Examples of the the word, psychic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psychic ), is the 6866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which is in the Triangle by some definitions. Followers of the purported, psychic ,Edgar Cayce take his prediction that evidence of Atlantis would be found in
  2. Include emotions, love,compassion, healing,dreams, divination,intuition and, psychic ,abilities. The manifestations of the element of water are rivers, oceans,lakes
  3. Red Alert 2,appears to have been cybernetically enhanced to enhance his, psychic ,skills. *The Protons Dragoon from Star Craft and the Stalker and the Immortal in
  4. Public of the existence of fairies, then they might more readily accept other, psychic ,phenomena. He ended his article with the words: Early press coverage was "
  5. Are scholarly or archaeological hypotheses, while others have been made by, psychic ,or other pseudoscientific means. Many of the proposed sites share some of the
  6. Xavier to rescue his son. Professor Xavier locates the medley and after a quick, psychic ,battle with Miss Sinister enters Daken's fractured mind. While in Daken's
  7. Researchers in the Soviet Union. The first paper by Cutoff and Tag on, psychic ,research to appear in a mainstream peer-reviewed scientific journal was
  8. Smelling) is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person accesses, psychic ,knowledge through the physical sense of smell. Clair cognizance (knowing) In
  9. König, and known by his stage-name The Amazing Creswell (), was an American, psychic ,known for wildly inaccurate predictions. In person, he went by Charles Creswell
  10. Up. Miss Sinister arrives and attempts to manipulate Taken who reveals that the, psychic ,bomb in his head restored his memories and stabs Miss Sinister in the chest.
  11. Being the result of her suffering a temporary breakdown due to a brief, psychic ,link being formed between her and an alien). Others, such as 1980 Hungarian
  12. Church" has this distinction. Also, he rejects the Gnostic distinction of ", psychic ," and" pneumatic" men; all are alike destined to perfection if they will
  13. Of his experience with adapting The Demolished Man was The Fury, a sci-fi, psychic ,thriller that starred Kirk Douglas, Carrie Snodgrass, John Cassettes and Amy
  14. November 1961),where he played a child who terrorizes his town with his, psychic ,powers. Mummy also played the character of young Pip, a boy who enjoyed playing
  15. Were mystical beings from another dimension, claiming that he had experienced, psychic ,premonitions and visions his entire life of which the ape men were only one
  16. Player and only two-time Heisman Trophy winner. *1954 – Chip Coffey, American, psychic , medium and television personality. * 1956 – Jon Tester, US Senator from
  17. One who sees clearly" ). Claims for the existence of paranormal and, psychic ,abilities such as clairvoyance are highly controversial. Parapsychology
  18. On August 18, 1999. Sources say that Creswell never claimed to be a real, psychic ,however, those who knew him, such as actress and fellow Plan 9 alumna Mail
  19. 1981-),the Mechanics are a race of formerly biological organisms with, psychic ,abilities who have had their brains placed in mechanical bodies. They have
  20. Child into their cause. Xavier refuses. Emma Frost's telepathy picks up on the, psychic ,fight, and Emma informs Cyclops that Xavier is alive. Xavier parts company with
  21. Has a longstanding offer—now U. S. $1 million—“to anyone who proves a genuine, psychic ,power under proper observing conditions” ( Randi,1999). French, Australian
  22. The Pattern or the Lords, which Merlin says is impossible; and players ', psychic ,abilities are far greater than those shown in the books. A 256-page companion
  23. Clairsentience is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires, psychic ,knowledge primarily by feeling. The word is from the French clear,“ clear,” +
  24. Years ago, I made a study of various forms of possible defense against my own, psychic ,abilities. The image next to me is that of an anti-psionic armor. The wearer
  25. Knowledge) is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires, psychic ,knowledge primarily by means of intrinsic knowledge. It is the ability to know
  26. Retired police commissioner Pat Price and artist Ingo Swan all had genuine, psychic ,abilities. They published their findings in Nature and the Proceedings of the
  27. By Psi Corps and placed into the black market as an experiment to see if, psychic ,abilities could be brought out in" mundanes" ( non-telepaths). Television
  28. He asks a shocked Magneto to look after the X-Men for him. Linda, who has a, psychic ,bond with Xavier, feels that he is in great danger and heads to Earth. There
  29. About the photographs, and interpreted them as clear and visible evidence of, psychic ,phenomena. Public reaction was mixed; some accepted the images as genuine, but
  30. Which according to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung are the innate universal, psychic ,dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic symbols or
  31. Based on a novel called Carrie was released directed by Brian De Palma. The, psychic ,thriller Carrie is seen by some as De Palma's bid for a blockbuster. In fact
  32. Including cold reading or other magic tricks),and thus may be termed ", psychic ," or paranormal. Clearance (smelling) Also known as fluorescence. In the
  33. Demonstrated superiority by producing more consistent therapeutic effects for, psychic ,and somatic anxiety symptoms. Long-term trials have shown continued
  34. And a furious Xavier wipes Magneto's mind, leaving him in a coma. From the, psychic ,trauma of Xavier using his powers so violently and the mixing of Magneto's and
  35. Of the reported behaviors of the 20th century medical clairvoyant and, psychic ,Edgar Cayce. It is reported that although Purser used the term 'clairvoyance
  36. For romance at the time. Shi'AR Princess-Majestrix Linda formed an intense, psychic ,bond with Xavier across the vast distance that separates their two planets
  37. Maternal grandfather was Count Wilhelm de Wendt de Kerlor, a Theosophist and, psychic ,medium. Her elder sister, Marisa Benenson, became a well-known model and
  38. State Hospital, began to popularize it in the medical and popular press as a ", psychic ,energizer ". Roche put a significant marketing effort behind iproniazid
  39. Ajax, but she speaks, disconnectedly and transcendent, in the grip of her, psychic ,possession by Apollo, witnessing past and future events. " She evokes the same
  40. S first law ",2004. Other related terms The words" clairvoyance" and ", psychic ," are often used to refer to many kinds of paranormal sensory
  41. To have won Xavier pulls both of them onto the astral plane revealing that the, psychic ,bomb had little effect on him because his psyche was already shattered. Xavier
  42. Moreover, in its essential nature a corresponding relation to one of the human, psychic ,faculties, besides its well determined chemical and physical potencies when
  43. Fictional tropes involving cross-time travel between alternate histories or, psychic ,awareness of the existence of" our" universe by the people in another; or
  44. Of Engineering at Princeton University, to write a comprehensive review of, psychic ,phenomena from an engineering perspective. His paper, published in February
  45. Involved in these initial studies at SRI was Uri Geller, a well-known celebrity, psychic ,at the time. The research team reported witnessing some of Geller's trademark
  46. To explore the origins of the Aryan race. It was formed by a group of female, psychic ,mediums led by the Thule Society medium Maria ORSEC (Maria Orshitsch) of
  47. They no longer belong there, and Xavier mentors the new X-Men. Xavier forms a, psychic ,bond across galaxies with Princess Linda from the Shi'AR Empire. When they
  48. Produced by the mind. Professor X can project his 'astral form' into a, psychic ,'dimension' known as the 'astral plane. ' There, he can use his powers to
  49. Daken's fractured mind. While in Daken's mind Xavier discovers Romulus's, psychic ,tampering and comments that Daken's mind is even more broken than Wolverine's
  50. Mind is even more broken than Wolverine's was. Before Xavier can heal Taken a, psychic ,bomb explodes causing Xavier to become comatose and Taken to wake up. Miss

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