Examples of the the word, groom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( groom ), is the 6876 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And jumping together, the broom was placed in an angle by the doorway. The, groom ,jumped first, followed by the bride. In some African-American communities
  2. Three times. It is then repeated three times as the bride is crowned to the, groom , We witness the groom and bride being crowned (visibly proclaimed) as the
  3. Marry the daughter, or dower, which was payable to the bride. This required the, groom ,to work for the bride's family for a set period of time. In the Jewish
  4. Dower or bride price, which was payable at the time of the marriage by the, groom ,to the father of the bride. This innovation was put in place because the
  5. Then repeated three times as the bride is crowned to the groom . We witness the, groom ,and bride being crowned (visibly proclaimed) as the king and queen
  6. Wedding canopy, which symbolizes a happy house. At the end of the ceremony,the, groom ,breaks a glass with his foot, symbolizing the continuous mourning for the
  7. Then, and again others provide horses; others too serve in the camps, those who, groom ,their horses and polish their weapons, guide the elephants, and keep in order
  8. Charles to translate for him, and says in sign language that he suspects the, groom ,is having doubts and loves someone else. The vicar asks whether Charles does
  9. Prohibited in Sunni Islam),but with the consent of both the bride and the, groom , Following the marriage they may consummate their marriage. Bahá'í In the
  10. In the Village of Hurried. This included il-ġilwa, which led the bride and, groom ,to a wedding ceremony that took place on the Paris of St. Andrew's Chapel.
  11. Consent of the couple and of the parents. Expectations exist that a bride and, groom ,should be about the same age. Marriage age ranges from 17-25,with 18-21
  12. Father-in-law, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law (sisters and brothers of the, groom ,). May your writ run in your house. " - Rigged Amrita Part -4,suit 85
  13. Consent of the guardian of the bride and the consent of both the bride and the, groom , Following the marriage, the couple may consummate the marriage. To create a
  14. Ceremony performed in public. According to the Talmud, erusin involves the, groom ,handing an object to the bride - either an object of value such as a ring, or a
  15. S mother and Knud's step-father were sister and brother, and the bride and, groom , who had grown up together, were practically regarded as sister and brother
  16. But was usually a part of a wider marriage settlement. For example, if the, groom ,had other children, they could not inherit the dowry, which had to go to the
  17. Though both the Adolf will spray them when attacked. Behavior Hyenas, groom ,themselves often like fields and Riverside, and their way of licking their
  18. One of his first screen roles) is in another part of the room listening to the, groom ,'s toast when Gareth dies. The funeral is that of Gareth. At the funeral
  19. Or guardian); the act of marriage appears mainly to have consisted of the, groom ,fetching the bride, although among the Israelites (unlike the Arabs) the
  20. A similar custom of marriage called" jumping the budget ", with the bride and, groom ,jumping over a string or other symbolic obstacle. A man interviewed in Mayhew
  21. Ceremony (issuing),which would take place in a room or tent that the, groom ,had set up for her. Since the Middle Ages the two ceremonies have taken place
  22. The wedding ceremony held in Paris featured film director Emir Austria as the, groom ,'s the best man and longtime Biel dug me backing vocal Amiga Sulejmanović as the
  23. Today. In both cases, the financial arrangements are usually made between the, groom ,(or his family) and the bride's family; with the bride in many cases not
  24. S 1967 film of Cornell Woolrich's The Bride Wore Black about the death of a, groom ,and the bride's subsequent revenge against the killer. Length of time between
  25. Is read prior to the. After this reading, the mothers of the future bride and, groom ,break a plate. Today, some sign the contract on the day of the wedding, some do
  26. Or guardian); the act of marriage appears mainly to have consisted of the, groom ,fetching the bride, although among the Israelites (unlike the Arabs) the
  27. With glory and honor. ” The crowns are then switched back and forth between the, groom ,and bride’s head, signifying that they completely share their lives together.
  28. A 'Mar ', either immediate or deferred, is the woman's portion of the, groom ,'s wealth (divorce) or estate (death). These amounts are usually set on the
  29. Was not invited (for she would have caused so much conflict that the bride and, groom ,would have split up before they were even wed). Angered by this snub, Eris
  30. Run any risk to see her sister again, but the offer was declined by Mary's, groom ,of the stole, the Countess of Derby. Mary died at Kensington Palace shortly
  31. It is normal procedure for a priest to ask the prospective bride and, groom ,about their plans to have children before officiating at their wedding. The
  32. As a Morgengabe — a Germanic customary gift received by the new bride from the, groom ,and his family after the wedding night. Edith loved the town and often lived
  33. Gospel, the Blessing of the Common Cup, and the Dance of Isaiah (the bride and, groom ,are led around the table 3 times),and then the Removal of the Crowns. There
  34. Usually receive the paternal surname, though in rare cases, if the bride and, groom ,have agreed before the marriage, the children can receive the maternal surname.
  35. Spending many hours licking their coats. These spines allow cats to, groom ,themselves by licking their fur, with the rows of papillae acting like a
  36. The stamen (male) and pistil (female) sexual organs, as bride and, groom , In this stanza on the flower Curium (also Flax and Turmeric) the" youths "
  37. In some parts these are set very high to provide a disincentive for the, groom ,exercising the divorce, or the husband's family 'inheriting' a large portion
  38. Aids in the adherence of pollen. Female bees periodically stop foraging and, groom ,themselves to pack the pollen into the scope, which is on the legs in most bees
  39. Or estate (death). These amounts are usually set on the basis of the, groom ,'s own and family wealth and incomes, but in some parts these are set very high
  40. To the parish church, with singers trailing behind serenading the bride and, groom , The Maltese word for this custom is il-ġilwa. This custom along with many
  41. The house of her aunt near Louisville, Kentucky. The newly-weds settled at the, groom ,'s brother Joseph Davis' plantation at Davis Bend in Warren County
  42. Financial reasons. All their offspring carry the mother's family name. If the, groom ,is the firstborn with an obligation to carry his own ancestor's name, a
  43. Professor and former Beirut hostage * Ryan Sutter, bachelor chosen as a, groom ,by Trista Rein in 2003's" The Bachelorette" * Byron Raymond White, former
  44. It proved an effective piece of royalist propaganda. William Levitt, Charles ', groom ,of the bedchamber, who accompanied Charles on the day of his execution, swore
  45. Helps the bird in incubation. Feathers require maintenance and birds preen or, groom ,them daily, spending an average of around 9 % of their daily time on this. The
  46. It usually involved the tying or binding of the right hands of the bride and, groom ,with a cord or ribbon for the duration of the wedding ceremony. Etymology The
  47. The way clergy in many other churches do, but are expected to dress and, groom ,themselves neatly and conservatively per their local culture, especially when
  48. The dowry had to be returned to her family, but sometimes not until the, groom ,'s death or remarriage. In some cultures, dowries continue to be required today
  49. The actual number of such murders. Bride price and dower In other cultures,the, groom ,or his family were expected to pay a bride price to the bride's family for the
  50. The minimum requirements and responsibilities in a Muslim marriage are that the, groom ,provide living expenses (housing, clothing,food, maintenance ) to the bride

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