Examples of the the word, crane , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crane ), is the 6884 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Properties. *2007 – The Hebei Spirit oil spill begins in South Korea after a, crane ,barge that had broken free from a tug collides with the Very Large Crude
  2. Flower, stem,calyx, and petals resembled the neck, head,and bill of a, crane , Another name used in northeastern Canada is moss berry. The traditional English
  3. 100–120 cm (40–47 in) tall and weighs from 4 to 6.2 kg (8.8-13.6 lbs). This, crane ,is pale blue-gray in color with a white crown, a pink bill, and long, dark
  4. Exorbitant cost of renting the crane . SCTV writers responded by making the ", crane ,shot" a ubiquitous symbol of production excess while also lampooning network
  5. The estuary, where the world's first-ever, land-based,containerized shipping, crane ,was used. Today, the Port of Oakland across the estuary serves as one of the
  6. For under $400. Famous crane camera shots * The Western High Noon had a famous, crane ,shot. The shot backs up and raises, in order to see Marshal Will Kane totally
  7. The world record for the highest building BASE jump after they leapt from a, crane ,suspended platform attached to Burj Khalifa's 160th floor at. However, these
  8. Manuscripts, gold,camphor, tortoise shells, hornbill ivory, rhinoceros horn, crane ,crest, beeswax,Lakewood (a scented heartwood and root wood of a thick Liana
  9. Landing of Harriers from smaller ships by holding the aircraft in midair by a, crane ,; secondary crane s were to hold weapons for rapid re-arming. This would
  10. Man of Iron as Mateusz Beirut. On December 4,1999,a storm destroyed a huge, crane ,in a shipyard, which was able to lift 900 tons. Economy Notable companies that
  11. Presented to the viewer. In the final scene he even shows, on camera,the, crane ,he was able to rent with his budget by including it in the scene somewhat. This
  12. Episodes, the network complained about the exorbitant cost of renting the, crane , SCTV writers responded by making the" crane shot" a ubiquitous symbol of
  13. 068. JPG|The Kings Chapel File: Danzig-Krantor01. JPG|The medieval port, crane ,File: Gdansk Downtown. JPG|Gdańsk downtown File: GdanskSopot ErgoArena
  14. Is a later with a conveyor belt system that can unload itself by swinging a, crane ,over the side. Today, the Great Lakes fleet is much smaller in numbers than it
  15. After the population recovered it continued building up the city and in 1364 a, crane ,was built for the port. The German-language Linger Rechtsbuch, written in
  16. Alongside the five-ton command module where it was placed aboard by the ship's, crane , placed on a dolly and moved next to the MQF. The Hornet sailed for Pearl
  17. The spectacle of a 'god' making a judgement or announcement from a theatrical, crane ,might actually have been intended to provoke skepticism about the religious and
  18. Was built across the Red in 1900. Today, Port facilities include: a 40-ton, crane , for off-loading, a warehouse,13,600-ton bulk fertilizer warehouse, a 3,400-ton
  19. Uses top-to-bottom crane shots in his comedy films. * Orson Welles used a, crane ,camera during the iconic opening of Touch of Evil. The camera perched on a
  20. Altitudes for winter. Many occupy agricultural areas. Of the 15 species of, crane , the Blue Crane has the most restricted distribution of all. Decline While it
  21. Is given his very own crane by Santa Claus, implying he would be able to have a, crane ,shot whenever he wanted it. * Jean-Luc Godard, in his film Sympathy for the
  22. Air raids. It lowered four Maurice Feynman seaplanes into the water using its, crane , which were taking off to bombard German forces and could be retrieved back
  23. It is a tall, ground-dwelling bird, but is fairly small by the standards of the, crane ,family. It is 100–120 cm (40–47 in) tall and weighs from 4 to 6.2 kg (
  24. Rubber, rubber,and bearskin. The first hand was nonarticulated, mounted on a, crane , and operated by grips for the scene in which Kong grabs at Driscoll in the
  25. Rubles. Industry The oblast has transport (railcars) and heavy equipment (, crane ,) plants. Car and truck assembly (GM, BMW,Kia, Yuejin),and production of
