Examples of the the word, meridian , in a Sentence Context
The word ( meridian ), is the 12752 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Have determined Easter using precise astronomical calculations based on the, meridian ,of Jerusalem. However, all the Eastern Orthodox countries that subsequently
- Of the Arkansas River and south of 42nd parallel north and west of the 100th, meridian , west as part of its purchase of Florida from Spain with the Adams-Onís Treaty
- Subsequent expeditions. * Louis Filled (1724),who was sent to measure the, meridian ,of El Hairdo and to map the islands. * Jean-Charles de Borda (1771,1776) who
- 42.24 degrees north of the equator and 84.75 degrees west of the prime, meridian , Demographics As of the census of 2000,there were 9,144 people,3,252
- The zàng-fǔ are also connected to the twelve standard meridian s - each yang, meridian ,is attached to an FM organ and five of the yin meridian s are attached to a gang.
- One chronometer on GMT in order to calculate their longitude from the Greenwich, meridian , which was by convention considered to have longitude zero degrees (this
- So if he were restricted to an artillery, it would make more sense to use its, meridian ,ring as a transit instrument. The problem with an equatorial ring (if an
- From UTC to keep it within 0.9 seconds of UT1. Indeed, even the Greenwich, meridian ,itself is not quite what it used to be—defined by 'the center of the transit
- Then the current value of the second of mean solar time. ) Physically,the, meridian ,of Greenwich in Universal Time is almost always to the east of the meridian in
- At the center of the Earth, using the equator and (usually) the Greenwich, meridian ,as references. In astronomy, a given point on the celestial sphere (that is
- Time, which is Earth's angular position (specifically, the orientation of the, meridian ,of Greenwich relative to the fictitious mean sun). Integrating +1.7 ms/d/CY
- Of the (instantaneous) Earth equatorial plane with the celestial sphere. * A, meridian ,plane is any plane perpendicular to the celestial equator and containing the
- Surrounding the point 10° north of the equator and 84° west of the prime, meridian , It borders both the Caribbean Sea (to the east) and the North Pacific Ocean
- The meridian of Greenwich in Universal Time is almost always to the east of the, meridian ,in Terrestrial Time, both in the past and in the future. +16800 s or 4⅔ h
- Of time zones, it follows that actual time zones do not precisely adhere to, meridian ,lines. The 'GMT' time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would
- Boundary of Region 1 is defined by a line running from the North Pole along, meridian ,10° West of Greenwich to its intersection with parallel 72° North; thence by
- Costume jewelry. The Sale Meridian originally sponsored a functional solar, meridian ,instrument, built into the fresco decoration by Anton Domenico Gambian.
- Frac: y \franc R \sort \sin \var phi where λ is the longitude from the central, meridian ,in degrees, φ is the latitude, and R is the radius of the globe used as the
- Actual astronomical instances of the spring equinox and full moon based on the, meridian ,of Jerusalem, while also following the Council of Nice position of Easter
- Roughly to the eastern and western hemispheres relative to the Greenwich, meridian , This usage has been regarded as Eurocentric by some, and the alternative terms
- Europe, and Asia in the same business day. Denver's location on the 105th, meridian , at over in elevation also enables it to be the largest city in the U. S. to
- A more constant day can be defined by the Sun passing through the local, meridian , which happens at local noon (upper culmination) or midnight (lower
- Parallel north divides it from the Northwest Territories. To the east the 110th, meridian , west separates it from the province of Saskatchewan, while on the west its
- Serrano, Serranilla and Quitasueño as well as the arbitrarily designed 82nd, meridian , west which Colombia claims as a border but which the International Court has
- West and parallel 40° North; thence by great circle arc to the intersection of, meridian ,20° West and parallel 10° South; thence along meridian 20° West to the South
- Rico. Eastern limits. From Point San Diego (Puerto Rico) Northward along the, meridian ,thereof (65°39'W) to the 100 fathom line, thence Eastward and Southward, in
- To the celestial equator and containing the celestial poles. * The local, meridian ,is the plane containing the direction to the zenith and the direction to the
- To direct a narrow ultrasound beam to a depth of 6–8 centimeters at acupuncture, meridian ,points on the body. Alternatively, tuning forks or other sound emitting devices
- Is the map North, not the local North. The difference between the two is called, meridian ,convergence. It is easy enough to" translate" between polar and rectangular
- A meter was originally defined as the 40-millionth part of the length of a, meridian ,(the target wasn't quite reached in actual implementation, so that is off by
- Arabian Sea as follows: On the West. The Eastern limit of the Gulf of Aden The, meridian ,of Cape Guarani (Ra's Air,51°16'E). On the North. A line joining RAS all
- With parallel 72° North; thence by great circle arc to the intersection of, meridian ,50° West and parallel 40° North; thence by great circle arc to the intersection
- And navigation. At sea level, one minute of angle (around the equator or a, meridian ,) equals about),approximately one nautical mile (approximately, because the
- Principle circuit of QI, called the Microcosmic orbit, energy rises up a main, meridian ,along the spine, but also comes back down the front torso. Throughout its cycle
- Defined for an entire region based on the mean local solar time at some central, meridian , Such time zones began to be adopted about the middle of the 19th century when
- Instrument still survives in working order, it is no longer in use and now the, meridian ,of origin of the world's longitude and time is not strictly defined in
- To Saint Petersburg) is and the width varies from near the entrance to on the, meridian ,of the island Mostly; in the Neva Bay, it decreases to. The gulf is relatively
- The west by the western boundary of Region 1 (see below),on the east by the, meridian ,40° East of Greenwich and on the south by the parallel 30° North to
- X = R\lambda: y = 2R\sin\phi where λ is the longitude from the central, meridian ,(in radians),φ is the latitude, and R is the radius of the globe used as the
- To the intersection of meridian 20° West and parallel 10° South; thence along, meridian ,20° West to the South Pole. Active members include broadcasting organizations
- Meantime is not necessarily the moment when the noon sun crosses the Greenwich, meridian ,(and reaches its highest point in the sky at Greenwich) because of Earth's
- Which is near the time of the lower culmination of the mean Sun on the central, meridian ,of the time zone. A day is commonly divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes of 60
- Solid body of the Earth. The X axis lies within the Greenwich observatory's, meridian ,plane. The coordinate transformation between these two systems is described to
- The aim of the expedition was to measure the length of a degree along a, meridian , close to the pole, and compare the result with a similar expedition to Peru
- In the southeast, the Atlantic merges into the Indian Ocean. The 20° East, meridian , running south from Cape Adults to Antarctica defines its border. Some
- While on the west its boundary with British Columbia follows the 120th, meridian , west south from the Northwest Territories at 60°N until it reaches the
- Official elevation is exactly one mile (1.6 km) or above sea level. The 105th, meridian , west of Greenwich passes through Union Station and is the temporal reference
- Earth to complete a full rotation about its axis so that the Sun returns to the, meridian , The orbital speed of the Earth averages about 29.8 km/s (107,000 km/h)
- Of the circumference of the Earth (along the great circle coincident with the, meridian ,of longitude passing through Paris),the circumference of the Earth is about
- European observatories. In Paris, he advocated the measurement of an arc of the, meridian ,in Lapland. In 1736,he participated in the expedition organized for that
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