Examples of the the word, hawk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hawk ), is the 6877 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Extra! " Were often heard into the morning hours as newsboys attempted to, hawk ,every last paper. In 1898,with the Spanish-American War increasing newspaper
  2. Gallivespians, who fly around on huge dragonflies or, in Roke's case, a blue, hawk , Lord Role is, in effect, Lord of the Fliers -- alluding to William Golding's
  3. Ran died, Asmund brought his own possessions into the barrow: banners, armor, hawk , hound, and horse. Then Around set himself to wait the agreed upon three days:
  4. A dominant figure in both the First and Second Party systems. As a leading war, hawk , he favored war with Britain and played a significant role in leading the
  5. Now believe that no such telegrams ever were sent. But Hearst became a war, hawk ,after a rebellion broke out in Cuba in 1895. Stories of Cuban virtue and
  6. The power of digesting one's food, and that of transforming oneself into a, hawk , -- (Crowley, Magick Without Tears) Techniques of magic There are several
  7. He was a man of quick temper and vigorous personality," with a thin face, hawk ,'s nose and hot eyes. " John Adams described him as" one of the three men in
  8. Another method, primarily used in hunting gazelles, involved the use of a, hawk ,to gouge out the eyes of the prey, so that a Saudi can then bring down the
  9. And allowed the player to summon AI partners, such as a droid, tiger,and, hawk , to help fight enemies. Sega's Shadow Dancer, released in the same year, also
  10. New Guinea The cane toad was successfully introduced into New Guinea to control, hawk ,moth larvae that were eating sweet potato crops. Initial reports argued that
  11. To be trained to lead the team out of a tunnel, Faith was replaced by an augur, hawk ,named Taiga before the start of the 2005 season. Taiga started leading the team
  12. Debuted in, the team's logo was a stylized royal blue and forest green, hawk ,'s head based on Northwestern tribal art. The helmet and pants were silver
  13. And the United States has deteriorated. Chávez's stance as an OPEC price, hawk ,has raised the price of oil for the United States. His public friendship and
  14. Salvation and peace. Similarly, in common parlance, the opposite of a dove is a, hawk ,or war hawk . Early history Advocacy of pacifism can be found far back in
  15. Keystone of the Venezuelan economy. Chávez has gained a reputation as a price, hawk ,in OPEC, pushing for stringent enforcement of production quotas and higher
  16. Circe, is a faithful transliteration of a Semitic name, meaning " island of the, hawk ,". The difficulty has been raised, especially by geologists, that the
  17. To restore honor and stature to the new nation. An angry public elected a“ war, hawk ,” Congress, led by such luminaries as Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. Madison
  18. In as President on 15 July 2007. Political views Pairs was once considered a ", hawk ,". He was a protégé of Centurion and Dayan and an early supporter of the West
  19. Live and hunt in family and social groups) and the aforementioned Galápagos, hawk , Paternal investment is often high in polyandrous species. Polygamy (from
  20. Logarithmic spirals. Here follows some examples and reasons: *The approach of a, hawk ,to its prey. Their sharpest view is at an angle to their direction of flight;
  21. Perspectives and objectives. Dole was a longstanding conservative deficit, hawk ,who had even voted against John F. Kennedy's tax cuts, while Kemp was an
  22. Yasser Sarawak in 2007. Played on standard 8×8 board with elephant (R+N) and, hawk ,(B+N). Chess hybrids The pieces in these chess variants are borrowed from
  23. Creatures of fire include phoenix, European dragon and occasionally the, hawk , Other traditions Fire represents the creativity and passion that all
  24. Scholars, for example Sarah Rude, call Pericles a populist, a demagogue and a, hawk , while other scholars admire his charismatic leadership. According to Plutarch
  25. Party and actively campaigned for Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. He was a ", hawk ," on the Vietnam War. Following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
