Examples of the the word, refuge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refuge ), is the 6204 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Control. In this early colonial period Anguilla sometimes served as a place of, refuge , A Major John Scott who visited in September 1667 wrote of leaving the
  2. Sensitive to light, they perceive the slightest vibrations in the air and take, refuge ,in the murky river's depth. They eat many animals, almost all blind or low
  3. Presence to tell her story of surviving the Holocaust. Polanski, who found, refuge ,in Malmö in 1945,stated that, until recently, she told her story in Malmö
  4. Asserts that the crowd watching the play tried to stone Aeschylus. He then took, refuge ,at the altar in the orchestra of the Theater of Dionysus. When he stood trial
  5. Doubts harassed him at times, and made him very unhappy. Then he would take, refuge ,in the reading of the Bible and the Fathers of the Church. " For a time he took
  6. Was about 300,000,but before it was over, most of the populace had sought, refuge ,elsewhere in Iran. After the war, the biggest concern was the rebuilding of
  7. With the Abbasid's and invited the remnants of the Umayyad dynasty to take, refuge ,in his dominions. ABD Brahman was only one of several surviving Umayyad
  8. Of the city. The National Garden of Athens was completed in 1840 and is a green, refuge ,of 15.5 hectares in the center of the Greek capital. It is to be found between
  9. And the director's health recovered fairly quickly, with Kurosawa now taking, refuge ,in domestic life, uncertain if he would ever direct another film. In early 1973
  10. Did not take the road to Medina. They moved in the opposite direction, and took, refuge ,in a cave in Jamal Thaw some five miles south of Mecca. ` Abdullah in Abi
  11. Over leadership, during which the slaves revolted and fled the colony to seek, refuge ,among local Native Americans. De Allow and many of the colonists died shortly
  12. Battle. The earliest documented event in Alaric's reign concerned providing, refuge ,to Sirius, the former ruler of the Domain of Poisons (in what is now north
  13. S menacing attitude. In fact both his wives were Frenchwomen. He awarded, refuge ,in Ottoman territory to Charles XII of Sweden (1682–1718) after the Swedish
  14. And destroyed by Emperor Julian in 363,but speedily rebuilt. The town became a, refuge ,for the Arab, Christian,and Jewish colonies of that region. Akbar was adjacent
  15. With the renowned Ahithophel (sometimes spelled Achitophel). David took, refuge ,from Absalom's forces beyond the Jordan River. However, he took the precaution
  16. Indeed, according to the Chronicle of Monomania, the island served as a, refuge ,for the Corinthians fleeing these incursions. The island flourished in the
  17. Agents and killed their leader Stephen Hagiochristophorites. He then took, refuge ,in the church of Hagia Sophia and from there appealed to the populace. His
  18. 145 BC) in Syria, sometimes known as the battle of the Leopards. He fled for, refuge ,to a Bataan prince, who murdered him and sent his head to Ptolemy Kilometer
  19. Protection granted to vast multitudes both of pagans and Christians who took, refuge ,therein; vessels of gold and silver which were found in a private dwelling
  20. With Theses. During this period Agamemnon and his brother, Menelaus,took, refuge ,with Tenders, King of Sparta. There they respectively married Tenders '
  21. Seems to have modified his doctrines out of fear of Constantine, and took, refuge ,in divination. An oracle in hexameter verse represented a pastoral life as his
  22. Abbey at Conquest in southwest France, which has become well known as a, refuge ,for pilgrims travelling the Way of Saint James, from Le Pu yen Delay in
  23. Anna quickly and surreptitiously mobilized the remainder of the family and took, refuge ,in the Hagia Sophia. From there she negotiated with the emperor for the safety
  24. Virus by Demetrius II of Macedon, the son of Antigens II; upon which he took, refuge ,amongst the Acarnanians. By their assistance and that of his own subjects, who
  25. Again roused by this dishonor, and Androids was compelled to flee. He took, refuge ,with King Amalia I of Jerusalem, whose favor he gained, and who invested him
  26. Of the miserable plight of the Mughal. The Whom king came out of his, refuge ,and ordered his commanders to expel the invaders from his kingdom. A serious
  27. Grandfather were both killed in a battle, and the young Ahmad Khan fled to take, refuge ,in Kandahar with the Phillies. During his teenage years, Ahmad Khan and his
  28. It is estimated that 95,700 refuge es and asylum-seekers have sought, refuge ,in Algeria. This includes roughly 90,000 from Morocco and 4,100 from Palestine.
