Examples of the the word, rite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rite ), is the 6882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brushes. Candles are distributed for all to hold during the service. The, rite ,begins with reading Psalm 50 (the great penitential psalm),followed by the
  2. Of the sacrament of anointing, this confession replaces the penitential, rite ,A passage of Scripture is read, and the priest may give a brief explanation of
  3. And internal operation of God's power, which is completely separate from the, rite ,itself. Churches of Christ consistently teach that in baptism a believer
  4. He must be trained so as not to become a danger to himself and others. In the, rite ,of passage into adulthood, he gives the boy his" true name ", Ged, and takes
  5. Met, violation of some rules regarding baptism, such as varying the authorized, rite ,for the ceremony, renders the baptism illicit (contrary to the Church's laws
  6. The Salvation Army, do not see baptism as necessary, and do not practice the, rite , Among those that do, differences can be found in the manner and mode of
  7. Seen as the functional replacement and sacramental equivalent of the Abrahamic, rite ,of circumcision and symbolizes the internal cleansing from sin, among other
  8. From the parent body mainly in two points. They observe feet washing as a, rite ,of the church, and they teach that reclaimed backsliders should be baptized (
  9. To allow ante-Communion as a distinct rite of worship—following the Communion, rite ,through the readings and offertory, as far as the intercessory" Prayer for the
  10. In writings by Christians.: *3 times with reference to the specific Christian, rite ,(4 times if account is taken of its use in some manuscripts of, where,however
  11. They do not eat ", and " baptize" where baptism, the new Christian, rite , is intended. Derived nouns Two nouns derived from the verb baptize (βαπτίζω)
  12. Anglicans, Lutherans and some Protestant and other Christian communities use a, rite ,of anointing the sick, without necessarily classifying it as a sacrament. In
  13. Most twentieth-century Anglican prayer books do have anointing of the sick. The, rite ,of anointing is included in the Episcopal Church's" Ministration to the Sick
  14. As valid. This conflict stems over the Anglican Church's revision of its, rite ,of ordination for its bishops during the 16th century. Most of today's
  15. Capable of conservative misinterpretation and misuse, in that the consecration, rite ,might still be undertaken even when no congregational Communion followed.
  16. Frequency, although laying on of hands may be more common than anointing. The, rite ,would be similar to that of Pentecostals in its simplicity, but would usually
  17. The Form Extraordinary, per the decree Lumborum Pontifical, and also in the, rite ,of exorcism, both in the Form Ordinary and the Form Extraordinary of the
  18. Charismatic and Pentecostal groups, which practice it widely. Use of Catholic, rite ,among Protestants Some Protestant US military chaplains carry the Roman Rite
  19. Present to receive Communion. So, Cranmer composed in English an additional, rite ,of congregational preparation and Communion (based on the form of the Serum
  20. 19:2,which lists it as one of the four steps involved in the circumcision, rite , The Chasm Safer observed that the Talmud states that the rationale for this
  21. Water and the Trinitarian baptismal formula necessary for administering the, rite , Scholasticism referred to these two elements as the matter and the form of the
  22. It can be held in the home, in a hospital or institution, or in church. The, rite ,begins with a greeting by the priest, followed by sprinkling of all present
  23. Other canonical requirements (for example, is an adult male) and an orthodox, rite ,of episcopal ordination, expressing the proper functions and sacramental status
  24. Who in the eyes of those Churches are not validly ordained priests. The, rite ,performed by them is thus seen as having the same by no means negligible value
  25. Noun baptism; itself derived from baptisms, washing ) is for the majority the, rite ,of admission (or adoption),almost invariably with the use of water, into the
  26. Even if not baptized, intends to do what the Church does in administering the, rite , Many Protestant churches see no specific prohibition in the biblical examples
  27. Of congregational preparation and Communion (based on the form of the Serum, rite ,for Communion of the Sick),to be undertaken immediately following the
  28. Are" absolutely null and utterly void" because of changes made to the, rite ,of consecration under Edward VI, thus denying that Anglicans participate in the
  29. Such sacraments are passed on only through the sacrament of Holy Orders,a, rite ,by which a priest is ordained (ordination can be conferred only by a bishop).
  30. So he restructured the service to allow ante-Communion as a distinct, rite ,of worship—following the Communion rite through the readings and offertory, as
  31. At the minimum level, the intention" to do what the Church does" through the, rite ,of baptism. In the Eastern Catholic Churches, a deacon is not considered an
  32. Russian-speaking community in the city. Churches that follow the Latin Catholic, rite ,include Saint Catherine Church in Marshal and Church of the Jesuits in
  33. Sacramental theology, with the faithful. Cranmer recognized that the 1549, rite , of Communion had been capable of conservative misinterpretation and misuse, in
  34. And thus a cause of shame or humiliation. Alternatively, it may have been a, rite ,to appease the dead through the offering of a libation. In the latter
  35. By far the most common found in Southern England was the Use of Serum. The, rite ,was not consolidated into a single book. Instead, the forms of service that
  36. Over the Jewish future in America. " Nevertheless, it has" remained a central, rite ," in Reform Judaism, and the Union for Reform Judaism has, since 1984,trained
  37. Evelyn records in his Diary taking Communion according to the 1559 Prayer Book, rite ,: Christmas Day 1657. I went to London with my wife to celebrate Christmas Day.
  38. On infants immediately after baptism, while the Catholic Church delays the, rite ,until adolescence or adulthood, although in some parts of the world
  39. Some Lutherans add confession),deeming Anointing only a humanly-instituted, rite , Non-traditional Protestant communities generally use the term" ordinance "
  40. 18 March, after Crowley sought the aid of the Egyptian god Thoth in a magical, rite , that she actually revealed who" they" were – the ancient Egyptian god Horus
  41. Person can receive it). Biblical texts The chief Biblical text concerning the, rite ,is:" Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let
  42. Heavily Russified. Most Armenians are Christian, primarily of Oriental Orthodox, rite , Armenia is considered the first nation to adopt Christianity, which was first
  43. September 1907 developed a new ceremony based upon the Golden Dawn initiatory, rite , for which Crowley composed a verse liturgy entitled" Fiber 671 ", and later
  44. A Roman Catholic service, often resembling the" pre-Vatican II" Bridenstine, rite , Between these extremes are a variety of styles of worship, often involving a
  45. And mode of baptizing and in the understanding of the significance of the, rite , Most Christians baptize" in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
  46. In the New Testament both for ritual washing and also for the apparently new, rite ,of baptism. The Greek verb root BPT in turn is hypothetically traced to a
  47. In 1552 he thoroughly integrated Consecration and Communion into a single, rite , with congregational preparation preceding the words of institution—such that
  48. And Communion, that had been introduced the previous year; but with the Latin, rite ,of the Mass (chiefly following the familiar structure in the Use of Serum)
  49. Particular have the practice of anointing the sick, or have always offered the, rite ,since the Protestant Reformation with varying degrees of frequency. Charismatic
  50. Could proceed faster. Cranmer finished his work on an English Communion, rite ,in 1548,obeying an order of Convocation of the previous year that Communion

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