Examples of the the word, disturbance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disturbance ), is the 6203 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disturbances in a digital communication do not result in errors unless the, disturbance ,is so large as to result in a symbol being misinterpreted as another symbol or
  2. Foreign vessels on the river, evacuating American citizens during periods of, disturbance ,and in general giving credible presence to U. S. consulates and residences in
  3. With depressed mood or bipolar disorder. Dysthymia is a chronic, milder mood, disturbance ,in which a person reports a low mood almost daily over a span of at least two
  4. Caffeine, especially during the evening hours, but other people show little, disturbance ,: the effect of caffeine on sleep is highly variable across individuals.
  5. An imbalance in toggling between the two networks, possibly reflecting a, disturbance ,of self-referential thought. A 2008 brain-imaging study found a specific
  6. Only the proportional term. The integral term permits the rejection of a step, disturbance ,(often a striking specification in process control). The derivative term is
  7. Intercommunal conflict in Among affected the islands in the late 1990s. The, disturbance ,and resulting deaths damaged the previously prosperous tourism industry.
  8. Representative of materialistic life. He was therefore the cause of great, disturbance ,to the topmost devotee, Prahlada Maharajah, until Lord Nrsimhadeva killed him.
  9. Diagnoses, including dysthymia, which involves a chronic but milder mood, disturbance ,; recurrent brief depression, consisting of briefer depressive episodes; minor
  10. Ego-dystonic homosexuality replaced the DSM-II category of" sexual orientation, disturbance ,". Finally published in 1980,the DSM-III was 494 pages and listed 265
  11. In 1974,the diagnosis was replaced with the category of" sexual orientation, disturbance ,". DSM-III (1980) In 1974,the decision to create a new revision of the DSM
  12. On specific days when it was suspected it had been tampered with prior to the, disturbance , There had also been other instances of disobedience prior to this, according
  13. About 15 % dehydration before cardiac failure results from circulatory, disturbance ,). A camel's blood remains hydrated, even though the body fluids are lost
  14. Short and long-term memory loss, disorientation and headache. Although memory, disturbance ,after ECT usually resolves within one month, ECT remains a controversial
  15. The community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and, disturbance ,of right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and
  16. Are accustomed to a near-constant climate of temperature and humidity, and any, disturbance ,can be disruptive to the species' life cycles. Though cave wildlife may not
  17. The moving fluid to rest. In fluid traveling at subsonic speed, this pressure, disturbance ,can propagate upstream, changing the flow pattern ahead of the object and
  18. And allowed Magician to continue preparations against Clausius without further, disturbance , On his return to the East, Diocletian managed what was probably another rapid
  19. They seek cover, where they stand still and alert, facing away from the, disturbance ,and turning their heads from time to time to check on the situation. The bongo
  20. Simplifying assumption for acoustic waves is that the amplitude of the, disturbance ,of the field quantities is small. This assumption leads to the linear or small
  21. Natural regeneration of forest stands often will not occur in the absence of, disturbance , whether natural or anthropogenic. Furthermore, biodiversity after regeneration
  22. Mood in dysthymia of borderline personality remains markedly reactive and sleep, disturbance ,not acute. Some hold that borderline personality disorder represents a
  23. And punishing supports or cages are often made available. The problem of noise, disturbance ,is also lessened at these events, while in the home setting many BDSM
  24. Most serious offenders. Dartmoor's mutiny On January 24, 1932,there was a major, disturbance ,at the prison. The cause of the riots is generally attributed to the food, not
  25. Biodiversity after regeneration harvest often mimics that found after natural, disturbance , including biodiversity loss after naturally occurring rainforest destruction.
  26. Or days. A bipolar depression is generally more pervasive with sleep, appetite, disturbance , and nonreactive mood, whereas the mood in dysthymia of borderline personality
  27. Insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal, disturbance , muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability
  28. Employ mind-body interventions designed to" reduce pain and concomitant mood, disturbance ,and increase quality of life. " Physicians who practice complementary medicine
  29. Those where the bowl is rolled to a specific location without causing too much, disturbance ,of bowls already in the head. For a right-handed bowler," forehand draw" or "
  30. Of the Standard and attempting to express present day concepts of mental, disturbance , This nomenclature eventually was adopted by all Armed Forces ", and " assorted
  31. Concentrating or mind going blank, irritability,muscle tension, sleep, disturbance , ( difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep). ” If
  32. In such cases, a substance is judged to be etiologically related to the mood, disturbance , Schizoaffective disorder is different from major depressive disorder with
  33. That Re\lambda<0. Another typical specification is the rejection of a step, disturbance ,; including an integrator in the open-loop chain (i.e. directly before the
  34. Language as used in social communication, or symbolic or imaginative play. The, disturbance ,must not be better accounted for by Rest syndrome or childhood disintegrative
  35. From inside a cell. *Disruptions in embryology are the result of an extrinsic, disturbance ,in morphogenesis. Disco is a genre of dance music. Disco acts charted high
  36. Out to exclude medical illnesses such as hypo- or hyperthyroidism, metabolic, disturbance , a systemic infection or chronic disease, and syphilis or HIV infection. An EEG
  37. Controllers have the following advantages over open-loop controllers: *, disturbance ,rejection (such as unmeasured friction in a motor) * guaranteed performance
  38. And Drum site. The island’s geographic isolation and history of minimal human, disturbance ,has led to a high level of endemic among its flora and fauna, which is of
  39. Follow court orders. Criminal contempt includes anything that could be called a, disturbance ,such as repeatedly talking out of turn, bringing forth previously banned
  40. Old English Common-Law definition of affray, with the substitution of actual, disturbance ,of the peace for causing terror to the lieges. South Africa Under the Roman
  41. Is lost. In use today Contempt of court is essentially seen as a form of, disturbance ,that may impede the functionality of the court. The judge may impose fines and
  42. To concentrate. Disorder In medicine, a disorder is a functional abnormality or, disturbance , Medical disorders can be categorized into mental disorders, physical disorders
  43. Hypothyroidism; basic electrolytes and serum calcium to rule out a metabolic, disturbance ,; and a full blood count including ESR to rule out a systemic infection or
  44. Sound waves propagate as disturbance s in the ambient pressure level. While this, disturbance ,is usually small, it is still noticeable to the human ear. The smallest sound
  45. Throughout the world, influenced by tree species, site conditions and natural, disturbance ,patterns. In some forests carbon may be stored for centuries, while in other
  46. Or by an adverse drug reaction, it is referred to as," substance-induced mood, disturbance ,". Alcoholism or excessive alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk
  47. By convection during the day. Locally high concentrations of CO2,produced by, disturbance ,of deep lake water saturated with CO2 are thought to have caused 37 fatalities
  48. His fantasies, against which any influence from outside becomes an intolerable, disturbance ,". The word autism first took its modern sense in 1938 when Hans Asperger of
  49. Object is there and is avoiding it. However, in a supersonic flow, the pressure, disturbance ,cannot propagate upstream. Thus, when the fluid finally does strike the object
  50. And feed poorly. Neurological signs include confusion, disorientation,visual, disturbance , syncope and seizures. In most clinical diagnoses these signs are seldom seen.

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