Examples of the the word, enthusiastic , in a Sentence Context
The word ( enthusiastic ), is the 6198 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Class, and that all men can be saved. Franklin, steeped in Puritanism and an, enthusiastic ,supporter of the evangelical movement, rejected the salvation dogma, but
- Theme of Canadian fear of Americanization. In the War of 1812,for example,the, enthusiastic ,response by French militia to defend Lower Canada reflected, according to
- Held important army and government positions. Crown Prince Alexander was an, enthusiastic ,and financial supporter. The group held influence over government appointment
- Succeeded in replacing casualties as the Union could. The civilians, although, enthusiastic , in 1861–62,seem to have lost faith in the future of the Confederacy by 1864
- Challenged him to create a better design. As Speer learned later, Hitler was, enthusiastic ,about Speer's design (which used giant flags),though Goebbels took credit
- And uninspired performances, this is easily avoidable for all but the most, enthusiastic ,fan "; while Blender magazine called Forbidden" an embarrassment ... the
- Growth and wide celebrity of the order are undoubtedly to be attributed to the, enthusiastic ,piety of St Bernard, abbot of the first of the monastic colonies, subsequently
- Control. The responses to this six month experimental conservation program were, enthusiastic , and on 1 October 1933 Director Fetcher was instructed to arrange for a second
- Commonwealth Games for their respective islands and the islands have also been, enthusiastic ,supporters of the Island Games. Shooting is a popular sport, in which islanders
- In Archer, Florida. Nonetheless, he delivered an energetic performance to an, enthusiastic ,crowd. The next day, as BO Diddle was heading back home, he seemed dazed and
- Status as a cable-TV superstation. His trademark call of" Holy Cow! " And his, enthusiastic ,singing of" Take me out to the ballgame" during the 7th inning stretch (as
- I, who coveted the title of" the first gentleman of Europe ". Although an, enthusiastic ,amateur musician and patron of the ballet, he was seen as lacking refinement
- To reprise their roles for the film, although some refused, and many were not, enthusiastic ,about the project. The film was, for the most part, a commercial and critical
- Flint tools. It should be noted that a number of remains were" restored" by, enthusiastic ,Victorians and that, in some cases, they have placed their own interpretation
- Confuse users of AME, who are likely to interpret and even use" No fear! " As, enthusiastic ,willingness to move forward. Equivalent idioms A number of English idioms that
- Also wears a jacket when going to school or when playing in the snow. He is an, enthusiastic ,reader of comic books and has a tendency to order items marketed in comic books
- Was in Ouagadougou, rescued in 1983 from a period of moribund inactivity by the, enthusiastic ,support and funding of President Sankara (In 2006 the Secretariat of FEP ACI
- The Bolsheviks in both February and October revolutions, and were initially, enthusiastic ,about the Bolshevik revolution. However, the Bolsheviks soon turned against the
- L. Schumann, professor of political science at Williams College and a well-known, enthusiastic ,convert. Few scientific investigations into the effectiveness of Diabetics have
- Diddle both recording for Chess, were influenced by the Chicago blues, their, enthusiastic , playing styles departed from the melancholy aspects of blues. Chicago blues
- Most Indian tribes from the Southeast to west of the Mississippi River. His, enthusiastic ,followers created the modern Democratic Party. The 1830-1850 period later
- A new atlas proposing the Urals as the border of Asia. The Russians were, enthusiastic ,about the concept, which allowed them to keep their European identity in
- To Göttingen to deliver a week of lectures on the subject. Einstein received an, enthusiastic ,reception at Göttingen. Over the summer Einstein learned that Hilbert was also
- Tracks him down, and before she discovers his true identity, he rejects her, enthusiastic ,offer to manage the dining car services for Haggard Transcontinental. *Jeff
- For Favorite Reprint Graphic Novel/Album for 1996. Art materials Barks was an, enthusiastic ,user of Ester brook pens. He particularly used an No 356 model to ink and letter
- And Limit in Pennsylvania and the Wachovia Settlements in North Carolina, were, enthusiastic , celebrators of Christmas. The Moravians in Bethlehem had the first Christmas
- Lover Dora Black also visited Russia independently at the same time — she was, enthusiastic ,about the revolution, but Russell's experiences destroyed his previous
- In 1959,the Dave Brubeck Quartet recorded Time Out, an album their label was, enthusiastic ,about but nonetheless hesitant to release. Featuring the album art of S. Neil
- Often meet several times a week to pray the office in common. A small but, enthusiastic ,minority use the Anglican Breviary, or other translations and adaptations of
- Held at the Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA appeared on the balcony to greet an, enthusiastic ,crowd of 6,000 people. In Melbourne, ABBA played three concerts at the Sidney
- That these new drugs would treat, and pharmaceutical companies were not, enthusiastic , Sales through the 1960s remained poor compared to the major tranquilizers (
- Six major American cities. The scientific and medical communities were far less, enthusiastic ,about Diabetics, viewing it with bemusement, concern,or outright derision.
