Examples of the the word, closet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( closet ), is the 6879 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To come back, they suddenly hear the Count arriving. Cherubim hides in the, closet , The Count demands to be allowed into the room and the Countess reluctantly
  2. Compilation Parrot Sketch Not Included, where they are all seen sitting in a, closet ,for four seconds. This would be the last time Chapman appeared on-screen with
  3. Caricature of Fisher—who hired Abner to draw his comic strip in a dimly lit, closet , (after sacking his previous" temporary" assistant of 20 years, who had been
  4. His return will be to murder someone close to her. Cyan stands, approaching her, closet ,door (which is covered with blood); she opens the door and finds Spawn
  5. Cedar Hill). They expanded the house from 14 to 21 rooms, and included a china, closet , One year later, Douglass purchased adjoining lots and expanded the property to
  6. No wire hangers, ever! ", when urging her daughter not to use them in her, closet , While Rocky Horror soldiered on, by then a phenomenon unto itself, and new
  7. Reluctantly unlocks the door. The Count enters and hears a noise from the, closet , He tries to open it, but it is locked. The Countess tells him it is only
  8. In January 1916. (* The initials W. C. are a British abbreviation for a water, closet ,; in other words, a toilet. Unfortunately, later in the War a number of Mk IVs
  9. Don’t realize you shouldn’t do it. So you throw the tape in the back of a dark, closet ,until your old girlfriend remembers it’s there because you’re famous now and
  10. Based on Christ's injunction in the Gospel of Matthew to" go into your, closet ,to pray ", hesychasm in tradition has been the process of retiring inward by
  11. Ending is also used to support the identification of this book as an example of, closet ,drama, which characteristically ended without resolution and often with a
  12. A gay subtext and it has been claimed that Whale's refusal to remain in the, closet ,led to the end of his career. However,Whale's associates dismissed the
  13. Teleofunctionalist' ". He goes on to say," I am ready to come out of the, closet ,as some sort of verifications ". In Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural
  14. See Frank actually hitting her. Instead, the film cuts away to Jeffrey in the, closet , wincing at what he has just seen. This cut was made to satisfy the MPAA's
  15. Lesbian identities while maintaining successful marriages. Coming out of the, closet ,to oneself, a spouse of the opposite sex, and children can present challenges
  16. A Christmas tree every year, the house has a large (yet unapparent), closet , adjacent to the living room where the tree can be stored from year to year.
  17. His greater experience in the software industry. Eventually he comes out of the, closet , His primary reason for leaving Microsoft for OOP! Was to" leave the old me
  18. Holy Ark" ( Aron hardest in Hebrew. ) Aron in Hebrew means" cupboard" or ", closet ,", and codes is derived from" radish ", or " holy ". Torah in other religions
  19. Hamlet sees as proof of his uncle's guilt. Gertrude summons Hamlet to her, closet ,to demand an explanation. On his way, Hamlet passes Claudius in prayer, but
  20. They are most commonly used in closet s, in order to access one side of the, closet ,at a time. The doors in a bypass unit will overlap slightly when viewed from
  21. Hid various versions of the" Mother corpse" prop in Leigh's dressing room, closet , Leigh took the joke well, and she wondered whether it was done to keep her on
  22. Are often referred to as being closet ed, hiding their sexuality in" the, closet ,". " Closet case" is a derogatory term used to refer to people who hide their
  23. Was showing Jeanne their new apartment,Oswald's dug-up rifle appeared in a, closet , Jeanne exclaimed to George that Lee had a rifle, and George joked to Lee,"
  24. Piece during the tense scene in the film where Ben finds the rifle in the, closet ,inside the farmhouse as the radio reports of mayhem play in the background can
  25. The wrong room, Jeffrey retrieves the Yellow Man's gun and hides in the same, closet ,he hid during his first visit to the apartment. Frank fires sporadically
  26. Allowing them to go back without getting caught. Vernon locks him in a storage, closet ,for the remainder of the day and threatens him, making Bender think that he's
  27. At VH1's Fashion Awards, Love said" I feel that keeping gay people in the, closet ,with our actions and attitudes is cruel and tacky, and most of all,it's
  28. The Count leaves, with the Countess, in search of tools to force the, closet ,door open. As they leave, he locks all the bedroom doors to prevent the
  29. Frank fires sporadically, killing the Yellow Man, and when he opens the, closet ,door, Jeffrey shoots him through the head. Detective Williams, gun drawn
  30. President of SET, a LGBT rights organization. She criticizes the people in the, closet ,for" not daring to do anything themselves, but being happy when we SET did
  31. To the realization that his niece was being visited by a vampire. He hid in a, closet ,with a sword and waited until seeing a fiendish cat-like creature stalk around
  32. Making that orientation (semi-) public can be called" coming out of the, closet ," in the case of voluntary disclosure or" outing" in the case of disclosure
  33. A genome ethics program quickly might be falsely used as evidence that I was a, closet ,eugenicist, having as my real long-term purpose the unambiguous identification
  34. His poor taste in clothes (Garfield remarked in one strip after seeing his, closet ,that" two hundred moths committed suicide "; in another, the " geek police "
  35. By Jones's psychoanalytic approach, several productions have portrayed the ", closet ,scene ", where Hamlet confronts his mother in her private quarters, in a sexual
  36. And the media. It proposes that homosexuality should be returned" to the, closet ,". BNP spokesman Phil Edwards stated that homosexuality" is unnatural" and "
  37. Declared:" If I was gay, there would be no closet . You would never see the, closet ,I came out of. Why? Because I'd have burned it for kindling by the time I was
  38. Early so Jeffrey can sneak into her apartment to snoop. He hurriedly hides in a, closet ,when she returns home. However, Dorothy,wielding a knife, finds him and
  39. Upon the rack, to obtain disclosure in court of what is whispered in the, closet , " At that time, telephones were often community assets, with shared party
  40. Intrigued by the possibility that the leader of the Soviet Union might be a ", closet ,Christian. " Reagan seems to have seen this as the most interesting aspect of
  41. Interprets Christ's injunction in the Gospel of Matthew to" go into your, closet ,to pray" to mean that one should ignore the senses and withdraw inward. Saint
  42. Hearst's subsequent trial, her lawyer claimed that she had been confined in a, closet ,barely large enough for her to lie down in; that her contact with the outside
  43. Expected to win a hand, if drawn; Sexuality: *Coming out or coming out of the, closet , publicly revealing one's own LGBT status *Outing, publicly revealing someone
  44. A date movie" and a" perfect B movie" about" two people trapped in a, closet ,". Zodiac Five years after Panic Room, Fincher returned on March 2,2007, with
  45. Album Think Tank the straight ally declared:" If I was gay, there would be no, closet , You would never see the closet I came out of. Why? Because I'd have burned it
  46. Jumping through the window into the garden. Susanna then takes his place in the, closet , vowing to make the Count look foolish. (duet: Sprite, presto,sprite –" Open
  47. Were deemed inappropriate, they were sometimes replaced with bathroom or water, closet , which in turn became simply restroom or W. C. These are also examples of
  48. Compiled under the term BDSM reach a point where they decide to come out of the, closet , though many sadomasochists keep themselves closet ed. Even so, depending upon a
  49. Is interrupted by a knock at the door, and Dorothy hides Jeffrey in the, closet , From there, he witnesses the visitor, Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper),inflict
  50. one's actual sexual orientation is often referred to as" being in the, closet , " Individuals capable of enjoyable sexual relations with both sexes or one sex

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