Examples of the the word, rig , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rig ), is the 6868 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And diameter and carried out combustion tests on lorries and on a special test, rig ,on a Dorkier Do 17Z at flight speeds of up to 200 m/s (655 ft/s). Later, with
  2. Snowplow used especially for deep snow removal * Rotary table (drilling, rig ,), a device used to apply directional force to a drill string * Rotary woofer
  3. Of Marconi's wireless towers, hence the rig became known also as the Marconi, rig , *A sculpture devoted to Marconi resides in Washington’D. C. Places and
  4. Truck rig to speed delivery at the main Curtis's plant in Buffalo, New York. The, rig ,moved the newly built P-40s in two main components, the main wing and the
  5. Fully evaluated; a Lav Eriksson is a 5th generation semi-submersible drilling, rig ,is scheduled to arrive in the Falklands waters during the fourth quarter of
  6. Fast sailing ship of the 19th century that had three or more masts and a square, rig , They were generally narrow for their length, could carry limited bulk freight
  7. Motion Control Technician/Operator: This Technician operates a motion control, rig , which essentially is a 'camera robot' able to consistently repeat camera
  8. Only a smaller forward resultant force. Depending on the efficiency of the, rig ,and hull, the angle of travel relative to the true wind can be as little as 35°
  9. And the Z-drive. Some sails, such as jibs and the mizzen sail on a ketch, rig , are used more for steering than propulsion. Holds, compartments,and the
  10. Ending a decade of sweeping social liberalization. *1982 – The drilling, rig ,Ocean Ranger sinks during a storm off the coast of Newfoundland, killing 84
  11. Avoided. Nelson ordered the fleet to slow down at 16:00 to allow his ships to, rig ," springs" on their anchor cables, a system of attaching the bow anchor that
  12. The runway dragging the chain. It took thirty minutes to clear the runway and, rig ,an arresting cable. Armstrong telephoned Edwards and asked for someone to
  13. Countries that have no history of democracy. A study showed that incumbents who, rig ,elections stay in office 2.5 times as long as those who permit fair elections.
  14. Album Amused to Death, giving a mock commentary on the destruction of an oil, rig ,on the song" Perfect Sense, Part II ". An" Albert Achievement Awards" video
  15. Came back with greatly reduced metallurgical testing costs because the test, rig ,for the wings had built up enough data to last for 30 years and could be shut
  16. Ran and the mock-up was rocked and shaken. The gyroscopes used to stabilize his, rig ,were very noisy, and most of the film had to be dubbed as the location sound
  17. Until the 1890s armored cruisers were still built with masts for a full sailing, rig , to enable them to operate far from friendly coaling stations. Unarmored
  18. Lines of a Baltimore clipper, with sharply raked stem, counter stern and square, rig , She was built in Baltimore in 1833 by Dennard & Williamson. Although the Ann
  19. And drowning of 22 people during rescue operations after evacuation of the, rig , Births *1503 – Isabella of Portugal, queen of Spain and empress of Germany (
  20. Group Royal Marines (previously the Comanche Group),a special guard and oil, rig ,guard force, the Special Boat Service, a maritime special forces unit, and an
  21. Satisfactory to the USAAC. An unusual production feature was a special truck, rig ,to speed delivery at the main Curtis's plant in Buffalo, New York. The rig moved
  22. Shorter trailers in tight urban environments, such as downtown areas where a, rig ,would be too difficult to maneuver. Sleeper cabs (trucks with sleeper units)
  23. I kill? " And" Marconi says I must not f rig hten the ladies ..." * The Bermuda, rig , developed in the 17th century by Bermudians, became ubiquitous on sailboats
  24. DWM #365-#368),by John Tomlinson and Nick Basis, where a Ontarian mining, rig ,on the ice planet SEAC comes under attack by a mysterious force. Footnotes
  25. Slowing down. This had to be factored into the metallurgical modelling. A test, rig ,was built that repeatedly heated up a full-size section of the wing, and then
  26. Shot by himself and Richard Peacock, this one about the installation of an oil, rig ,in a Louisiana swamp. The film stresses the oil rig 's peaceful and
  27. George Bissell and Edwin L. Drake made the first successful use of a drilling, rig ,on a well drilled especially to produce oil, at a site on Oil Creek near
  28. To the maximum tension the belt can support. This helps a designer of such a, rig ,to know how many times the belt or rope must be wrapped around the pulley to
  29. Who is skilled at operating a Steadicam (trademark for a camera stabilization, rig ,). This person is usually one of the Camera Operators on the production. *
  30. Of the electoral process, and the government was accused of planning to, rig ,the election; Human Rights Watch said that the election was likely to be "
  31. Operation and has largely replaced the use of small boats or the jack stay, rig ,for such duties as transferring personnel, mail and cargo between ships or to
  32. As its crew. The 1998 film Armageddon portrayed a combined crew of offshore oil, rig ,workers and US military staff who pilot two modified shuttles to avert the
  33. In name only, since Tubman continued to repress political opposition, and to, rig ,elections. President Colbert (1971–80) continued to suppress opposition
  34. Heinlein's Magic, Incorporated where a construction company can use magic to, rig ,up stands at a sporting event and Paul Anderson's Operation Chaos and its
  35. And maneuverable vessel that used the sateen sail which had been the prevailing, rig ,in Christian Mediterranean navigation since late antiquity. Most of the voyages
  36. De Rogue, grazing reins, draw reins and the" batting harness" or" batting, rig ,". However, most of this equipment is used for training purposes and is not
  37. A powerful cold front in the Bay of Campeche causes the Usumacinta Backup, rig ,to collide with Key 101,leading to the death and drowning of 22 people during
  38. They are: *close haul (the minimum angle to the wind that the boat and its, rig ,can manage - typically about 45°) *close reach (between close-hauled and a
  39. All stairways lead to the roof, where some residents are arranging to, rig ,up a loudspeaker, connected with instruments below. A survey of housetops ...
  40. Defined a kulak: * ownership of a mill, a creamery (маслобойня, butter-making, rig , ),other processing equipment, or a complex machine with a mechanical motor *
  41. Market, the world's top three oil refining center, the world's the largest oil, rig ,producing nation and a major ship repairing nation. The port is one of the five
  42. A single headsail (generally a jib) in addition to the mainsail (Bermuda, rig ,but c. f. Friendship sloop). A cutter (boat) also has a single mast, set
  43. Sails reminded some people of Marconi's wireless towers, hence the, rig ,became known also as the Marconi rig . *A sculpture devoted to Marconi resides
  44. Regulation of ceremonial wine complicated. It was not difficult for crooks to, rig ,illegal" wine synagogues" to trick the government to receive their wine which
  45. Pharmaceutical (Safari),shipbuilding (Barbara, Olbia, Porto Torres),oil, rig ,construction (Barbara),and food (sugar refineries at Villas or and Tristan
  46. Truck,18-wheeler,semi, Mack truck (named for a prominent brand),big, rig ,(US),transport (Canada),Arctic (UK and Ireland),truck (UK). Regional
  47. The installation of an oil rig in a Louisiana swamp. The film stresses the oil, rig ,'s peaceful and unproblematic coexistence with the surrounding environment, and
  48. To lead the Conservatives. Diefenbaker objected to what he saw as an attempt to, rig ,the party's choice of new leader and stood for the leadership himself. Bracken
  49. Like her; but she may have suggested the clipper design in vessels of ship, rig , She did, however,influence the building of the Rainbow in 1845,the first
  50. Means that N is not a ring; instead it is a bemiring (also known as a, rig ,). If we interpret the natural numbers as" excluding 0 ", and " starting at 1

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