- Who hired Speer—without fee—to redecorate a villa he had just rented. Hank was, enthusiastic ,about the resulting work. In 1931,Speer surrendered his position as Essence
- The motion met with resistance and was never brought to a vote. Franklin was an, enthusiastic ,supporter of the evangelical minister George Whitefield during the First Great
- Performers such as John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters continued to perform to, enthusiastic ,audiences, inspiring new artists steeped in traditional blues, such as New
- In late 1995,Atari Corp. ran early-morning infomercial advertisements with, enthusiastic ,salesmen touting the powerful game system. The infomercials ran most of the
- It as a form of revenge and as contrary to Christ's message of forgiveness, to, enthusiastic , support based primarily on Old Testament law. Among the teachings of Jesus
- Socialism, favours more state intervention in the economy, is generally less, enthusiastic ,about the US Alliance and is often more progressive on social issues. The
- Comeback following 1997's Time Out of Mind, and was given an even more, enthusiastic ,reception. Though often referred to without quotations, the correct title is "
- Which proved an arduous emotional challenge, but he also enjoyed fervently, enthusiastic ,support from the Montreal fans. On April 15, 1947,Robinson broke the color
- For the fee of $1 a night. Very soon after this he formed a group of equally, enthusiastic ,youngsters and managed to get quite a few local bookings for his band. " The
- Copies. Performing at festivals, raves,and dance clubs, the band met with, enthusiastic ,audiences. Encouraged by the response, the Afro Celt Sound System prepared for
- He regained his position. He accompanied this emperor, for whom he expresses, enthusiastic ,admiration, in his campaigns against the Alemannic and the Sassanian. After the
- Who sent an" ecstatic" telegram to Conan Doyle, by then in Melbourne. An, enthusiastic ,and committed Spiritualist, Conan Doyle hoped that if the photographs convinced
- Theory include Frederick Temple, Asa Gray and Charles Kingsley who were, enthusiastic ,supporters of Darwin's theories upon their publication, and the French Jesuit
- Flatter without falsifying, were traits similar to his. " The critics are very, enthusiastic , (Bernard) Benenson, Mrs. Coates tells me, stood in front of the portraits –
- 1920 edition of The Strand Magazine. Conan Doyle, as a spiritualist, was, enthusiastic , about the photographs, and interpreted them as clear and visible evidence of
- It was finally opened to public inspection in 1787. The work, in the opinion of, enthusiastic ,dilettante, stamped the author as the first artist of modern times. After five
- And witty, sometimes sloppy and ill-informed. Debussy was for the most part, enthusiastic ,about Richard Strauss and Stravinsky, worshipful of Chopin, Bach and Mozart
- Demonstration before Navy officials took place on May 10, 1946 and was met with, enthusiastic ,approval. On 15 June Boris led a trio of Grumman F6F-5 Hellcats, specially
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