Examples of the the word, piss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( piss ), is the 6881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Place. Flowers trimmed, no papers in the yard ... grass always cut. So, just to, piss ,him off,I'd start lobbing empty beer cans down the hill into his driveway. He
  2. And we were performing in a small rehearsal studio that smelt of beer and, piss , But this worked well. It meant I could go back to Quadraphonic and say to
  3. Ice's studio (or at the very least leaked on YouTube and passed off as a, piss ,take). " On February 27, 2009,Van Winkle performed as part of a joint
  4. Was arrested for saying nine words: ass, fart,balls, cock,cunt, fuck,whore, piss , shit, tits. In 1972,George Carlin released an album of stand-up comedy
  5. A girl I'll call it Victoria. But if, as I strongly suspect,it's nothing but, piss ,and wind,I'll name it after you. " His humor however was not universally
  6. In the area, though,ever since the earthquake, a faint smell of equine, piss ,has pervaded the village. The High school wrestling team is coached by Gene
  7. Titled" Third of Fourth Day of Spring" opens with a quotation reading:" To, piss ,warm and drink cold, as Trimalchio says, because our mother the earth is in the
  8. It was sex, sex,sex ... Yes, three times in 35 years. " *"Should you wish to, piss ,...." ( an infamous blooper when presenting The $64,000 Question in which he
  9. Were inducted in 2006,refused to attend the ceremony, calling the museum a ", piss ,stain. " Inductees Performers The performers' category is meant for recording
  10. They trod under their feet and (horrible it is to say!) shed their stinking, piss ,upon it ... these false brethren burned and rent not only all kind of Church
  11. Increases in car tax are taking the piss "," the new boss is really taking the, piss ,with this mandatory car-sharing scheme ".; takings; annoy: loudspeaker (a
  12. Or to treat with perceived contempt -" the increases in car tax are taking the, piss ,"," the new boss is really taking the piss with this mandatory car-sharing
  13. Inducted in 2006,refused to attend the ceremony calling the museum" a, piss ,stain ". Controversies Fleetwood Mac & Bob Welch American musician Bob Welch
  14. A 22-minute set and ventured offstage, telling the crowd" I have to go take a, piss , I'll be right back. " He never returned. On Memorial Day, May 25, 2009,Stone
  15. Of Bassist (1982) is a black photosilkscreen over an oxidized copper ", piss ,painting ". After many years of silkscreen, oxidation,photography, etc.
  16. Cf." Saved by the fat fuck ", but he'll drill glory holes in his own walls to, piss ,people off cf." Glory holes ". Obviously he does have a thing about anuses (
  17. Language, such as mention of men who" eat their own dung, and drink their own, piss ," in the Authorized King James Version of 1611's close translation of Hebrew
  18. Actually trying to communicate but somewhere along the line, we just seemed to, piss ,off a lot of people ... What we're doing isn't that radical. " Although the
  19. Cru also contains the famous Posse Viable vineyard (roughly translated as ", piss ,old woman! ") which received it name from a local legend of a devout Catholic
  20. And therefore it was deemed to show urine. Urination during sex (or ", piss ,play ", as they refer to it) is considered to be obscenity under English Law.
  21. For dinner "," we went to the local takeaway ". DM; (US: takeout); take the, piss ,(vulgar) * / take the mickey: (slang) to
  22. Say on Television ", better known as the" Seven dirty words" skit (" shit, piss , fuck, cunt,cocksucker, motherfucker,tits ", in that order). Carlin later
  23. Russian писа́ть (Pisa) means" to write ", but пи́сать (Pisa) means" to, piss ,"),or" бо́льшая часть" ( the biggest part) vs" больша́я часть" ( the big
  24. That belief by adding a special additive, which we nicknamed" panther, piss ,", that ionized the furnace-like gas plumes streaming from the engine exhaust.