  26. Cranes during EVA's for moving crew and equipment around the ROS. Each street, crane ,weighs 45 kg. The Russian and Japanese laboratories both have airlocks and
  27. She was more beautiful than Hera. The wrathful goddess turned her into a, crane ,and proclaimed that her bird descendants should wage eternal war on the Pygmy
  28. What was once a" Hollywood" effect is now available for under $400. Famous, crane ,camera shots * The Western High Noon had a famous crane shot. The shot backs up
  29. During the iconic opening of Touch of Evil. The camera perched on a Chapman, crane ,begins on a close-up of a ticking time bomb and ends three-plus minutes later
  30. Compression band around the outside. The antenna was originally to be raised by, crane ,as well, but during construction the Sikorsky S-64 Sky crane helicopter became
  31. Operators. The helicopter, named " Olga ", was first used to remove the, crane , and then flew the antenna up in 36 sections. The flights of the antenna pieces
  32. Hundreds of extras and 350 lights for illumination. A camera was mounted on a, crane ,to follow Ann to the altar. The Culver City Fire Department was on hand to do
  33. Gas. Grus is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the, crane , a species of bird. It was introduced in the late sixteenth century. History
  34. The television comedy Second City Television (SCTV) uses the concept of the, crane ,shot as comedic material. After using a crane shot in one of the first
  35. Nonarticulated leg was created of materials similar to the hands, mounted on a, crane , and used to stomp on Kong's victims. The dinosaurs were made by Delgado in
  36. Filmmaking and video production a crane shot is a shot taken by a camera on a, crane , The most obvious uses are to view the actors from above or to move up and away
  37. The end of the second season, an inebriated Johnny Large is given his very own, crane ,by Santa Claus, implying he would be able to have a crane shot whenever he
  38. SCTV) uses the concept of the crane shot as comedic material. After using a, crane ,shot in one of the first NBC-produced episodes, the network complained about
  39. There are several manufacturers that supply specialized market sectors, such as, crane ,controls, aviation,etc. One of the European global joystick suppliers is the
  40. Of a striped or cross-hatched box, representing a palace or city, with a, crane , scorpion, or other animal drawn standing on top. Before long, a falcon
  41. Strong and mobile, with the intention that they could be easily placed by a, crane ,or a helicopter in a previously dug hole. The types of bunkers vary from
  42. For machines, for example, If I Ran the Circus includes a droopy hoisting, crane ,and a droopy steam calliope. Gases evidently enjoyed drawing architecturally
  43. A hemisphere. Its volume can be calculated using solid geometry. Image: Origami, crane ,cropped. JPG|Geometry can be used to design origami. Geometry is used
  44. Cylindrical data-link antenna under the rear fuselage.; Ka-25K: Civilian flying, crane ,helicopter with a gondola under the lengthened nose for controlling unslung
  45. M728 CEV - M60A1-based Combat Engineer Vehicle fitted with a folding A-frame, crane ,and winch attached to the front of the turret, and an M135 165 mm demolition gun
  46. Le Morris (Contempt). * Director Dennis Duran frequently uses top-to-bottom, crane ,shots in his comedy films. * Orson Welles used a crane camera during the iconic
  47. Mobile, tower,overhead, and articulating crane s, riggers,signal persons, and, crane , inspectors. * The Society for Technical Communication is planning to create a
  48. He wanted it. * Jean-Luc Godard, in his film Sympathy for the Devil, used a, crane ,for almost every shot in the movie, giving each scene a 360 degree tour of the
  49. Rovers (or equivalent) and accommodation for 30 passengers. She also has a, crane ,that is capable of lifting 10 tonnes at 7 m. She also visits some of the
  50. Yield insights into the mythology. In filmmaking and video production a, crane ,shot is a shot taken by a camera on a crane . The most obvious uses are to view

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