by the absence of sweating. * Yin and yang
  11. With shared walls to minimize exposure to high exterior temperatures. Solid, exterior ,walls are painted with lime to minimize the heating effects of the sun. In
  12. Beads" ). " Furnace glass" beads encase a multicolored core in a transparent, exterior ,layer which is then annealed in a furnace. More economically, millefiori beads
  13. Simplicity and modernity using fine lines and waves to compose the columns and, exterior ,structures. The Palace is four stories high, and has an area of 36,000 m2. Four
  14. Several times. The larvae of frogs (tadpoles or polliwogs) breathe with, exterior ,gills at the start, but soon a pouch is formed that covers the gills and the
  15. Fatal Light Awareness Program, which " encourages buildings to dim unnecessary, exterior ,lighting to mitigate bird mortality during spring and summer migration. " Size
  16. Packages),the evaporative unit on the interior and the condensing unit on the, exterior , with tubing passing through the wall and connecting them. This minimizes the
  17. The corresponding exterior angle where is on extended. Since the interior and, exterior ,angles sum to 180 degrees, the angle CPD is exactly 90 degrees, i. e., a right
  18. To the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It retained Bosnia's, exterior ,border and created a joint multi-ethnic and democratic government. This
  19. Closed curves which divide the plane into two regions: an interior and an, exterior , In everyday use, the term" circle" may be used interchangeably to refer to
  20. EVA was only the second trans-earth EVA ever and was used to bring in film from, exterior ,cameras and conduct an experiment on microbial survival. The splashdown point
  21. Campaigning, devices. Bus advertising takes many forms, often as interior and, exterior ,adverts and all-over advertising liveries. The practice often extends into the
  22. Which has contributed to its longevity as a building material. In addition,the, exterior ,of an adobe wall can be covered with glass to increase heat collection. In a
  23. A line segment through some point on extended bisects the corresponding, exterior ,angle where is on extended. Since the interior and exterior angles sum to 180
  24. Are equal in length. *If a tangent at A and a tangent at B intersect at the, exterior ,point, then denoting the center as, the angles ∠ and ∠ are supplementary. *If
  25. Root of a plant * Cortex (archaeology),the outer layer of rock formed on the, exterior ,of raw materials by chemical and mechanical weathering processes * Cell cortex
  26. Sign of the exterior angle measure. *: In Euclidean geometry, the sum of the, exterior ,angles of a simple polygon will be one full turn (360°). *Some authors use
  27. Negative. Even in a non-simple polygon it may be possible to define the, exterior ,angle, but one will have to pick an orientation of the plane (or surface) to
  28. Of the proteins in Latin, whereas a Greek translation is also present on an, exterior ,wall of the cell. The temple, on the ancient Acropolis of Ankara, was enlarged
  29. Latex" house paints may also be a" co-polymer" blend, but the very best, exterior ,water-based paints are 100 % acrylic. Soon after the water-based acrylic
  30. Exercise in the form of a book report. * Books are sometimes used for their, exterior ,appearance to decorate a room, such as a study. Paper and conservation issues
  31. Was mired in troubles; improper development of the negatives had ruined all the, exterior ,shots. Tarkovsky's relationship with cinematographer George Herbert
  32. Of a simple polygon will be one full turn (360°). *Some authors use the name, exterior ,angle of a simple polygon to simply mean the elementary (not supplementary!
  33. Of peptidoglycan in bacteria, and acts as an additional barrier against, exterior ,forces. It also prevents the cell from expanding and finally bursting (
  34. Urban houses are constructed with shared walls to minimize exposure to high, exterior ,temperatures. Solid exterior walls are painted with lime to minimize the
  35. Of Mahler differentials which sends an element Dr to d (f (r) ),the, exterior ,differential of f (r). The formula D (f ∘ g) = DF ∘ DG holds in this
  36. 1936 Summer Olympics as too modern, Speer modified the plans by adding a stone, exterior , Speer designed the German Pavilion for the 1937 international exposition in
  37. To the axis of the bore, which reduces the distance between the holes on the, exterior , This ensures coverage by the fingers of the average adult hand. Wooden
  38. N/2 − 1) turn. *The angle supplementary to the interior angle is called the, exterior ,angle. It measures the amount of rotation one has to make at this vertex to
  39. Nucleus instead originated from a single ancestral cell that evolved a second, exterior ,cell membrane; the interior membrane enclosing the original cell then became
  40. The plum and cherry, is instead a thick leathery Eva Green coat (with a downy, exterior ,), called the hull. Inside the hull is a reticulated hard woody shell (like
  41. Completely new development sold extremely well. However, its modern and dynamic, exterior ,belied the low performance of its base engine, and its base package was quite
  42. Out the polygon. If the corresponding interior angle is a reflex angle,the, exterior ,angle should be considered negative. Even in a non-simple polygon it may be
  43. Friendly Flexible technology. A muscular two-seater with distinctive, exterior ,and interior styling, the Super sports is unmistakably Bentley in design
  44. Drawback of split portable units compared with mono-portables is that a surface, exterior ,to the building, such as a balcony must be provided for the external compressor
  45. Without the straw, is used for mortar and often for plaster on interior and, exterior ,walls. Some ancient cultures used lime-based cement for the plaster to protect
  46. First to other sets and eventually to an occasional exterior location. The, exterior ,location shots of the bar were of the Bull & Finch Pub, located directly north
  47. Venturing further afield, first to other sets and eventually to an occasional, exterior ,location. The exterior location shots of the bar were of the Bull & Finch Pub
  48. Later with the same music, together with footage of the newsroom and, exterior ,of Television Center. The 2003 relaunch saw a small change to this style with
  49. Controls. Interior air is cooled as a fan blows it over the evaporator. On the, exterior ,the air is heated as a second fan blows it over the condenser. In this process
  50. DUE/Screen Gems studio in Wilmington, North Carolina, which also provided the, exterior ,scenes of Lumberton. The scene with a raped and battered Dorothy proved to be

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