Examples of the the word, rocky , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rocky ), is the 6200 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There is no cliff at the site where his body was found there is a very steep, rocky ,embankment - which would have been fatal in the dark. After Alexander's death
  2. Rodríguez saw potential in him and wanted to give him a second chance. After a, rocky ,start to his career at Union Magdalena, Carlos Valderrama soon established
  3. For several miles along a narrow strip of land between the river and a ridge of, rocky ,hills. The houses are separated from one another by fruit gardens. Ana marks
  4. And Canada's 18th largest island. Cape Breton Island is composed mainly of, rocky ,shores, rolling farmland, glacial valleys, barren headlands, mountains,woods
  5. An overall impression of green beauty. The Paris range is characterized by, rocky ,peaks and stony slopes. Its highest peak is Mount Siren, at 2,915 meters the
  6. Slopes facing northwest tend to be densely forested. The coast is rugged and, rocky , with rivers that cascade through the gorges of the coastal ranges. A few
  7. Kilometers across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust,and small, rocky ,particles. Comets have been observed since ancient times and have traditionally
  8. Are usually well-maintained dirt roads. Tracks in very sandy or exceedingly, rocky ,areas may require high-clearance four-wheel drives and spare fuel, tyres, food
  9. Open woods, woodland clearings, moorland,and heath margins, sea-cliffs, rocky , mountain slopes and hedge banks. It is commonly found on sites where the ground
  10. Site among locals is" The Marabout de Sidi Abdurrahman ". This is on a small, rocky ,island off the coast of Casablanca and can only be reached when the tide is low
  11. Mediterranean. In 1798 the bay was protected at its western end by extensive, rocky ,shoals, which ran into the bay from a promontory guarded by About Castle. The
  12. An official Population of 655,780 The ancient site of Athens is centered on the, rocky ,hill of the acropolis. In ancient times the port of Piraeus was a separate city
  13. Which is not only a paleontological area, but is also a scenic area of high, rocky ,hills, canyons,and stream beads. Here, the Green River briefly crosses over
  14. Other islands combined. It is also the most recent island, and therefore has, rocky ,soil. The island's two volcanoes, Karthala (active) and La Grille (dormant
  15. Any and all food before it hits the bottom. They prefer subdued lighting with a, rocky ,substrate, like gravel. It is recommended that the tank mimic their natural
  16. This book. That cavern is still pointed out by tour guides. " In the face of a, rocky ,hill, on the western side of the city, the local belief has placed 'the grotto
  17. Bottom, since they rely upon suction and cohesion of the bottom material, which, rocky , or coarse sand bottoms lack. The holding power of this anchor is at best about
  18. Of the Don stretching as far as Fraser burgh; to the south of the Dee are steep, rocky ,cliff faces with only minor pebble and shingle beaches in deep inlets. A number
  19. To life, so it is not yet known whether our solar system, with a warm, rocky , metal-rich inner planet such as Earth, is of an aberrant composition. Improved
  20. Peak of Corcovado is a big granite dome, which describes a generally vertical, rocky ,formation. It is claimed to be the highest such formation in Brazil, the second
  21. As" dirty snowballs ", though recent observations have revealed dry dusty or, rocky ,surfaces, suggesting that the ices are hidden beneath the crust. Comets also
  22. The south coast usually consist of coarser sand and shingle, interspersed with, rocky ,sections of wave-cut platform. Also on the south coast, the picturesque fishing
  23. Name of the place is" Parc Güell" in its original language). The site was a, rocky ,hill with little vegetation and few trees, called Montana Nevada (Bare
  24. Vast freshwater lakes, but then about 5600 BC, the Mediterranean spilled over a, rocky ,sill at the Bosporus, creating the current communication between the Black and
  25. Wooded, with the Japanese defenses concentrated on Partake, a twisted mass of, rocky ,ridges and ravines on the Motor Peninsula. There was heavy fighting before the
  26. Besides hydrogen and helium) especially carbon, by nucleosynthesis. Small, rocky ,planets did not yet exist. If the universe were 10 times older than it actually
  27. A suburb of Aarav. Geography and geology The old city of Aarav is situated on a, rocky ,outcrop at a narrowing of the AAR river valley, at the southern foot of the
  28. Never to forbear on account of season nor storm, nor for perils of flood or, rocky ,cliffs, but would visit none too creditably nuns or matrons, virgins or widows
  29. of the Comoros until 1962 and now Mahoré's administrative center, is situated on a, rocky ,outcropping off the east shore of the main island. Dzaoudzi is linked by a
  30. 7th Infantry Division encountered similarly fierce Japanese opposition from a, rocky ,pinnacle located about southwest of Karachi (later dubbed" The Pinnacle" ).
