Examples of the the word, scheduling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scheduling ), is the 6880 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the season to pad their win-loss records. But, during Layden's tenure, scheduling ,reverted to a contentious affair decided during an owner' meeting each year.
  2. On the system, providing preemptive multitasking with prioritized round-robin, scheduling , It enabled true preemptive multitasking in as little as 256 KB of free memory
  3. And part is not, the part which is not suffers a performance penalty due to, scheduling ,stalls. The Intel P5 Pentium had two super scalar ALUs which could accept one
  4. By computerized yield management systems. Because of the complications in, scheduling ,flights and maintaining profitability, airlines have many loopholes that can be
  5. He proposed defining a" script process" and providing a default, scheduling ,mechanism that avoids several more general problems. The result was a new user
  6. Repository. * http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/spike/ SPIKE,a, scheduling ,system for earth or space based observatories and satellites, notably the
  7. Or transfer it to a different Schedule under the Convention. The temporary, scheduling ,expires as soon as control is no longer needed to meet international treaty
  8. Manages the translation of x86 instructions to RISC micro-instructions, manages, scheduling , the micro-instructions between the various execution units, and juggles the
  9. The location of playing fields outside the inner city and the workweek daytime, scheduling ,of games were also obstacles to a blue-collar audience. A century later, the
  10. Crosby saw an enormous advantage in prerecording his radio shows. The, scheduling ,could now be done at the star's convenience. He could do four shows a week, if
  11. At about the same time, the College adopted its" Dartmouth Plan" of academic, scheduling , permitting the student body to increase in size within the existing facilities
  12. IV. The drug did not then meet the Controlled Substances Act's criteria for, scheduling ,; however, control was required by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances. In
  13. Such as SPARC or POWER, as well as x86 and x86-64,optimize Instruction, scheduling ,to exploit the CPU pipeline efficiently. Number of passes There are two types
  14. Track and record interactions, including emails, documents,jobs, faxes, scheduling , and more. These tools usually focus on accounts rather than on individual
  15. Unit may be broken into other units (such as a scheduling unit to handle, scheduling ,and a retirement unit to deal with results coming from the pipeline) due to
  16. Be scheduled under the CSA. If the Secretary agrees with the Commission's, scheduling ,decision, he can recommend that the Attorney General initiate proceedings to
  17. Of these processors the control unit may be broken into other units (such as a, scheduling ,unit to handle scheduling and a retirement unit to deal with results coming
  18. Decision problems, such as graph coloring problems, planning problems, and, scheduling , problems,can be easily encoded into SAT. A Bohemian (/bəʊˈhiːmɪən) is a
  19. Were flawed, bringing on international pressure, to which Beleaguer responded by, scheduling ,another presidential contest in 1996. The last time a category 5 hurricane
  20. Thirty days' notice is required before the order can be issued, and the, scheduling ,expires after a year; however, the period may be extended six months if
  21. The DEA with respect to scientific and medical matters. The recommendation on, scheduling ,is binding only to the extent that if HHS recommends that the substance not be
  22. A Spanish carrier, and to co-ordinate with American Airlines on fares and, scheduling ,for transatlantic routes. On 20 July 2010,the US Department of Transport
  23. Of the HHS Secretary. However, the Secretary has great influence over any drug, scheduling ,proposal under the Single Convention, because requires the Secretary the power
  24. 1995 to 2001,before Carolina moved to the NFC South in 2002. Due to current, scheduling , Carolina has infrequently played many of their former division rivals, and the
  25. By many major religious denominations in the United States. Alternatives to, scheduling ,Recently, in a report published in The Lancet Journal, researchers have
  26. Are complete, the temporary order is automatically vacated. Unlike ordinary, scheduling ,proceedings, such temporary orders are not subject to judicial review. The CSA
  27. Of Carcass, Carolla said that he would not be co-hosting Top Gear US because of, scheduling ,conflicts with his NBC sitcom project. In June 2010,Corolla said that his NBC
  28. Were dissolved as legal entities. While their identities were maintained for, scheduling ,purposes (and the designated hitter distinction),the regulations and other
  29. As potent. ) More significantly, they vary in nature. Pharmacology and CSA, scheduling ,have a weak relationship. Drugs in this schedule include: * Methylphenidate (
  30. Expensive highway project in the U. S. and was plagued by escalating costs, scheduling ,overruns, leaks,design flaws, charges of poor execution and use of substandard
  31. Most appropriate to carry out such obligations," without regard to the normal, scheduling ,procedure or the findings of the HHS Secretary. However, the Secretary has
  32. On one computer. Operating systems may run multiple programs through process, scheduling ,— a software mechanism to switch the CPU among processes often so users can
  33. High school and college graduates practical educational programs with flexible, scheduling , hands-on experiences, and career preparation. Full-time programs include (but
  34. Cultures may define other units of time, such as the week, for the purpose of, scheduling ,regular activities that do not easily coincide with months or years. Many
  35. Maps of the sky, software to assist with astrophotography, observation, scheduling , software,and software to perform various calculations pertaining to
  36. Switch needs to occur. They are: Multitasking Most commonly, within some, scheduling ,scheme, one process needs to be switched out of the CPU so another process can
  37. It is now rarely used in larger systems, cooperative multitasking was once the, scheduling ,scheme employed by Microsoft Windows (prior to Windows 95 and Windows NT) and
  38. Upon the request of Aruba's Prime Minister, Nelson O. Outer. The article, scheduling ,Aruba's complete independence was rescinded in 1995,although the process can
  39. Right tools and authority to solve client problems. Appointment Creating and, scheduling ,appointments with customers is a central activity of most customer oriented
  40. Drugs under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Some variation in drug, scheduling ,exists in individual countries; for example, in the United Kingdom, midazolam
  41. For a variety of projects or project teams, including client contact, scheduling , and budgeting. *Senior Architect / Designer: Licensed architect, or
  42. Deciding which variables to fit into registers and memory and the selection and, scheduling ,of appropriate machine instructions along with their associated addressing
  43. Systems Analysis and Design Method Z * Albert Maya – Australian pioneer of, scheduling ,in parallel and distributed systems * Konrad Zuse – German pioneer of hardware
  44. Ravens also have a rivalry with Washington Redskins, though due to the current, scheduling ,formula, the two teams meet only once every four years. However, the two do
  45. AFC and the NFL, Bell displayed" exquisite dramatic" and business sense by, scheduling ,the 1949 NFL champion Eagles against the former perennial AFC champion Browns
  46. Primary Colors, the second album by The Horrors. In the summer of 2008,due to, scheduling ,conflicts with his feature film script writing he couldn't work on the rest of
  47. The 1932 NFL season. NFL president Joe Carr had taken over the primary duty of, scheduling ,the season in 1933,and developing a season schedule meant dealing with
  48. Executing instructions for that task. Multitasking solves the problem by, scheduling ,which task may be the one running at any given time, and when another waiting
  49. Parliament is responsible for enactment of laws, approval of the budget, scheduling ,of presidential elections, selection and dismissal of the prime minister and
  50. Be run than there are CPUs. Operating systems may adopt one of many, scheduling ,strategies, which generally fall into the following categories: * In

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