  26. Is the Red-tailed hawk , which re-established a presence in the park when a male, hawk ,known as Pale Male for his light coloration, nested on a building on Fifth
  27. Peace. Similarly, in common parlance, the opposite of a dove is a hawk or war, hawk , Early history Advocacy of pacifism can be found far back in history and
  28. A manifestation of Horus. He is symbolized as a throne man with the head of a, hawk ,who carries a wand. He is associated with the Sun and the active energies of
  29. Obtains thrust by flapping its wings. It has found practical use in a model, hawk ,used to freeze prey animals into stillness so that they can be captured, and in
  30. States have been seen in Central Park. One of these species is the Red-tailed, hawk , which re-established a presence in the park when a male hawk known as Pale
  31. As religious objects. In the United States the religious use of eagle and, hawk ,feathers are governed by the eagle feather law, a federal law limiting the
  32. Perform the Garuda ritual, a stylized imitation of the Hangar and a, hawk , In the Qing Dynasty fiction The Story of Due FEI (1684),Garuda sits at the
  33. No pressure suits were worn during launch and re-entry. * Wastrel (Ястреб = ", hawk ,") extra-vehicular activity space suit used during a crew exchange between
  34. Yggdrasil and that it have much knowledge. Between the eyes of the eagle sits a, hawk ,called Veðrfölnir. A squirrel called Rotator scurries up and down the ash
  35. Masc. ) e.g. Aldrin" the elf" evergreen" the dwarf" and Hawkins" the, hawk ,"," -in" ( fem. ) join and" -it" ( neut. ) that" the tree ". The forms
  36. He was closest to the informal Unitarianism typified by Thomas Jefferson. War, hawk ,Calhoun was" a high-strung man of ultra intellectual cast,", and unlike Henry
  37. Feathers used for quill-pen making include feathers from the crow, eagle,owl, hawk , and turkey. The barbs are always stripped off partially or completely as they
  38. Turkey are 'Alma' ( means" undaunted" ),'Logan' ( falcon),'Şahin' (, hawk ,),'Yıldırım' ( thunderbolt),'Sims' ( Lightning),Turk (means "
  39. And turkeys. It is home to birds of prey including the bald eagle, red-tailed, hawk , and snowy owl. The lakes teem with sport fish such as walleye, bass
  40. Blitz has been the Sea hawk s' official mascot. In the 2003 and 2004 seasons,a, hawk ,named Faith would fly around the stadium just before the team came out of the
  41. Operate general shops, butcheries,eating houses, sell milk or vegetables, or, hawk , goods. The overall number of such enterprises at any time were strictly
  42. Including great blue heron, raptors such as barred owl, osprey,red-tailed, hawk ,and bald eagle, corvids (raven, crow,scrub and Steller's jay) and others
  43. Wooded region with a falcon (sometimes the falcon is replaced with either a, hawk ,or other small birds of prey in the legend). The King's falcon allegedly
  44. Birds and their plumage serve as cultural icons throughout the world, from the, hawk ,in Ancient Egypt to the bald eagle and the turkey (bird) in the United States
  45. Party and considered running for the presidency in 1824 and 1844. As a" war, hawk ,", he agitated in Congress for the War of 1812 to defend American honor against
  46. The mule deer, coyote,mountain lion, Northern Flicker, and several species of, hawk ,and sparrow. Also,178 species of California plants were listed either as
  47. Nephew may have been another falcon-god, worshipped at Nephew (city of the, hawk ,), but then Horus was identified with him early on. As falcon, Horus may be
  48. All. For instance, son,the locust and all flies flee fire; the eagle and the, hawk ,and all high-flying birds flee water; fish, air and earth; the snake avoids the
  49. Convention in which arms are called the land (or any sort of surface) of the, hawk , Fýrisvalla fræ" seed of Fýrisvellir" =" gold ". This is an allusion to a
  50. Migrating birds including process, bald eagles, goldfinches,and a plethora of, hawk ,varieties. Artistic community There are over 500 known artists living in the

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