Examples of the the word, spiral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spiral ), is the 6202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Provided an observational basis for Lemaître's theory. Hubble showed that the, spiral ,nebulae were galaxies by determining their distances using measurements of the
  2. Addressed to Dithers. The treatise defines what is now called the Archimedes, spiral , It is the locus of points corresponding to the locations over time of a point
  3. Equations and proposed, on the basis of the recession of, spiral ,nebulae, that the universe began with the" explosion" of a" primeval
  4. Source Centaurus A (NGC 5128),the elliptical galaxy ESO 325-G004,and the, spiral ,galaxy NGC 4444 are all located in this constellation. History Mentioned by
  5. Torricelli) shells. E. genera are spiral marine gastropods having elongated, spiral ,shells composed of many whorls. Similarly, coral,petrified wood and other
  6. Limit genera (erroneously considered Torricelli) shells. E. genera are, spiral ,marine gastropods having elongated, spiral shells composed of many whorls.
  7. Veto Slipper (and later Carl Wilhelm With) interpreted the red shift of, spiral ,nebulae as a Doppler shift that indicated they were receding from Earth.
  8. In 1912 Veto Slipper measured the first Doppler shift of a" spiral nebula" (, spiral ,nebula is the obsolete term for spiral galaxies),and soon discovered that
  9. Considerations. In 1912 Veto Slipper measured the first Doppler shift of a ", spiral ,nebula" ( spiral nebula is the obsolete term for spiral galaxies),and soon
  10. Form tufts which resemble ears. The inner ear has a cochlea, but it is not, spiral ,as in mammals. A few species are able to use chemical defenses against
  11. This is not always the case. For example, when tracing a curve such as a, spiral ,using polar coordinates, an extra full turn gives rise to a quite different
  12. Series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi. He also defined the, spiral ,bearing his name, formulae for the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an
  13. A bend it spiral s in the opposite direction in the deep sea compared to the, spiral ,to that found in river channels on land. This is important in understanding the
  14. Time. In 1924,Edwin Hubble's measurement of the great distance to the nearest, spiral ,nebulae showed that these systems were indeed other galaxies. Independently
  15. Or screw punt; the ball is held at an angle and kicked, which makes the ball, spiral ,in the air, like a rugby throw, resulting in extra distance) and the check side
  16. CD Recordable Compact Discs, CD-Rs,are injection molded with a" blank" data, spiral , A photosensitive dye is then applied, after which the discs are metalized and
  17. Of such arrangements: circular arrangement (armchair nanotube) and a, spiral , helical arrangement (chiral tube). In 1987,Howard G. Bennett of Hyperion
  18. X Camelopardalis, and R Camelopardalis. Deep sky objects NGC 2403 is a, spiral ,galaxy approximately 11 million light years distant. It is of magnitude 8.4.
  19. Of the pillar, consist of a multi-level labyrinth, reached via a large, spiral ,staircase, and featuring dozens of chambers adorned with sculpted pillars
  20. District Archaeological Museum. In the market marble columns are decorated with, spiral ,ornaments; there are huge paved precincts. At the coastal side of the city
  21. Being proportional to its energy. Under this model an electron could not, spiral ,into the nucleus because it could not lose energy in a continuous manner;
  22. Data is stored as a series of tiny indentations known as" pits ", encoded in a, spiral ,track molded into the top of the polycarbonate layer. The areas between pits
  23. Of Monomers *Ionization cone, cones of material extending out from, spiral ,galaxies Geography *Cinder cone, a steep conical hill of volcanic fragments
  24. Recognized worldwide is about 100. The shells of abalones have a low and open, spiral ,structure, and are characterized by some open respiratory pores in a row
  25. Led to the disintegration of the courts of Mayan kingdoms which began a, spiral ,of decline and decay. He argues that the collapse of the Maya has lessons for
  26. The modern form of this instrument was developed by Edward Weston, and uses two, spiral ,springs to provide the restoring force. By maintaining a uniform air gap
  27. Orbiting a nucleus. Because the electron would lose energy, it would gradually, spiral ,inwards, collapsing into the nucleus. This atom model is disastrous, because it
  28. Milky Way. Of these, the brightest is Messier 77 (NGC 1068),a 9th magnitude, spiral ,galaxy near δ CTI. Recently, the galactic cluster JKCS 041 was confirmed to be
  29. Is usually flat. A falling boomerang starts spinning, and most then fall in a, spiral , When the boomerang is thrown with high spin, the wings produce lift. Larger
  30. Doppler shift of a" spiral nebula" ( spiral nebula is the obsolete term for, spiral ,galaxies),and soon discovered that almost all such nebulae were receding from
  31. Is longer. The −300 has a new straight stairway to the upper deck instead of a, spiral ,staircase on earlier variants. The 747-300 first flew on October 5,1982.
