Examples of the the word, downloading , in a Sentence Context

The word ( downloading ), is the 6872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can be used to look up software and web pages on the internet, go through with, downloading ,and installing the software through the use of automated key-presses etc
  2. Of this application. And is particularly useful for reading documentation or, downloading ,files when only a text-based environment is available. It is also useful for
  3. And songs from concert bootleg recordings. Some users felt justified in, downloading ,digital copies of recordings they had already purchased in other formats, like
  4. Markus Kaiser, in his ethnography Consumer Gift Systems, explored music, downloading ,as a system of social solidarity based on gift transactions. Some organizations
  5. Regions with user specific visualization. The first implementations involved, downloading ,an applet class by class. While classes are small files, there are frequently a
  6. Recordings. These reasons aside, many other users simply enjoyed trading and, downloading ,music for free. They created a username and password and were able to make
  7. Higher detail. This is ideal for large images that will be displayed while, downloading ,over a slow connection, allowing a reasonable preview after receiving only a
  8. Sue Minnesota suburban mother Jamie Thomas-Rasset for $2,000,000 for illegally, downloading ,music from Kazan. He called this" utter nonsense" and asserted that" the
  9. Government. Thousands of people participating in the attacks did so through, downloading ,the readily available open source LOÏC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) DDoS tool
  10. metadata, source exchange (also known as" the download mesh" ) and parallel, downloading ,in slices (swarming). There are efforts to finalize these protocol extensions
  11. MP3 Get Off the Web ", with lyrics that were" changed to be about people, downloading ,MP3s and how much they suck for doing it. " Lyrics Dead Kennedy's were noted for
  12. POP protocol demands clients to download entire messages, whereas IMAP permits, downloading ,the message headers separate from the actual message content. This makes" mail
  13. Lemme, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was first hosted for, downloading , named Torvalds' directory Linux. Authority and trademark As of 2006
  14. Program. Once logged in, a user can perform functions such as uploading and, downloading ,software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with
  15. Re-routing is established, even if one or more nodes depart and abandon a, downloading ,file, for example, the remaining nodes should still have the data needed to
  16. S APT. It was designed to serve as a GUI-based, user-accessible means of, downloading ,and installing various applications, both free and proprietary. The service
  17. Or some entity actually does 'belong' to the intended recipient. Simply, downloading ,a public key from somewhere is not overwhelming assurance of that association;
  18. Optional splash screen, preview with option (to view files you are currently, downloading ,), an IP blocker, Magnet links support, and ad blocking, although the clients
  19. More filters created albums and, more recently, audio files available for, downloading ,online. E-mail and the internet have also fostered the networking of
  20. Updates until March 1,2008,when AOL canceled technical support. AOL allows, downloading ,of archived versions of the Netscape Navigator web browser family. Moreover
  21. Holdings, LLC claimed that its patent () issued in 1993,is infringed by the, downloading ,of JPEG images on either a website or through e-mail. If not invalidated, this
  22. Support document, with instructions for, downloading ,the entire set of installation files. Alternative environments It is also
  23. Such as Syria & Sudan). Users in these countries are blocked (by Adobe) from, downloading ,Flash plug-ins for both Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. Flash content
  24. The Internet to pay bills, participate in auctions, and for recreation such as, downloading ,music and videos. Men and women were equally likely to use the Internet for
  25. Into the network (uploading) and those retrieving data from the network (, downloading ,). Unlike file sharing systems, there is no need for the uploader to remain on
  26. The GIF format in 1987 to provide a color image format for their file, downloading ,areas, replacing their earlier run-length encoding (RLE) format, which was
  27. Or supplemented by other forms of digital distribution and storage, such as, downloading ,and flash drives, with audio CD sales dropping nearly 50 % from their peak in
  28. By the fact that she had replaced her computer's hard drive after the alleged, downloading ,took place, and later than she originally said in a deposition before the trial
  29. Data sets stored across different platforms. Access is often used by people, downloading ,data from enterprise level databases for manipulation, analysis,and reporting
  30. And Orleans. Notable residents *Shawn Fanning – Creator and Owner of MP3 music, downloading ,application, Napster. Graduated from Horwich High School. *Cody Crowell –
  31. Allows users to distinguish between" genuine" and" suspect" files before, downloading ,them. An October 12, 2005 report states that some of LimeWire's free and open
  32. a hundred coins. Mahjong online Mahjong can be played online through websites or, downloading ,programs in various languages for fun or for money. Unicode Mahjong tiles were
  33. Into chunks and stored on a variety of other computers on the network. When, downloading , those chunks are found and reassembled. Every node on the Freenet network
  34. Teamed up with Mattel to roll out the Playable, a device that allowed the, downloading ,of Intellivision games via cable TV. *Intellivision was the first game console
  35. The" Pro" version of the software. This has stopped people from illegally, downloading ,the" Pro" versions. However, there are still ways to bypass this security
  36. Specifically, former head of its luxury brands group, Ron Klein, was accused of, downloading ," truckloads of documents" from a laptop to his personal email account.
  37. The CAMPUS or CAN++ set of modules. CAMPUS separates the back-end work of, downloading , compiling, and installing modules from the interactive shell used to issue
  38. Explorer to the public. However, there are unofficial procedures for, downloading ,the complete installation package. Internet Explorer standalone uses a feature
  39. Although gadgets remain) and several programs that were removed in favor of, downloading ,their Windows Live counterparts. Windows 7 ships in six editions: * Enterprise
  40. Will recognize a corrupt or incomplete download, which becomes more likely when, downloading ,larger files. MD5 was widely used to store passwords. Sound uses of MD5 include
  41. Until all of its own retail customers had been moved off older, unlimited, downloading , plans. The requirement would have meant that Bell would have to move its oldest
  42. Within a geographic area based on criteria such as Zip Code or coordinates, downloading ,the results as an email attachment on a schedule. In recent years, Android
  43. 32) plus 1 R. O ($2.6) per gigabyte. No extra charge is calculated after, downloading ,27 GB which equals 39 R. O ($102) monthly. *1 Bit/s (2 GB bundled): costs
  44. On October 26, 2010,Likewise was ordered to disable the" searching, downloading , uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality" after losing
  45. Possible for the amateur astronomer to discover a Sun-grazing comet online by, downloading ,images accumulated by some satellite observatories such as SOHO. SOHO's 2000th
  46. Start, stop,install, etc.) is done via APIs that allow for remote, downloading ,of management policies. The service registry allows bundles to detect the
  47. Simba Wood issued an injunction forcing Likewise to prevent" the searching, downloading , uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all
  48. A web address, even before the rest of the text and graphics had finished, downloading , This made the web much more tolerable to the average user. Through the late
  49. Code was recently changed when lawsuits had been filed against Likewise for p2p, downloading , It had blocked all their users and redirected them to Frostbite. Likewise
  50. Though authors are not allowed to charge for access to copies of their work, downloading ,a copy from the ACM site requires a paid subscription. Competition ACM's

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