Examples of the the word, phoney , in a Sentence Context
The word ( phoney ), is the 12742 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Area. This has since been removed. Other short period additions include a, phoney , disabled ramp access system built by the local Mafia and other constructions.
- During a game, as well as calling Martin" FUGAZI ", a slang term for a fake or, phoney , Denver Nuggets At the end of the 2003–04 season, Martin was traded to the
- U. S. Senator William Torah who stated, in September 1939:" There is something, phoney , about this war. " Inactivity While most of the German army was engaged in
- But they, and Otto Preminger in his direction, have eliminated the, phoney , characteristics that might easily have allowed the picture to slither into
- Toured internationally with Not H. air (1984) and our CAA phony H. our CAA, phoney , H. (1985). During this time Clark collaborated with fashion designers Body map
- Outside references *When the Doctor bribes the ferryman, he tries to make a, phoney , excuse about having injured his leg in Crimea. When it's apparent that this is
- Two days later, on 6 September South Africa declared war against Germany. The “, phoney , war ” luckily granted more time and by 22 September a policy paper had been
- Report exposed ‘ sham’ marriages by priests pretending to be Roman Catholics, phoney , miracles and fake exorcisms perpetrated by members of the NCAA. Other branches
- For violating the Competition Act. Their scam involved mailing almost 900,000,phony, invoices to businesses and non-profit organizations in Canada. * In May 2004
- Openly described him as" bogus "," that fairy with hair on his chest" and ", phoney , as a rubber check ". She considered Hemingway's domineering macho persona to
- Flew many patrols, but had no opportunity to engage the enemy during this, phoney , war. In early 1940 Graph was posted to a training unit, during which time he was
- She hosts the séance television show, Above and Beyond. Of course, Aurora is a, phoney , She desperately wants to be on channel four eleven. She has a stroppy daughter
- Dewey Commission exposed the truth behind Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union and the, phoney , Show Trials, including the trial in absentia of Leon Trotsky and executions of
- My Fabulous Gay Wedding ". Has referred to Stephen Harper as an" opportunistic, phoney ," on social issues, and has expressed similar views about Stockwell Day and Tom
- Which varied in its content from show to show) consisted in his speaking, phoney , English. Sometimes he pronounced made up words, or crazy sentence structures
- Who is believed to be prone to dishonesty, exaggeration or is thought to be ", phoney ," with an accusation. For example: #" Oh,I'm sorry I forgot to invite you to
- Real. " Such patients suffered inwardly from a sense of being empty, dead or ", phoney , " Endicott thought that this more extreme kind of False Self began to develop
- Hugh and be connected with Claymore? It seems very unlikely! Hugh O'Born looks, phoney , so the genealogy ... is probably false, but perhaps there is someone out there
- In a so-called Phony War between Germany and the Franco-British alliance. The, phoney , war ended with the Battle of France where Germany invaded Benelux and
- Registrations for nonexistent Cadillacs. The gang stole cars that matched the, phoney , vehicle descriptions and replaced their original Vehicle Identification Numbers
- Of the third series, in which he re-unites his five surviving pals at his own, phoney , funeral. By this time the character has changed somewhat, becoming more mature
- For his media. Under Vichy France Formation of the Vichy Government During the, phoney , war,Laval's attitude towards the conflict reflected a cautious ambivalence.
- Is released under the agreement that he will assist in the capture of the, phoney , money printers. Once out of jail Stewart quickly meets up with cigarette girl
- Clark to miss the flight that killed President Santiago is revealed to be, phoney , implicating Clark in the conspiracy. * Kosh's ship is stored in Bay 13,and
- As if it were an American football. " Aubrey is like a disc jockey, with a, phoney , transatlantic air about him and a misconception of his own image that has
- And the phony scheme is repeated. After they cheat the Longstreet's in a, phoney , land deal, Floy and Fondue try to escape to Atlantic City, New Jersey with
- In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Most of the adventures revolve around, phoney ," spiritual retreats" operated by a horned Hunt subspecies named the T'land
- The Week which was distributed by the Underground Press Syndicate and offered, phoney , endorsements of Wayne Newton albums next to bong-building tips. By the mid 70s
- Had dominated his world, but inwardly he would feel bored, empty,dead, or ", phoney , " Endicott saw this as an unconscious process: not only others but also the
- Another book The British Carry On (1940) portrayed the atmosphere of the, phoney , war. A famous example shows a placid scene in a country pub, where the radio is
- Counterfeiting plates and not being able to resist temptation, began printing, phoney , five dollar bills in Katherine's home.; Hutch AKA Jimmy Smith Hutchins: (Rick
- Majority of Alexandrettas population. This referendum has been labeled both ", phoney ," and" rigged ", and that it was a way for the French to let Turks take over
- The supervisory board of the Third World Relief Agency (TWA),a Sudan-based, phoney , humanitarian organization connected to Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda
- As Yellow business. Ca, James Tet aka was sentenced and fined for sending out, phoney , invoice mailings. * In July 2004,Mr. Daniel Riemann and 1480455 Ontario
- Same register). According to Kenny Deck Φ functions were originally known as, phoney , functions while SSA was being developed at IBM Research in the 1980s. The
- And the shill Mr. Fondue asks for two. They are chased by the police, and the, phoney , scheme is repeated. After they cheat the Longstreet's in a phony land deal
- Success and toured internationally with Not H. air (1984) and our CAA, phoney , H. Our CAA phony H. (1985). During this time Clark collaborated with
- Elmer de Hory affair, and incorporated a second element, a new age sect and a, phoney , guru. He planned to cast Rastapopoulos as the villain, but according to Harry
- Recorded by Proclaims (c. 500-c. 565) in his History of the Wars, the ‘, phoney , Chilbudius ’, ‘ Pseudo-Maurice’ ( 6th century) may have referred either to
- Record but then had his name removed after realizing that he was a jerk and a, phoney , for taking the blood money. Josh also played some shows in early 1998 with the
- Hoax, that the data and the hypothesis do not hold together, that Al Gore is a, phoney , and a fraud on this issue, and that the emissions trading scheme is a worldwide
- Majority of Alexandrettas population. This referendum has been labeled both ", phoney ," and" rigged ", and that it was a way for the French to let Turks take over
- Enough to overbalance. Dialog is terse and topical, avoiding the sentimental, phoney , touch. Unusual camera angles come along now and then to heighten interest and
- By German and Soviet forces Blunt joined the British Army in 1939. During the, phoney , war he served in France in the intelligence corps. When the Wehrmacht drove
- Original sense to refer to rabbits, came to be pronounced as (rhymes with ", phoney ,"),instead of the original (rhymes with" honey" ). Eventually the taboo
- And rabbi from Hebrew; taiga, sable,and sputnik from Russian; galore, whiskey,phony, trousers, and Tory from Irish; Brahman, guru,karma, and Pandit from Sanskrit;
- Maestros had been imprisoned by Forgot after he was trapped and captured in a, phoney , parley. It is not known if Major tried to rescue his elder brother. Under his
- Almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young people. It smells, phoney , and false. It is sung, played and written, for the most part, by cretinous
- Majority of Alexandrettas population. This referendum has been labeled both ", phoney ," and" rigged ", and that it was a way for the French to let Turks take over
- Bugs Moran's lieutenants, and veteran Norman actor Dick Miller as one of the, phoney , policemen involved in the massacre. Historical accuracy The film is a somewhat
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