  29. In Apollonian, Illyria. Rejecting the advice of some army officers to take, refuge ,with the troops in Macedonia, he sailed to Italia to ascertain if he had any
  30. Was affected by Kosovo War, when a great number of Albanians from Kosovo found, refuge ,in Albania. Albania became a full member of NATO in 2009. The country is
  31. By Philip IV (" the Fair" ), in,caused the Jews of Montpellier to take, refuge , partly in Provence, partly in Perpignan and partly in Majorca. Consequently
  32. Cave Shrimp (Eudaemonias lantern). In addition, some surface animals may take, refuge ,in the entrances of the caves but do not generally venture into the deep
  33. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the world's the largest wildlife, refuge , comprising. Of the remaining land area, the state of Alaska owns; its
  34. Jackson was also charged with preventing Spanish Florida from becoming a, refuge ,for runaway slaves. Critics later alleged that Jackson exceeded orders in his
  35. Mir Lumley II joined the fleet at Devaluation. The Whom king Jayadhwaj Singh took, refuge ,in hill again. But in December, Mir Lumley II fell seriously ill and the
  36. Troy, it is said he rushed into the temple of Athena, where Cassandra had taken, refuge , and was embracing the statue of the goddess as a supplicant. Ajax violently
  37. As a barbarous and warlike people. Thrace was Ares' birthplace, true home, and, refuge , after the affair with Aphrodite was exposed to the general mockery of the other
  38. And were defeated in a general engagement at Farnham in Surrey. They took, refuge ,on an island in the Hertfordshire Cone, where they were blockaded and were
  39. Kishinev (Bessarabia) begins, forcing tens of thousands of Jews to later seek, refuge ,in Israel and the Western world. *1909 – Robert Peary and Matthew Henson reach
  40. Twice to the East. On one occasion he was separated from Ursicinus and took, refuge ,in Amid, which was then besieged by the Sassanian king Shakur II; he barely
  41. Rahman and Adam Khan's defeat at Tina Khan on January 3,1869. Both sought, refuge ,in Persia, whence Abdul Rahman placed himself under Russian protection at
  42. From Arab raids originating from Crete. During that time, the population sought, refuge ,on the island is interior, establishing the settlement of Palace Chord. When
  43. From Saxony, and also from his Northern march by Henry, and compelled to take, refuge ,in south Germany. When peace was made with Henry in 1142,Albert renounced the
  44. Angelo's, whose loyalty was suspect. Isaac killed Hagiochristophorites and took, refuge ,in the church of Hagia Sophia. He appealed to the populace, and a tumult arose
  45. ABD al-Rahman's mother was a member from the NAFTA Berbers with whom he found, refuge ,after the murder of his family in 750. ABD Brahman married a woman named
  46. Were taken out by ship in June 1793,by friends while two of the girls found, refuge ,with other friends. They landed in Toulon with only Napoleon's pay for their
  47. Forces shell the UN compound at Quanta where more than 800 civilians had taken, refuge , *2007 – The Supreme Court of the United States upholds the Partial-Birth
  48. Winchester Cathedral is dedicated by Walk-in. *1149 – Pope Eugene III takes, refuge ,in the castle of Ptolemy II of Muscular. *1271 – In Syria, sultan Bay bars
  49. The newly appointed royal officials in Massachusetts to resign or to seek, refuge ,in Boston. Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, the British North American
  50. In bitter rivalry. The Augustinians were expelled from Pa via in 1700,taking, refuge ,in Milan with the relics of Augustine, and the disassembled Area, which were

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