Examples of the the word, curtain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curtain ), is the 6874 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The puppets were eight feet long and made of tungsten, an improvement on the, curtain ,wire used in the two earlier series, and were only 1/200 of an inch thick.
  2. Mat which reacts to the pressure of someone standing on it. #* An infrared, curtain ,or beam which shines invisible light onto sensors; if someone or something
  3. Man of La Manchu," The Impossible Dream ". Kermit The Frog apologizes and the, curtain ,re-opens with Cheese now costumed as a Viking trying some Wagnerian opera as
  4. Gospel of John portrays the Son as existing" in the beginning ". The Temple, curtain , which served as a barrier between the holy presence of God and the profane
  5. Conferences misses the importance of numerous" behind the chrysanthemum, curtain ," meetings where the real decisions were made between the Emperor, his chiefs
  6. Oiling, brushing,padding, impregnation,buffing, spraying,roller coating, curtain ,coating, polishing,plating, embossing,ironing, ironing/combing (for hair-on
  7. McCarthy hid the source of his list, stating that he had penetrated the" iron, curtain ," of State Department secrecy with the aid of" some good, loyal Americans in
  8. The rim. As eject escapes from the growing crater, it forms an expanding, curtain ,in the shape of an inverted cone; the trajectory of individual particles within
  9. To drain the system, it served two defensive purposes. It made approaching the, curtain ,wall of the castle more difficult and the undermining of the wall virtually
  10. The Metrodome's upper deck in center and right fields was partly covered by a, curtain ,containing banners of various titles won, and retired numbers. There was no
  11. Shape of an inverted cone; the trajectory of individual particles within the, curtain ,is thought to be largely ballistic. Small volumes of unrelated and relatively
  12. He played two nights at Carnegie Hall; he received a great ovation and took six, curtain ,calls on the first night. Despite Reinhardt's great pride in touring with
  13. Himself in his dressing room and came out little more than an hour before, curtain ,time. The whole company had been dismissed but were rounded up by the assistant
  14. For an unusual mid-week lift back to Irving, saying he had to pick up some, curtain ,rods. The next morning (Friday) he returned to Dallas with Frazier; he left
  15. Gave his final statement from 10 Downing Street, in which he said;" When the, curtain ,falls, it is time to get off the stage ". Major then famously announced to the
  16. European Business Class cabin size (which can be changed using a movable, curtain ,divider),the first few rows also offer a small amount of extra legroom due to
  17. From other French soldiers serving in North African and Indochina. The neck, curtain ,ceased to be worn from about 1915,although it survived in the newly raised
  18. Building for Gulf Oil in Atlanta, Georgia. His use of marble for the exterior, curtain ,wall brought praise from the journal Architectural Forum. Pei's designs echoed
  19. Years (1938–47) under relative secrecy, to complete the supplemental grout, curtain , Concrete The first concrete was poured into the dam on June 6,1933,18 months
  20. Rooms, taximen compare notes and earnings, the vast street scene has had its, curtain ,call, the play is over. Dear old Broadway, for many years have I dwelt on your
  21. Eastern bloc, separated by what was later called by Winston Churchill an" iron, curtain ,". The United States and Western Europe established the NATO alliance and later
  22. Jim, increasingly drunk, dreams of sailing back to Alaska. He takes down a, curtain ,rod for a mast and climbs on the pool table, pretending it is a ship; Jenny and
  23. Has never fallen to either siege or storm. Its outer defenses consist of a huge, curtain ,wall, tall and thick on its thinnest side, nearly thick on its seaward side.
  24. Unfluted column drums, triglyphs, metopes, etc.) into the newly built northern, curtain ,wall of the Acropolis, where they serve as a prominent" war memorial" and can
  25. The Ark of the Covenant, and according to God instructed Moses to embroider the, curtain ,which separated the Holy of Holes in the Tabernacle with cherubim. # Regarding
  26. And Afghanistan; and guns coming from Eastern Europe after the fall of the iron, curtain , Firearm injuries in England and Wales also noticeably increased in this time.
  27. A light khaki cover was worn over the kepi, sometimes with a protective neck, curtain ,attached. The standard medium-blue double-breasted greatcoat (Capote) of the
  28. Standing nude at the door of the room, as the harlots do, and shaking the, curtain ,which hung from gold rings, while in a soft and melting voice he solicited the
  29. Field of shot. An internal Pompeian gave ready access to the rear of the, curtain ,wall to facilitate movement of the garrison to a point of need. By the end of
  30. It and them from sight completely. As the gods are consumed in the flames,the, curtain ,falls. Noted excerpts Two extended orchestral selections—"Dawn and Siegfried's
  31. Doors are generally fitted with safety sensors. These are usually an infrared, curtain ,or beam, but can be a pressure mat fitted on the swing side of the door. The
  32. According to tradition, a Praetorian named Grates found him hiding behind a, curtain ,and suddenly declared him princes. A section of the guard may have planned in
  33. Developer Robert Hall McCormick, Jr. A one-story adaptation of the exterior, curtain ,wall of his famous 860-880 Lake Shore Drive towers, it served as a prototype
  34. The presence and prestige of the building. Main' design included a bronze, curtain ,wall with external H-shaped mullions that were exaggerated in depth beyond what
  35. Cards are accidentally mixed up. Alternatively, if the boards are pre-dealt,", curtain ,cards" may be supplied which have each hand printed on them, so that each
  36. Off this mortal coil (from William Shakespeare's Hamlet),run down the, curtain ,and joined the Choir Invisible, or assumed room temperature (actually a
  37. Standing-room-only. Tickets always were tough to come by. The reason the final, curtain ,came down Saturday was because, being a production by the Roundabout Theatre
  38. History of interior design:" It is as ingenious as it is expensive. A metal, curtain ,that could be lowered into the floor. " He nevertheless seemed committed to the
  39. Children after having argued with Torvald. Seeing them, she collapses, and the, curtain ,is brought down. Ibsen later called the ending a disgrace to the original play
  40. S lectures in his absence, and so beautiful, that she had to read behind a, curtain ,lest her face should distract the attention of the students. He was also the
  41. Curtain wipe to a miniature of the upper regions of the house, and then another, curtain ,wipe matching it again with the scene of the workmen. Other scenes effectively
  42. And decades of German division (two states with the Cold War is" iron, curtain ," in between, separating scholars and also scattering portions of his literary
  43. Changes are sometimes made mid-scene, while the actors remain on stage and the, curtain ,stays open. This is sometimes accomplished by using a Hike Dog, or small wagon
  44. Something like a god, especially not one who is pulling strings from behind the, curtain , Still, he accepted the creationist criticism that an explanation is needed
  45. Nonetheless caught Finch's eye. Murray Khan sent to Jahangir" a European, curtain ,(tapestry) the like of which in beauty no other work of the Frank painters
  46. Were fakes, denied telling his co-worker he wanted a ride to Irving to get, curtain ,rods for his apartment, and denied carrying a long heavy package to work the
  47. Where the Torah scrolls are kept (the ark is often closed with an ornate, curtain ,(prophet) outside or inside the ark doors); * The elevated reader's
  48. Architecture – Flo tel – Flue – Flèche – Footbridge – Form work – Fortification, curtain ,– Forum – Foundation – Foursquare house – Fredericton Rococo – Fresco – Friends
  49. Was shot by a camera craning upwards over the performance scene, then a, curtain ,wipe to a miniature of the upper regions of the house, and then another curtain
  50. Rock foundation of the dam site was reinforced with grout, called a grout, curtain , Holes were driven into the walls and base of the canyon, as deep as into the

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