Examples of the the word, blackboard , in a Sentence Context
The word ( blackboard ), is the 12748 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- School chemistry teacher, Justin Holman, produced a sketch he had made of a, blackboard ,drawing Farnsworth had shown him in spring 1922. Farnsworth won the suit; RCA
- Pinky and the Brain at one point shows The Brain writing" THX=1138" on a, blackboard , * Track 8" Teach" of F. U. S. E. is Dimension Intrusion album, makes use
- And zero) altogether. Notation Mathematicians use N or \math (an N in, blackboard ,bold, displayed as in Unicode) to refer to the set of all natural numbers.
- He recalls in his autobiography that the only equipment provided to him was a, blackboard ,and piece of chalk. In 1897 the Gender Laboratory was founding at University
- And r and s are real numbers. # Natural numbers are used for counting. A, blackboard ,bold capital N (\math) often represents this set. # Integers appear as
- To these surfaces. Although traditionally composed of natural chalk, modern, blackboard , chalk is generally made from the mineral gypsum (calcium sulfate),often
- And he said:" Well, all-right. " He had stepped aside, and we went before the, blackboard , I drew a triangle ABC with an ordinary analysis: Given side AB = c, its
- And, in exasperation, threw at the examiner's head the rag used to erase the, blackboard , More plausible accounts state that Galois made too many logical leaps and
- Then on a blackboard , and uses double-struck letters when writing bold on the, blackboard , whereas his published works consistently use ordinary bold for the same
- D of was spelled z, representing ts. Mathematics In mathematics, boldface Z or, blackboard ,bold \math U+2124 is used to denote the set of integers. Computing codes In
- 1972 were handwritten. When lecturing, he would write proofs in chalk on a, blackboard ,rather than using overhead foils, let alone PowerPoint slides. Even after he
- This set. # Integers appear as solutions for x in equations like x + a = b. A, blackboard ,bold capital Z (\math) often represents this set (from the German Fallen
- Appear as solutions to polynomial equations with rational coefficients. A, blackboard ,bold capital R (\math) often represents this set. # Complex numbers are
- A blackboard bold R is written as \math. In Unicode, a few of the more common, blackboard ,bold characters (C, H,N, P,Q, R and Z) are encoded in the Basic
- His wife at one point attempts to erase Einstein's field equations from his, blackboard ,) who leaves the chaos of college anti-war protests to live with his young wife
- That Dirac" was once asked what was his fundamental belief. He strode to a, blackboard ,and wrote that the laws of nature should be expressed in beautiful equations. "
- Agent. Calcium carbonate has traditionally been a major component of, blackboard ,chalk. However, modern manufactured chalk is mostly gypsum, hydrated calcium
- To understand the abstraction necessary to imagine that a chalk dot on the, blackboard ,represented a mathematical point, or that an imperfectly drawn line with an
- Not widely supported. Examples The following table shows all available Unicode, blackboard ,bold characters. The first column shows the letter as typically rendered by the
- His name in 2004. * The algebra of quatrains is usually denoted by H, or in, blackboard ,bold by \math, in honor of Hamilton. Quotations *" Time is said to have
- Textbook on complex analysis. Some mathematicians, therefore,do not recognize, blackboard ,bold as a separate style from bold: Jean-Pierre Serve, for example, has
- Of watching his university professor create a table of calculation results on a, blackboard , When the professor found an error, he had to tediously erase and rewrite a
- Polynomial with coefficients in \math has at least one root in this set. A, blackboard ,bold capital C (\math) often represents this set. Note that since a number
- Jean-Pierre Serve, for example, has publicly inveighed against the use of ", blackboard ,bold" anywhere other than on a blackboard , and uses double-struck letters when
- To suggest that like language bans applied to the terms“ black coffee” and “, blackboard ,”. The Private Eye magazine reported that like stories, all baseless, ran in
- Rational numbers appear as solutions to equations like a + bx = c. A, blackboard ,bold capital Q (\math) often represents this set (for quotient, because R
- He had only given a election from the book for the next lesson. He called to the, blackboard ,two pupils and there he was discussing the subject and furthermore with this he
- Edith Marion and now on permanent display at the Goethean. Steiner's, blackboard ,drawings were unique at the time and almost certainly not originally intended
- Element, namely x. Many of these sets are represented using, blackboard ,bold or bold typeface. Special sets of numbers include: * N or ℕ, denoting the
- Modified versions of Relies' early stop-motion techniques to make a series of, blackboard ,drawings appear to move and reshape themselves. 'Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
- Forums, share information and tips, and even participate in online classes via, blackboard ,systems similar to those used by colleges. Homeschool athletics Early in the
- Sketches and prototypes of electron tubes. One of the drawings he did on a, blackboard ,for his chemistry teacher, Justin Holman, was recalled and reproduced for a
- Are not integers. The set of all integers is often denoted by a boldface Z (or, blackboard ,bold \math, Unicode U+2124),which stands for n (for example, \math_2=\)
- Coefficients) and may involve radicals and certain other irrational numbers. A, blackboard ,bold capital A (\math) or a Q with an overlie (\overlie) often
- And finally I got up and started writing things from Epictetus all over the, blackboard , I filled the whole front blackboard --I didn't even know I'd remembered so
- Inveighed against the use of" blackboard bold" anywhere other than on a, blackboard , and uses double-struck letters when writing bold on the blackboard , whereas
- Animation of wired-together matches writing a patriotic call to action on a, blackboard , J. Stuart Blacktop was possibly the first American film-maker to use the
- In The Observer in 1977,compared her voice of 1973 to a cat sliding down a, blackboard , but acknowledged her intelligence and mental agility. On 19 January 1976
- In one area for two to three days, then leave for another area. Each car had a, blackboard ,and a few sets of chairs and desks. They also contained miniature libraries.
- Amsfonts) by the American Mathematical Society provides this facility; a, blackboard ,bold R is written as \math. In Unicode, a few of the more common blackboard
- Typesetting system for mathematical texts, does not contain direct support for, blackboard ,bold symbols, but the add-on AMS Fonts package (amounts) by the American
- Leather, canvas,and board, may be used. Temporary drawings may be made on a, blackboard ,or whiteboard or indeed almost anything. The medium has been a popular and
- R is a symbol for the gas constant. Mathematicians use R or \math (an R in, blackboard ,bold, displayed as in Unicode) for set of all real numbers. R represents a
- Describes known typical (but not universal) usage in mathematical texts. A, blackboard ,bold Greek letter mu (not found in Unicode) is sometimes used by number
- S line drawings of two faces were 'animated' ( or came to life) on a, blackboard , The two faces smiled and winked, and the cigar-smoking man blew smoke in the
- Paper and then shooting each frame onto negative film, which gave the picture a, blackboard ,look. This makes Phantasmagoria the first animated film created using what came
- In the production of paints. *Calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O) is used as common, blackboard ,chalk, as well as, in its hemihydrate form better known as Plaster of Paris.
- Trickling to think that he could replicate the process on a computer, using the, blackboard ,as the model to view results of underlying formulas. His idea became Musical
- On a typewriter. In some texts these symbols are simply shown in bold type:, blackboard ,bold in fact originated from the attempt to write bold letters on blackboard s
- The Africans as naïve and primitive. In the original work, Tintin is shown at a, blackboard ,addressing a class of African children. " Mes chess AMIS," he says," JE vies
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