  32. Is the Sun Dagger of Bajada Butte at which a glint of sunlight passes over a, spiral ,petroglyph. The location of a dagger of light on the petroglyph varies
  33. Or are filter feeders) * The transformation of the digestive system: the long, spiral ,gut of the larva is being replaced by the typical short gut of a predator. * An
  34. Stone slabs leaning against a cliff channel light and shadow markings onto two, spiral ,petroglyph on the cliff wall, marking the solstices, equinoxes and the lunar
  35. Other researchers use lab notebooks to record their notes. They often feature, spiral ,coil bindings at the edge so that pages may easily be torn out. Address books
  36. Orange giant. Anglia contains the following deep sky objects: *NGC 2997,a, spiral ,galaxy of type Sc which is inclined 45° to our line of sight. *The Anglia Dwarf
  37. Structure of proteins, the alpha-helix (helix) is a right-handed coiled or, spiral ,conformation, in which every backbone N-H group donates a hydrogen bond to the
  38. Setting it on an outward trajectory escaping the black hole or on an inward, spiral ,eventually crossing the event horizon. While light can still escape from inside
  39. Practices, ensuring that money supply growth (" inflation" ) would never, spiral ,out of control. Ludwig on Miles asserted that civil liberties would be better
  40. South of the galaxy group NGC 7103. The constellation also harbors the wide, spiral ,galaxy. Named stars History Despite its faintness, Capricornus has one of the
  41. To the solar system. Although Ara lies close to the heart of the Milky Way, two, spiral , galaxies (NGC 6215 and NGC 6221) are visible near star η Are. Mythology In
  42. Venation is the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51,NGC 5194) and NGC 5195,a small barred, spiral ,galaxy that is seen face on. This was the first galaxy recognized as having a
  43. Playback. ) The program area is 86.05 cm² and the length of the recordable, spiral ,is (86.05 cm2 / 1.6 µm) = 5.38 km. With a scanning speed of 1.2 m/s, the
  44. Classical electromagnetism; an orbiting charge should steadily lose energy and, spiral ,toward the nucleus, colliding with it in a small fraction of a second. The
  45. The year. At the summer solstice a dagger can be seen through the heart of the, spiral ,; at the winter solstice two daggers appear to either side of it. It is proposed
  46. The air). Other commonly used kicks are the torpedo punt (also known as the, spiral , barrel, or screw punt; the ball is held at an angle and kicked, which makes
  47. Eland by about, and above the Greater Kudzu by about. Both sexes have heavy, spiral ,horns—those of the male are longer and more massive. All bongos in captivity
  48. German graves from World War I. The massive tower is composed of walls, massive, spiral , stairs,wooden mezzanine constructions, pendentives and the dome. During the
  49. Coaster '. He will rise high up in the sky, to turn and plummet downward, in a, spiral , twisting and turning as he comes down. He then rises immediately upward to
  50. The retirement of Cal Ripen Jr. in 2001,the Orioles have been in a downward, spiral , compiling a losing record in every season since. History: For other uses, see

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