  31. S Firth of Clyde),were unsuitable for arable farming because they were too, rocky , The people covered the islands with a shallow layer of seaweed and sand from
  32. Species that spends most of its time in the mid-level of the water above the, rocky ,and sandy bottoms of pools and backwaters of creeks and rivers of its native
  33. An impact basin rather than an impact crater. Complex-crater morphology on, rocky ,planets appears to follow a regular sequence with increasing size: small
  34. Anchor has difficulty penetrating kelp and weed-covered bottoms, as well as, rocky ,and particularly hard sand or clay bottoms. If there is much current or the
  35. The thickly forested hills and plateaus of the Ardennes are more rugged and, rocky ,with caves and small gorges. Extending westward into France, this area is
  36. To the top flight for 65 years. The yo-yo era (1912–65) The 1920s were a, rocky ,time as City bounced between the Second Division and the Southern Section of
  37. The Knights of the Keyboard," and his relationship with the fans was often, rocky ,as he was seen spitting towards the stands on more than one occasion. With
  38. Along the Cough, Zou, and Theme Rivers. Then an area of flat lands dotted with, rocky ,hills whose altitude seldom reaches extends around Nikki and Save. Finally, a
  39. Because Nadja is geologically a relatively new island, its soil is thin and, rocky ,and cannot hold water. As a result, water from the island's heavy rainfall
  40. And are called multi-ringed basins, for example Oriental. On icy as opposed to, rocky ,bodies, other morphological forms appear which may have central pits rather
  41. No source of fresh water; too hot (desert); too cold (Arctic); too, rocky ,; too mountainous; too salty; too rainy; too snowy; too polluted; or too
  42. Their preferred habitat these include: *Wheaties (grass moorland, tors and, rocky ,outcrops) Many of the rivers and streams support the fish species commonly to
  43. Are is believed to have at least four planets orbiting it, one of which may be, rocky ,in nature. The constellation's stars have no names in Western culture, but the
  44. With peaks rising to Bordered N. W. by the Atlas range, to the northeast a, rocky ,plateau separates it from the Mediterranean; this plateau gives place at the
  45. Elements found in England include BRE- and bad- for hills, and Carr for a high, rocky ,place, while some such as come or comb (e) for a small deep valley and tor
  46. Of is contiguous with that of Europa Island. The atoll consists of ten barren, rocky ,islets, with no vegetation, totalling 0.2 km² (.077 sq mi) in area. Those on
  47. Sea Around Us Project's Countries' EEA; Terrain:: Steep, rugged, rocky , volcanic.; Elevation extremes:: :* The Highest point: Mount Logo 2,829 m (a
  48. As the council refuse tip before becoming a car park, part of the overgrown and, rocky ,bluff separating Aberdour's two bays. From here is it a short walk to the
  49. Of the two, Amaryllis belladonna, is a native of South Africa, particularly the, rocky ,southwest region near the Cape. It should not be confused with Hippeastrum, a
  50. Because I had a great marriage and then along came Vince Gill. Gary and I had a, rocky ,road from day one. I think what was so hard—and this is (what) one of our

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