  25. Have ... We have had enough of your lot with their drug peddling and crime. So, piss ,off now ". Hanson was then challenged with derogatory comments about
  26. As a noun, it has no exact US equivalent, perhaps " one shot deal" ); on the, piss ,: (vulgar) drinking heavily; going out for the purpose of drinking heavily; at
  27. Asked about it in the same documentary, he claimed it was a symbol meant to ", piss ,off our parents" and that it was" something easy to put on t-shirts and for
  28. Off, while piss drunk or piss ed up is said to describe inebriation (though, piss ,drunk is sometimes also used in the US, especially in the northern states).
  29. Idea to life without getting splashed by the urine as these media companies, piss ,all over each other's feet ". Despite these obstacles, the remix website was
  30. The Mickey (Bliss) " is thought to be a rhyming slang form of" taking the, piss ,". Rhyming slang terms for Jew have included" Chelsea Blue "," Stick of Glue
  31. We recorded about 35 % of the album in our rehearsal space. You had to, piss ,around the corner because there were no toilets or no running water. It was in
  32. Grave than this:: Here lie the bones of Castlereagh:: Stop, traveller, and, piss , And yet, some of Castlereagh's political opponents were gracious in their
  33. Monologue" Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television ". The words are: shit, piss , fuck, cunt,cocksucker, motherfucker,and tits. At the time, the words were
  34. S wrong, but the corrections' officer in me says,'I love to make a grown man, piss ,himself. '" The Pong ode Manseriche is a gorge in northwest Peru. The Marion
  35. Are often described with the slang terms golden showers, water sports, or, piss , play. Romania is sometimes associated with Marathi, though in Western
  36. His personal journals states," I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to, piss ,off homophones. " Cobain enjoyed creating works of art. He would often draw
  37. York" Factory ". Biographer Bob Cola cello provides some details on Andy's ", piss ,paintings ": Warhol's first portrait of Bassist (1982) is a black
  38. D. Roosevelt, claimed that the Vice Presidency" isn't worth a pitcher of warm, piss , " Other statutorily granted roles include membership of both the National
  39. In 1993. " I remembered Verity as being bright and, to use the phrase, full of, piss ,and vinegar! She was gutsy, and she used to fight and argue with me, even though
  40. Shows up at Queen's house and declares," Whatever you've been doing to, piss ,these people off ... cut it out!! " Finally appearing on-panel together, Grell
  41. People started talking about Kraut rock, we thought they were just taking the, piss ,... and when you hear the so-called 'Kraut rock renaissance,' it makes me think
  42. Hammered out of his mind," according to Lombardo, saying " I have to take a, piss , Where’s the bathroom in this thing? " In the book Legends of Rock Guitar, Hell
  43. Hall of Fame, but they refused to attend the ceremony, calling the museum" a, piss ,stain ". History Origins and early days The Sex Pistols evolved from The Strand
  44. Girl with a Pearl Earring,Vermeer's patron remarks that Vermeer used" cow, piss ," to paint his wife. Since mango leaves are nutritionally inadequate for cattle
  45. Plus. " (Go! And sin no more. ) as" Allen! Et né piss ed plus. " (Go! And, piss ,no more). The vineyard name is the admonishment that her husband gave to her
  46. Player, and that is what really upsets me about him and the reason I try to, piss ,him off as much as I can. " Following his successful defense of his 1997 U. S.
  47. Complaints by calling Vic Reeves, who was presenting one of the awards, a ", piss ,head" and a" bastard" after he appeared to be drunk, although he claimed
  48. That his mother was upset because one of her best friends" had taken the, piss ,out of her" in a TV show. Leading to a fourth series, which premiered on 31
  49. My jaw is missing as a symbol of this very kind of censorship. This doesn't, piss ,me off as much as it pleases me, because those offended by my album cover have
  50. Angry (as in the U. S.),though anger is more often said as piss ed off, while, piss , drunk or piss ed up is said to describe inebriation (though piss drunk is

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