Examples of the the word, chunk , in a Sentence Context
The word ( chunk ), is the 6871 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The user's reading and calculates the ideal time for the reader to review each, chunk , The method itself is often credited to the Polish software developer Piotr
- In the interests of research, obtained from a hospital intern at the Sorbonne a, chunk ,of human meat from the body of a healthy human killed in an accident, then
- A header that consists of six unsigned 32-bit words,optional information, chunk ,and then the data (in big Indian format). Although the format now supports
- Chunk" of matter could be in while still looking like the same macroscopic ", chunk ,". As an example, for the air in a room, its thermodynamic entropy would equal
- Of distinct microscopic states that the particles composing a macroscopic ", chunk ," of matter could be in while still looking like the same macroscopic" chunk "
- Such as" What is the meaning of life? "). * Relationship extraction: Given a, chunk ,of text, identify the relationships among named entities (e.g. who is the
- These alternately to the original two output tapes # Repeat until you have one, chunk ,containing all the data, sorted --- that is, for log n passes, where n is the
- Some of which is optional) did not have to be stored in a single large ", chunk ,". Subsequent multi-user versions were tested by customers in 1978 and 1979,by
- Or" Save As ..." support for the SMF format. An SMF consists of one header, chunk ,and one or more track chunk s. There exist three different SMF formats; the
- A topicand identify the topic of the segment. * Word segmentation: Separate a, chunk ,of continuous text into separate words. For a language like English, this is
- Kryptonite after remembering a Daily Planet story about the last original, chunk ,disappearing years earlier after falling to Earth. Developed by Gorman, it was
- Backwards compatibility in decoders that cannot understand the animation, chunk , Older decoders will simply render the first frame of the animation. MNG, a
- The specific task. * Automatic summarization: Produce a readable summary of a, chunk ,of text. Often used to provide summaries of text of a known type, such as
- Thinking about learning content. Traditionally, content comes in a several hour, chunk , Learning objects are much smaller units of learning, typically ranging from 2
- New chunk s, was released. * August 11, 1999: Version 1.2,adding one extra, chunk , was released. * November 10, 2003: PNG became an International Standard (
- Solution to this incompatibility is to extract the data part of the RIFF-RMID, chunk , the result will be a regular Standard MIDI File. RIFF-RMID is not an official
- Type of storage it resides in (e.g., speed of access, minimal size of storage, chunk ,accessed, etc.). In some DBMS's database administrators have the flexibility to
- Section of a newspaper. * Coreference resolution: Given a sentence or larger, chunk ,of text, determine which words (" mentions" ) refer to the same objects ("
- Another possible task is recognizing and classifying the speech acts in a, chunk ,of text (e.g. yes-no question, content question, statement,assertion, etc.)
- Lang (played by Stacy Haiku) tricked Superbly into being exposed to another, chunk ,of red kryptonite which reversed the effects of the first. The" Superbly "
- While preserving lossless (PNG compressed) transparency information. The, chunk ,based structure of JNG files is essentially the same as that of PNG files
- With the British in 1816. Among other things, this treaty took away a large, chunk ,of the Teri from Nepal and the rivers Maharani and Me chi were fixed as the
- second-biggest debt ratio after Greece (with 126.8 %). However, the biggest, chunk ,of Italian public debt is owned by national subjects, and relatively high
- Can visit. At the turn of the 19th century, the city of Alameda took a large, chunk ,of Charles Froling's land away to build a street. Fooling had planned to build
- The length is determined in other ways. Chunked transfer encoding uses a, chunk ,size of 0 to mark the end of the content. Identity encoding without
- Increase of their security and file verification mechanisms. Modern hashing, chunk ,verification and different encryption methods have made most networks resistant
- Objects that the humans are trying to reach, or suddenly start to toss around a, chunk ,of ice after a human throws a snowball. The killer whale's use of dialects and
- This show finally brought Hendrix to the notice of the US public. A large, chunk ,of this guitar was on display at the Experience Music Project in Seattle, along
- Of the learning process: rather than the traditional" several hour, chunk ,", they provide smaller, self-contained,re-usable units of learning. Chipped
- Process the message in successive 512-bit chunk s: for each 512-bit, chunk , of message break chunk into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words we,0 ≤ j ≤ 15
- Up a portion of the land and tossed it at a Scottish rival. He missed, and the, chunk ,of earth landed in the Irish Sea, thus creating the island. Peel Castle has
- Scientist—constructs a superpowered robot whose strength is derived from a, chunk ,of the metal that the scientist has found, not knowing the danger it poses to
- Their collection of returned specimens included a 25-pound (11 kg), chunk , that was the largest single rock returned by the Apollo astronauts (nicknamed
- Of bonding at all, therefore,and it describes the bonding only as present in a, chunk ,of condensed matter, be it crystalline solid, liquid,or even glass. Metallic
- Were eliminated. The only sample of kryptonite on Earth was a single fist-sized, chunk , caught in the tail of the infant Kal-El's rocket and carried to Earth along
- Disadvantage of the storage method is that no one node is responsible for any, chunk ,of data. If a piece of data is not retrieved for some time and a node keeps
- And typically grouped with it. * Topic segmentation and recognition: Given a, chunk ,of text, separate it into segments each of which is devoted to a topic, and
- Message in successive 512-bit chunk s: for each 512-bit chunk of message break, chunk ,into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words we,0 ≤ j ≤ 15
- Meaning of using something to one’s own advantage) is a piece of software,a, chunk ,of data, or sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or
- A Standard MIDI File wrapped in a RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format), chunk , For compatibility reasons many digital musicians overlook this format. One
- Portrayed by Valerie Terrine and Ned Beatty, respectively ) track a large, chunk ,to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,where they steal it from a museum under the cover of
- Sentence breaking (also known as sentence boundary disambiguation): Given a, chunk ,of text, find the sentence boundaries. Sentence boundaries are often marked by
- Plays home to a small array of radio equipment that, evidently,spans a good, chunk ,of the usable spectrum. A variety of government owned and operated antenna
- Wj,0 ≤ j ≤ 15 //Initialize hash value for this, chunk ,: var int a: = h0 var int b: = h1 var int c: = h2 var int d: = h3
- F + I + we),RI) a: = temp end for //Add this, chunk ,'s hash to result so far: h0: = h0 + a h1: = h1 + b h2: = h2 + c h3: = h3 + d
- Will not talk directly to each other. A request on computer A to send a, chunk ,of data to C is taken by the upper protocol, which (through whatever means)
- Most of the kryptonite to be featured on the series originated from that first, chunk ,found by Wayne Rig. During the 3rd season a new second piece was discovered
- second-biggest debt ratio after Greece (with 126.8 %). However, the biggest, chunk ,of Italian public debt is owned by national subjects, a major difference
- As when the orca (Trains orca) catches a seal, they bite off and swallow one, chunk ,at a time. Mystic instead have baleen plates made of keratin (the same
- Therefore increasing the chance that its remains in play even if a bigger, chunk ,of it is hit. Hammer Last-rock or last-stone advantage in an end is called the
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