Examples of the the word, disposition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disposition ), is the 6201 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agreement in November 1996 to establish a framework for negotiating the final, disposition ,of citizens and property in the affected areas. El Salvador and Honduras share
  2. A sound judgment ripened by the trials of exile. Benevolent and sympathetic in, disposition , he won the affection of his people by fearlessly visiting districts ravaged by
  3. The sea that is, west of Southampton Water, and they rejoiced to see him ". The, disposition ,of Essex, held by West Saxon kings since the days of Ebert, is unclear from
  4. Distance oneself from the wicked, stating that such association increases, disposition ,to vice. Anger, while difficult to control, must be mastered in order for one
  5. anything whatsoever, either in civil arrangements, or in the Characters and, disposition ,of men minds, exactly where it was, whatever shall be settled although in the
  6. It would be more concentrated and carry more weight. Additionally, the Duke’s, disposition ,facilitated the transfer of troops across his front far more easily than his
  7. Major leagues. Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs, is known for its fickle, disposition ,: a hitter's park when the strong winds off Lake Michigan are blowing out, it
  8. Estate is calculated after death of an individual. The power of testamentary, disposition ,is basically limited to one-third of the net estate (i.e. the assets
  9. Capture by Union forces; no further mention has been found concerning the final, disposition ,of this historic artifact. *Other pieces of Virginia did survive and are on
  10. Like mind, the essence of conservatism lies not in a body of theory, but in the, disposition ,to maintain those institutions seen as central to the beliefs and practices of
  11. Ethic, whereby the worth of one's action is to be adjudged by one's interior, disposition , For these reasons, it is said that to condemn homosexuality is to fall into a
  12. Which increase the risk of alcohol dependence. Individuals who have a genetic, disposition ,to alcoholism are also more likely to begin drinking at an earlier age than
  13. Merchant from London, whose name was Brook Watson: a man of malicious and cruel, disposition ,". On arrival at Falmouth, England,after a crossing under filthy conditions
  14. Suited to city dwelling. Temperament The Beagle has an even temper and gentle, disposition , Described in several breed standards as" merry ", they are amiable and
  15. On these communities of the franchise for the colored people, his unyielding, disposition ,in regard to matters involving no vital principle did much to bring it about.
  16. Set by the registry's members. The Bot is responsible for determining the, disposition ,of all revenues received to ensure all services are provided in an equitable
  17. Was a connection linking moral emulation of Christ's life and humanity's, disposition ,as images of the divine. Third, English Dominican mysticism focused on an
  18. Her executrix, Lillian Hellman, bitterly but unsuccessfully contested this, disposition , Her ashes remained unclaimed in various places, including her attorney Paul
  19. Skirmishing with enemy reconnaissance elements to deny them knowledge of own, disposition ,of troops, forward security, offensive reconnaissance by combat, defensive
  20. Full battle prematurely; and it also prevented Lee from understanding the full, disposition ,of the enemy on July 2. The disagreements regarding Stuart's culpability for
  21. When a judgement of a court of second instance offends a federal statute, disposition ,or when two or more second instance courts make different rulings on the same
  22. Selkirk was born in 1676. In his youth he displayed a quarrelsome and unruly, disposition , Summoned on 27 August 1695 before the Kirk Session for his" indecent carriage
  23. Has used his constitutional powers, which give him absolute control for the, disposition ,of civil service employees to determine which expatriate civil servants are
  24. Experience. " Emotion is associated with mood, temperament,personality, disposition , and motivation. Motivations direct and energize behavior, while emotions
  25. Same time he interacted with colleagues, fellow breadwinners who had satirical, disposition ,towards even their worst troubles. Barks later declared that he was sure that
  26. No funeral was held for him, and his wife Grace Hubble, did not reveal the, disposition ,of his body. Discoveries The Universe goes beyond the Milky Way galaxy Edwin
  27. She did not like her situation and wished to leave it. Her own quiet, gentle, disposition , did not help matters. However, despite her outwardly placid appearance, Anne
  28. Is on his way to claim her. Pseudos, an excellent liar, uses Philia's cheery, disposition ,to convince Locus that she has picked up a plague from Crete, which causes its
  29. Many of the people were already Buddhist or Shinto. Francis tried to combat the, disposition ,of some of the Japanese that a God who had created everything, including evil
  30. Campus site that came to be called" People's Park. " The battle over, disposition ,of People's Park resulted in a month-long occupation of Berkeley by the
  31. Of Dr. Łyszczyński, Chopin wrote out his last will and testament—"a kind of, disposition ,to be made of my stuff in the future, if I should drop dead somewhere," he
  32. The screwball is defined not by a fundamental attribute, but by a general, disposition ,and a group of elements, some—but rarely and perhaps never all—of which are
  33. Significantly more potent in humans than the (R)-enantiomer indicate that the, disposition ,of MDMA is stereo selective, with the S-enantiomer having a shorter elimination
  34. S karmic condition eventually leads to a choice of parents, physical body, disposition , and capacities that provide the challenges and opportunities that further
  35. Used to put into use what was learned during training. Musical instruments, disposition , however, was changed, being made by a single Bergman and two panderers. The
  36. In the sales process for each prospective client, from initial contact to final, disposition , Many SFA applications also include insights into opportunities, territories
  37. This posture he had been forced to over-extend his forces. Moreover, this, disposition , – concave in relation to the Allied army – gave Marlborough the opportunity to
  38. And perishing; and where they proceed not from some cause in the character and, disposition ,of the person who performed them, they can neither redound to his honor, if
  39. Constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is fallacious because a, disposition ,to make a certain argument does not make the argument false; this overlaps with
  40. Its day. In it, Hume presented political person as a creature of habit, with a, disposition ,to submit quietly to established government unless confronted by uncertain
  41. Milieu of Western culture (esp. American),has resulted in the political, disposition ,that has been labeled the Christian right, whose most visible spokesmen have
  42. Reception, before being flown on a C-141 cargo plane to Honolulu. Hardware, disposition ,The LM descent stages of Apollo 11,12 and 14-17 remain at their respective
  43. Lilly. " Lilly would be the residual devised. Affection or fondness is a ", disposition ,or rare state of mind or body" that is often associated with a feeling or type
  44. As Emperor of Russia from 13 March 1881 until his death in 1894. Early life. In, disposition , he bore little resemblance to his soft-hearted, liberal father, and still less
  45. Had been filed in New Jersey that covers New Jersey postal workers. Final, disposition ,of that lawsuit is unknown. Following the addition of the Black Box Warning in
  46. By faith in Jesus and the gospel (the New Covenant),which is an antagonistic, disposition , but Paul also wrote in support of the law and there are other views of the
  47. In drafting opinions, the Chief Justice enjoys additional influence in case, disposition ,if in the majority through his power to assign who writes the opinion.
  48. And versicles. Until the 1911 reform, the psalms were arranged according to a, disposition ,dating from the 8th century, as follows. Psalms i. – viii., with some
  49. Of Puerto Rico by transferring it to another sovereign country as a mere, disposition ,of property. In a recent letter addressed to then-United States Secretary of
  50. That 58 percent and 67 percent of the sample respectively, had realized their, disposition ,before their 19th birthday. Other surveys on this topic show comparable results

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