Examples of the the word, starve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( starve ), is the 6875 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From early November about 7,500 Boer began their siege, again content to, starve ,the town into submission. Despite Boer shelling, the 40,000 inhabitants, of
  2. It. Since capturing the city seemed too costly, German command decided to, starve ,the city to death by blockade, starting the Siege of Leningrad. The city held
  3. Summarizes:" At the bottom of the Wealth curve, he wrote, Men and Women, starve ,and children die young. In the broad middle of the curve all is turmoil and
  4. But this quickly subsided into a desultory affair with the Boers prepared to, starve ,the stronghold into submission, and so, on 13 October, began the 217-day Siege
  5. N't; because you'd lose your job, and I've got no money and all of us would, starve , " Having sent a poem to an American publication, Gordon suddenly receives from
  6. The sunlight plants need for photosynthesis, reducing productivity. Plants can, starve ,without light. Starvation and nomadism often exists on marginally arable land.
  7. Defenders a substantial advantage over attackers. As a result, slow sieges to, starve ,defenders out, or mining operations to undermine walls, tended to be preferred
  8. Herbert Back was one of the orchestrators of the Hunger Plan - the plan to, starve ,tens of millions of Slavs in order to ensure steady food supplies for the
  9. The Franks, troops Martel felt he could not lose. Nor could he spare years to, starve ,the city into submission, years he needed to set up the administration of an
  10. To escape, the SS would pick 10 people at random from the prisoner's block and, starve ,them to death. Name "/IN"> rees15"/> The most spectacular escape from Auschwitz
  11. Victory. Although Pompey was strongly against it - he wanted to surround and, starve ,Caesar's army instead - he eventually gave in and accepted battle from Caesar
  12. Regard them as second-class citizens. Little help is forthcoming, and thousands, starve ,to death. The pressure on the Roman frontier is still severe with the Tail
  13. Case. At the meeting he announced that 'When there is not enough to eat people, starve ,to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can
  14. Also, the population was rising. Those unable to find work had a stark choice:, starve ,or break the law. In 1535,a bill was drawn up calling for the creation of a
  15. When the buffalo stopped coming to the hunting plains, leaving the tribe to, starve , The chief's daughter promises to marry the buffalo chief in return for their
  16. Are bottom-dwelling fish that constantly hunt tiny invertebrates for food. Most, starve ,to death in a marine aquarium unless you provide a Refugio or place for the
  17. Same year, reasoning that he" would rather starve where it was warm, than to, starve ,and freeze too. " Career Failing as a salesman of electric signs and theatrical
  18. And flattens much of the buckwheat in the fields. Famine victims either flee, starve , or resort to cannibalism. This follows a series of natural disasters in Henan
  19. Time in an advanced stage of breast cancer (Cassius Did) she chose instead to, starve ,herself to death. In urgent matters of foreign policy, Macrinus displayed a
  20. In captivity in the palace and was not provided with any food, and was left to, starve ,to death. Though Bodhidharma wanted to save him and brought forth a
  21. Hans Olsen, who needed help with the post office he ran. Olsen used to beat and, starve ,his nephew, and Hamsun later stated that his chronic nervous difficulties were
  22. And egg-laying deterrent, protecting the crop from damage. The insects, starve ,and die within a few days. Need also suppresses the hatching of pest insects
  23. Herbert Back was one of the orchestrators of the Hunger Plan – the plan to, starve ,tens of millions of Slavs in order to ensure steady food supplies for the
  24. Could wait for these other mediocre painters. In protest, he attempted to, starve ,himself to death. Finally, in 1774,David won the PRI de Rome. Normally, he
  25. Closing small and rural markets in order to end small-scale capitalism and to, starve ,Lima. As a Maoist organization, it strongly opposed all forms of capitalism. It
  26. Would have caused inflammation in the throat, ultimately leading" Sue" to, starve ,because she could no longer swallow food. This hypothesis is substantiated by
  27. Joined them, moving there that same year, reasoning that he" would rather, starve ,where it was warm, than to starve and freeze too. " Career Failing as a
  28. Areas, as the slugs neglect hygiene and often drive their hosts until they, starve , Outbreaks of plague in the Communist countries suggest that they were taken
  29. Country (e.g. drought) may cause an industrially based country to, starve , Publications Ricardo's publications included: * The High Price of Bullion, a
  30. Distribution of zooplankton to match that of new larvae, which can otherwise, starve , Natural factors (e.g., current variations) and man-made factors (e.g.
  31. From the donor, blood no longer perfuses through the vessels and begins to, starve ,the cells of oxygen (ischemia). Each organ tolerates different ischemic times
  32. World, Anthias (also called" Fairy Bassets in) are finicky and many, starve ,to death in captivity. In the wild, they eat zooplankton, and will not accept
  33. Complex statement by Richard Lately includes four puns:" Why can a man never, starve ,in the Great Desert? Because he can eat the sand which is there. But what
  34. Retreats to well defended fortifications. The only means left to them was to, starve ,the Bush into submission, but this allowed the king time to send assistance
  35. The form Steuben and other terms for die are cognates with the English word, starve , There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic
  36. To attack. He pointed out that destroying Britain's fleet of oil tankers would, starve ,the Royal Navy of supplies needed to run its ships, which would be just as
  37. Wild, old polar bears eventually become too weak to catch food, and gradually, starve ,to death. Polar bears injured in fights or accidents may either die from their
  38. Essays, he argues that some people living in abundance while others, starve ,is morally indefensible. Singer proposes that anyone able to help the poor
  39. More recently made, was found, and as the colonists feared they might otherwise, starve , they ventured to remove some of the provisions which had been placed in the
  40. World, with corresponding deaths and loss of morale. A besieging force could, starve ,while waiting for the same to happen to the besieged, which meant the siege had
  41. Risk of premature death, disability or infirmity, leaving their dependents to, starve , Credit procurement was difficult if the lender worried about repayment in the
  42. Treatment systems are that if the house is empty, the sewage system iota may, starve ,to death. Another method is NASA's urine-to-water distillation system. Waste
  43. Multiprocessor systems make the problem considerably worse. Now a system can, starve ,several processors at the same time, notably because only one processor can
  44. The smarter, abler,stronger, and shrewder take the lion's share. The weak, starve , lest society become degenerate: One can, Pareto wrote,'compare the social
  45. Stolen goose from a poor boy.: No matter how the poor are clothed, : Or if they, starve ,at home, : We'll drink our wine, and eat our goose, : Aye, and pick it to the
  46. Minister Margaret Thatcher on 19 October 1988,the reason given being to ", starve ,the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend
  47. Wells had been filled with sand by the nearby Hindu inhabitants in order to, starve ,and exhaust the Mughal further, leaving them with nothing but berries to eat.
  48. Projected that" most of the people on the planet would run out of food and, starve ,to death by then" and commented that their own results show that" this period
  49. Foe in the war, to defeat the Athenians, destroy their ships, and leave them to, starve ,on the island (see Sicilian Expedition). In 401 BC, Syracuse contributed a
  50. City of Rome itself, he had planned to turn the Italian allies against Rome and, starve ,the city out through a siege. However,except a few of the

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