Examples of the the word, supplementary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( supplementary ), is the 6883 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Many provisions suggest that the Code may be better read as a codification of, supplementary ,judicial decisions of the king. Rather than being a modern legal code or
  2. The same arc (pink) are equal. Angles inscribed on the arc (brown) are, supplementary , In particular, every inscribed angle that subtends a diameter is a right angle
  3. Armored anti tank guided missile (ATOM) carriers are commonly used for, supplementary ,long-range anti-tank work. However, the resurgence of expeditionary warfare in
  4. Accounts" divide incomes into five categories: # Wages, salaries,and, supplementary ,labor income # Corporate profits # Interest and miscellaneous investment
  5. Of interpretations and condensations of Aristotle's relative works, with, supplementary , discussions upon contemporary topics, and occasional divergences from the
  6. Provided with parallel sets of options. Wizards of the Coast is releasing other, supplementary ,material virtually through their website, including player character and
  7. Be DPNSS compatible. The remaining levels are allocated to telephony features, supplementary ,services or to administrative features. Note that support of 'levels' by a PBX
  8. As the" Alien and Sedition Acts" #The Naturalization Act (officially An act, supplementary ,to, and to amend the act to establish a uniform rule of naturalization; and to
  9. Except for financial institutions, credit cooperatives, consortia,entity of, supplementary ,schemes, societies operating health care plan, society of capitalization and
  10. Open five ports to Britain, and cede Hong Kong to Queen Victoria. In the, supplementary ,Treaty of the Rogue, the Qing empire also recognized Britain as an equal to
  11. Which specify the algorithm; for reference, the details can be found in DES, supplementary ,material. DES is the archetypal block cipher — an algorithm that takes a
  12. And it is not necessary to ask" Stationary with respect to what? ": A, supplementary ,thought experiment with the same objective of determining the occurrence of
  13. At the exterior point, then denoting the center as, the angles ∠ and ∠ are, supplementary , *If is tangent to the circle at and if is a chord of the circle, then ∠ =
  14. Of 16-34,was launched in January 2001. It features premieres of US imports and, supplementary ,footage for programs on its main channel (most notably extended Big Brother
  15. Q.931 messages. There are a number of additional European documents that cover, supplementary ,services. These cover features that may be instigated by exchanges via the ISDN
  16. Of the angle. *Two angles that sum to a straight angle (180°) are called, supplementary ,angles. *: The difference between an angle and a straight angle (180°) is
  17. Passing it though a heat exchanger to keep heat inside. In all systems, a small, supplementary ,heater increases personal security and reduces lifestyle impacts for a small
  18. Name exterior angle of a simple polygon to simply mean the elementary (not, supplementary , ) of the interior angle. This conflicts with the above usage. *The angle
  19. Joints. White blended cements may be made using white clinker and white, supplementary ,materials such as high-purity metakaolin. Colored cements are used for
  20. From early editions of the encyclopaedia. The package includes a range of, supplementary ,content including maps, videos,sound clips, animations and web links. It also
  21. Existential) and copula *suffixed pronominal supplements, called confirming or, supplementary ,pronouns *use of singulars and/or special forms of counted nouns, and use of a
  22. Tears Created Emeralds ”. Luminescence in ultraviolet light is considered a, supplementary ,test when making a natural vs. synthetic determination, as many, but not all
  23. From their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity is a, supplementary ,agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity. It provides a transparent
  24. Egypt relied on trade with Anatolia for essential quantities of tin as well as, supplementary ,supplies of copper, both metals being necessary for the manufacture of bronze.
  25. On their own and receive no further help, while other species continue some, supplementary ,feeding after fledging. Chicks may also follow their parents during their first
  26. A right angle are called complementary, those whose sum is a straight angle are, supplementary , Modern versions of Euclid's notation In modern terminology, angles would
  27. And 11 volumes of illustrations, issued from 1762 to 1772. Five volumes of, supplementary ,material and a two volume index, supervised by other editors, were issued from
  28. The Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG),and the Monster Manual (MM). Several, supplementary ,books were published throughout the 1980s,notably Unearthed Arcane (1985)
  29. Test (WADA test),functional MRI or Magnetoencephalography (MEG) as, supplementary ,tests. Certain lesions require Long-term video-EEG monitoring with the use of
  30. States (without proof) the law of biquadratic reciprocity, proves the, supplementary ,law for 1 + i * 1843/44:
  31. That are detected in a rotating frame of reference. Coriolis divided these, supplementary ,forces into two categories. The second category contained a force that arises
  32. Rainfall, it is often more economical to design a building to use rain, with, supplementary , water deliveries in a drought. Rain water makes excellent soft wash water, but
  33. Been divided into chapters and verses. Most editions of the book also contain, supplementary ,material, including the Testimony of Three Witnesses and the Testimony of Eight
  34. Transfer of energy in rotating systems like waterwheels. Coriolis discussed the, supplementary ,forces that are detected in a rotating frame of reference, and he divided these
  35. Of the angle between the lines. Since the sine of an angle and the sine of its, supplementary ,angle are the same any angle of rotation that maps one of the lines into the
  36. On the city. After its initial release in 1075/6,Vesta was complemented with, supplementary ,Scholars until the death of Adam in the 1080s. Circa is described as an
  37. Angles at the two points of intersection are equal in size; adjacent angles are, supplementary ,(that is, their measures add to π radians, or 180°). *A reference angle is
  38. Concept of Kyrios dominated the Christology of the Apostolic Age, an important, supplementary ,element emerged in the Middle Ages. Based on the influences of Anselm of
  39. Restricted to be a unique identifier within the document; this name may carry, supplementary ,and application-dependent semantics and may require additional naming
  40. Years ending in 6. The 1976 census was canceled as a cost-saving measure, but a, supplementary ,census was held in 1979 after it became apparent that the 1970s had seen major
  41. Typically be a triangle with vertices at points A, B,and C. Complementary and, supplementary ,angles whose sum is a right angle are called complementary, those whose
  42. Periodically, Dungeons & Dragons has returned to its war gaming roots with, supplementary ,rules systems for miniatures-based war gaming. Supplements such as Battle system
  43. N − 2) × 180°,or (2n − 4) right angles, or (n/2 − 1) turn. *The angle, supplementary ,to the interior angle is called the exterior angle. It measures the amount of
  44. In the world. The old Royal Danish Theatre dating from 1748 still works as a, supplementary ,opera scene. The Royal Danish Theatre is also home to the Royal Danish Ballet.
  45. Of machines with rotating parts, such as waterwheels. That paper considered the, supplementary ,forces that are detected in a rotating frame of reference. Coriolis divided
  46. Deals with" the laws which govern exceptions and will explain the universe, supplementary ,to this one ". In 'pataphysics, every event in the universe is accepted as an
  47. In Alberta had the legislative authority to levy a local tax on property, as, supplementary , support for local education. In 1994 the government of the province eliminated
  48. Context. The effect can be extended outside the confines of a text by, supplementary ,material such as badges, I. D. cards, diaries,letters or other artifacts. By
  49. Mechanical engineer and scientist. He is best known for his work on the, supplementary ,forces that are detected in a rotating frame of reference, and one of those
  50. Vocabulary of many languages. Modern languages have of course introduced, supplementary ,vocabulary to denote" green ", but these terms are recognizable as recent

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