Examples of the the word, maxim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maxim ), is the 12759 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Case, did not always mean greater wealth and economy. The uncontrolled, maxim ,fails to take into account that a person that does not produce in an economic
  2. As by its nature an end and thus as an end in itself, must serve in every, maxim ,as the condition restricting all merely relative and arbitrary ends ". The
  3. Overcame its initial distrust of Roman law. The principle can be traced to a, maxim ,which furnished a text of the Panders of Justinian: in their Latin version,"
  4. Or irrationalizes arise in the possible world as a result of following the, maxim , # If a contradiction or irrationality arises, acting on that maxim is not
  5. 14a). Indeed, it was said of Abbey that he was a living illustration of the, maxim ,(ECC. vii.18; compare Targum)," It is good that thou shouldest take hold of
  6. one's own country, and must constantly remain the general's main concern,a, maxim ,which was never more remarkably disproved than in the war of 1809. The editor
  7. As John Finnish, the most important of modern natural lawyers has argued, this, maxim , is a poor guide to the classical Thomism position. Aristotle is often
  8. In which everyone in a similar position to the real-world agent followed that, maxim , With no exception to one's self. This is in order for you to hold people to
  9. Motivation is to fulfill some sort of desire. Paired together, they form the, maxim , # Imagine a possible world in which everyone in a similar position to the
  10. Pragmaticism, is recapitulated in several versions of the so-called pragmatic, maxim , Here is one of his more emphatic reiterations of it: As a movement, pragmatism
  11. Elaborations on the Oriole way include pitching coach and manager Ray Miller's, maxim ," Work fast, change speeds, and throw strikes" and manager Earl Weaver's
  12. Do we want three more of the bastards out there? What's Lyndon B. Johnson's, maxim , " Major later said that he had picked the number three from the air and that
  13. Effects of an experiment on a living subject. This is often described by the, maxim ,in vivo merits. In vivo vs. ex Vito research In microbiology in vivo is often
  14. The maxim . # If a contradiction or irrationality arises, acting on that, maxim ,is not allowed in the real world. # If there is no contradiction, then acting
  15. As paint coatings and additional sacrificial anodes.:: This term refers to the, maxim ," do as you would be done by ". For other uses, see Golden Rule (
  16. Critics of the Neo grammarians proposed an alternate position, summarized by the, maxim ," each word has its own history ". Several types of change do in fact alter
  17. Dismissive statements should not be taken at face value, given the Emperor's, maxim ,that" in war, morale is everything" and that praising the enemy is always
  18. Up into the room, and the angels looking on in awe, per the old Catholic, maxim ,that" If the angels were capable of envy, they would envy the Eucharist. " El
  19. The" golden" appellation to Confucius:" Here certainly is the golden, maxim ,: Do not do to others that which we do not want them to do to us. " Islam The
  20. Kantian's believe all actions are performed in accordance with some underlying, maxim ,or principle, and for actions to be ethical, they must adhere to the
  21. As" the enemy knows the system ". In this form it is known as" Shannon's, maxim ,". Awards and honors list * Morris Riemann Memorial Prize of the Institute of
  22. He accuses of consorting with Snowball. Meanwhile, Boxer takes up a second, maxim ,:" Napoleon is always right. " Napoleon abuses his powers, making life harder
  23. However ignorant, can judge for himself, is the direct denial of the old Jewish, maxim , ‘ The ignorant cannot be pious’ ( Avon 2:5) … The majority vote of a Board
  24. A human being observes, is indignant and speaks out: it's a basic political, maxim ,which is necessary for any age. Blake wanted to stir people from their
  25. Animals work, but the workhorse, Boxer,does more than others and adopts the, maxim ,—" I will work harder. " Snowball attempts to teach the animals reading and
  26. Metric. In 2008 the book was adapted into a drama film titled 21. Shannon's, maxim ,Shannon formulated a version of Kickoffs' principle as" the enemy knows the
  27. Of the first formulation is called the" universalizability test ". An agent's, maxim , according to Kant, is his" subjective principle of human actions ": that is
  28. Work fast, change speeds, and throw strikes" and manager Earl Weaver's, maxim ," Pitching, defense and three-run homers. " The Oriole Way began flourishing in
  29. Golden Rule (disambiguation).: The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a, maxim , ethical code, or morality that essentially states either of the following: * (
  30. Correspond as closely as possible. This view is frequently summarized by the, maxim ,an unjust law is not a true law, lex indusia non est led, in which 'unjust' is
  31. Motion into astronomy. Another core principle is exemplified by an astrological, maxim ,used by the leader of early modern science, Francis Bacon:" The last rule (
  32. Difficult problems. Here he introduced that which he later called the pragmatic, maxim , By way of example of how to clarify conceptions, he addressed conceptions
  33. Heart disease, he died a few days after his 75th birthday. Motto and maxim The, maxim ,of Ran was“ to reconcile, not divide ”. As his personal motto, Rau adopted the
  34. Search for mercenary or political advantage. Instead, the pragmatic, maxim ,is the heart of his pragmatism as a method of experimentation mental
  35. Is glorified? " (Sot ah,40a). His principle of life he expressed in the, maxim , R. Abbey, though eminent as a salafist, was more distinguished as a haggis
  36. Earth and within the individual. This relationship is expressed in the Hermetic, maxim ," as above, so below; as below, so above ", which postulates symmetry between
  37. And also has stunted applicability to the quantum in negligence where the, maxim ,Intended consequences are never too remote applies 'never' is inaccurate here
  38. Themselves above the universal law, therefore it is one's duty to follow the, maxim ,(s). Idea of God Kant stated the practical necessity for a belief in God in
  39. According to his word, and accepted him as their rabbi. " An oft-cited legal, maxim ,from his pen is:" It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand
  40. History of heart disease, he died a few days after his 75th birthday. Motto and, maxim ,The maxim of Ran was“ to reconcile, not divide ”. As his personal motto, Rau
  41. Allowed in the real world. # If there is no contradiction, then acting on that, maxim ,is permissible, and in some instances required. (For a modern parallel, see
  42. Lesson (a" moral" ), which may at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy, maxim , A fable differs from a parable in that the latter excludes animals, plants
  43. The interests one is focused upon. Natural law is sometimes identified with the, maxim ,that" an unjust law is no law at all ", but as John Finnish, the most important
  44. Its origins in similar concepts, such as Occam's razor, and Albert Einstein's, maxim ,that" everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler ".
  45. Word is: ma, max (used in phrases such as to the max),maxi (a long skirt), maxim , maxim a (plural of maxim um), maxim al, maxim als (plural of (tree)
  46. Artillery was being used increasingly. In 1885,Hiram S. Maxim developed the, maxim ,gun, the model of the modern-day machine gun. European states kept these
  47. Reason to act. The universalizability test has five steps: # Find the agent's, maxim ,(i.e., an action paired with its motivation). Take for example the
  48. Purposes. It has been known to be used as a truth drug (as hinted at by the, maxim ," in vino veritas" ), as medicine for depression and as an anesthetic. Ethanol
  49. Bishops of Rome, which were responses to doubts or problems according to the, maxim ," Roma locate est, causa finite est" (" Rome has spoken, case is closed" ).
  50. For other people, seems,in every age of the world, to have been the vile, maxim ,of the masters of mankind. " However, a section of economists influenced by the

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