Examples of the the word, sinful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sinful ), is the 12738 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Practice or belief - so at best simply unnecessary, at worst actually ", sinful ,". Some Christian groups continue to reject the celebration of Easter, due to
  2. This is exemplified when the glorification of the state is viewed as a form of, sinful ,idolatry. The First International In Europe, harsh reaction followed the
  3. The time. The prophecy of Hosea centers around God's unending love towards a, sinful ,Israel. In this text,God's agony is expressed over the betrayal of Israel.
  4. In the town by suggesting that the plague was an act of God for the citizens ', sinful ,nature. His diatribe falls on the ears of many citizens of the town, who turned
  5. Conceived without the stain of original sin" and those who called it mortally, sinful ,and heretical to hold that" the glorious Virgin Mary was conceived with
  6. Paints a grim picture of Catholicism through his character, Friar Jerome. Many, sinful ,happenings revolve around Friar Jerome. Manfred, the lord of the Castle of
  7. Is the union of two people and that homosexual behavior is not inherently, sinful , In the 20th century, theologians like Jürgen Boltzmann, Hans King, John
  8. Most American members of the Christian Right consider homosexual acts as, sinful ,and think it should not be accepted by society. They tend to interpret biblical
  9. S blessing on food. Baptism is the mystery which transforms the old, sinful ,man into the new, pure man; the old life, the sins, any mistakes made are gone
  10. Immaculate Mary ever Virgin ", he condemned both those who called it mortally, sinful ,and heretical to hold that the" glorious and immaculate mother of God was
  11. The amounts given for charity is considered anywhere from extremely rude to, sinful , Holy Communion The Eucharist is at the center of Orthodox Christianity. In
  12. Sin, and was therefore a perfect representative sacrifice to bring salvation to, sinful ,humankind. This includes the belief that the coming Kingdom will be the
  13. The Gothic era, the classical esthetical canon of beauty was rejected as, sinful , Only God is beautiful and perfect, and man is flawed by the original sin and
  14. Need for repentance. Nevertheless, Jews and Christians are taught that it is, sinful ,to attempt to conjure or control spirits, in accordance with Deuteronomy XVIII:
  15. About Baghdad clothed in a robe of silk, of which Charities denounced as, sinful , and then crucified. Upon Al-Mu'tadid's death, his son by a Turkish slave-girl
  16. Πυροῦσθαι) which Christians have traditionally thought meant to burn with, sinful ,desires. The Epistle may include marriage as an apostolic practice in 1
  17. Blood ". Salvation Judaism does not see human beings as inherently flawed or, sinful ,and needful of being saved from it, but rather capable with a free will of
  18. To the same sex, but teach that homosexual relationships and sexual acts are, sinful , These denominations include the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox
  19. 56 % believe that sexual relations between two people of the same sex are not, sinful , In opposing interpretations of the Bible that are supportive of homosexual
  20. Other Christian denominations do not view monogamous same-sex relationships as, sinful ,or immoral. These include the United Church of Canada, and the United Church of
  21. Denominations vary in their position on homosexuality, from seeing it as, sinful , through being divided on the issue, to seeing it as morally acceptable. Even
  22. For Judah's sins is going to be executed by what was thought to be a, sinful ,nation in Habakkuk's eyes. Habakkuk is unique among the prophets in that he
  23. Is shored up by the hymns in the Trillion for that day, which speak of the, sinful ,woman who anointed the feet of Christ (). Just as her sins were forgiven
  24. Thus, permitting remarriage is an act of compassion of the Church towards, sinful ,man. In the U. S., according to 2001 statistics,14 % of Orthodox marriages
  25. And reminds one to be vigilant. The internal austerities are: #Atonement of, sinful ,acts #Practice politeness and humility - in spite of having comparatively more
  26. A congregation member or even a stranger would rise and recount his turn from a, sinful ,life to one of piety and peace. " New Britain" tune When originally used in
  27. Templar's is unexpectedly present there. He takes umbrage at de Bois-Guilbert's, sinful ,passion, which is in violation of his Templar vows; and decides to subject
  28. Sin. Speaking negatively about people, even if retelling true facts, counts as, sinful , as it demeans the dignity of man — both the speaker and the subject of the
  29. For the accumulation of wealth, which had previously been viewed as, sinful , His main emphasis was on the benefit of free internal and international trade
  30. Europe many Christian churches do not view monogamous same-sex relationships as, sinful ,or immoral. These include all German Lutheran, reformed and united churches in
  31. And an evil spirit who knew the difference between what was" righteous" and ", sinful ,". A similar story is found in the book of 1 Enoch; however, in that book, the
  32. His own countrymen to purify the community by enforcing the dissolution of the, sinful ,marriages. Some years later Artaxerxes sent Nehemiah, a Jewish noble in his
  33. With the fall of man, this covenant continues to operate, but only to condemn, sinful ,man. The covenant of grace is instituted at the fall, and administered through
  34. And that any sexual act outside the marriage relationship is inherently, sinful , Most American members of the Christian Right consider homosexual acts as
  35. Fire-and-brimstone" Christian poet who vilifies pagan practice as dark and, sinful ,and who adds satanic aspects to its monsters. M. H. Abrams and Stephen
  36. Jews spend up to twelve months purifying to get into heaven, depending on how, sinful ,they have been, although some suggest that certain types of sinners can never
  37. Romantic Songs" on the grounds that they were too secular and even" vaguely, sinful , " From the autumn of 1899,Hesse worked in a distinguished antique bookshop
  38. Of the body before for baptism represented taking off the trappings of, sinful ,self, so that the" new man," which is given by Jesus, can be put on. 3. As
  39. Evangelical Lutheran Synod recognize homosexual behavior as intrinsically, sinful ,and seek to minister to those who are struggling with homosexual inclinations.
  40. In care prater Carney). Celibacy excludes not only libidinous acts, but also, sinful ,thoughts or desires of the flesh. The first Concilia document on celibacy of
  41. Activity not related to procreation and not undertaken by a married couple is, sinful , These views do not only concern homosexuality but any sexual activity that can
  42. A Christian and began to distance herself from a past she considered to be, sinful , She would not release an album in 1982. In 1983,she released an album
  43. The Titan Iapetus, saw Artemis and had a thought of raping her. Detecting his, sinful ,thoughts Artemis struck him at Mount Photo. Sprites was a boy who, either
  44. And The Ephraim Cloister. These religions tend to view all sexual relations as, sinful , and promote celibacy. Other religions view heterosexual relationships as being
  45. History, with its theme of God's continuing mercy in the face of man's, sinful ,nature. One solution is to see the patriarchal stories as resulting from God's
  46. Such as. " When you were dead in your sins and in the circumcision of your, sinful ,nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having
  47. The book has 66 chapters: the first 39 chapters prophesy doom for a, sinful ,Judah and for all the nations of the world that oppose God, while the last 27
  48. Free from such distraction, not a life of saintly denial. Sex, in turn, is not, sinful ,but natural, and sex within marriage is both proper and necessary. According to
  49. This world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?: Do you renounce all, sinful ,desires that draw you from the love of God? 5. The second half of the query is
  50. Of God’s promise to those who love Him, and of the benefits of avoiding, sinful ,passions. Iconographic depictions of the Final Judgment are often portrayed on

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