Examples of the the word, eleventh , in a Sentence Context
The word ( eleventh ), is the 12751 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Was a German medieval chronicler. He lived and worked in the second half of the, eleventh ,century. He is most famous for his chronicle Vesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesial
- A. G., generating billions of dollars in revenue. " In 1999,Cipro was the, eleventh ,most prescribed drug in the United States based on new prescriptions, and
- Tuned E, A,D and G, in fourths such that the open highest string, G,is an, eleventh ,(an octave and a fourth) below middle C, making the tuning of all four
- Article in UK spoken English, such as" the eleventh of July ", or " July the, eleventh ,"; American speakers most commonly say" July eleventh " or" July eleven ".
- The orthodox treatise of Alger us against the heretic Hangar of Tours in the, eleventh ,century. He added a dedication, affirming his belief in the reality of the Body
- Of Rhodes (fl. c. 60 BC) was a Greek philosopher from Rhodes who was also the, eleventh ,scholar ch of the Peripatetic school. He was at the head of the Peripatetic
- Of Apollo 16 Plum and Flag Craters (moon pans. Com). Apollo 17 was the, eleventh ,and final manned mission in the American Apollo space program. Launched at
- Of Paul to the Philippians, usually referred to simply as Philippians, is the, eleventh ,book in the New Testament. Biblical scholars agree that it was written by St.
- In June 1944,and the original Mark 1 machine was converted into a Mark 2. An, eleventh ,Colossus was essentially finished at the end of the war. Colossus Mark 1
- Mariah Carey's accomplishments in the world of music and the release of her, eleventh ,studio album E=MC2. In late October 2008,the building was lit green in honor
- Improvements in crop production. Per capita GDP in 2007 was $38,956,ranking, eleventh ,in the nation. Per capita income varies widely by geographic region and
- Ninth, etc., lines of input. Likewise, NR % 4 3 is true for the third, seventh, eleventh , etc., lines of input. The range pattern is false until the first part matches
- A newspaper. In the early 20th century, the Encyclopædia Britannica reached its, eleventh ,edition, and inexpensive encyclopedias such as Harmsworth's Universal
- Gateways front and back, showing that it was of the processional type. In the, eleventh ,dynasty Amenhotep I added a colonnade and altars. Soon after, Mentuhotep II
- With this weak declension were alien (e) and Ellen (e). By the earlier, eleventh ,century ælf could denote a female. The Modern German Elf (m),Else (f)
- A 2–1 lead, but closer Jose Mesa allowed the Marlins to tie the game. In the, eleventh ,inning, Edgar Renters drove in the winning run giving the Marlins their first
- To the shore in small boats. Tirolean exploded shortly after midday,the, eleventh ,and final French ship of the line destroyed or captured during the battle.
- Calabria in Italy. These names may have appeared in this region as early as the, eleventh ,century, when Robert Discard and the Normans conquered the Muslim emirate of
- Name" Constantine" itself enjoyed renewed popularity in western France in the, eleventh ,and twelfth centuries. Most Eastern Christian churches consider Constantine a
- Escape the destruction being perpetrated by invading Saracens. Later, in the, eleventh ,century, the emperor gave them to the French count Jocelyn. Jocelyn had them
- Or less) discovered by the Shoemakers and Levy, hence its name. It was their, eleventh ,comet discovery overall including their discovery of two non-periodic comets
- Is, a book containing the entire canonical office—appears to date from the, eleventh ,century. St. Gregory VII having, indeed,abridged the order of prayers, and
- Tenochtitlan for 80 days during the year Two Flint (1520). Cuitláhuac was the, eleventh ,son of the ruler Axayacatl and a younger brother of Moctezuma II, the previous
- McGlynn took the Top TV Comedy Actress award. In 2004,the series finished, eleventh ,in the BBC's poll to find" Britain's Best Sitcom ". It was the
- Dates usually include a definite article in UK spoken English, such as" the, eleventh ,of July ", or " July the eleventh "; American speakers most commonly say" July
- Nature and animal. A goat was being sacrificed to her. *Day 6 of Harrelson (, eleventh ,month) the 'birthday' of the goddess, while the seventh was Apollo's. *A
- Farmers, Jerf Lamar, Mureybet and Naval Cori became established from the, eleventh ,millennium BCE onward. In the absence of irrigation, these early farming
- Trajectory The Campaign of the Apostasy was fought and completed during the, eleventh ,year after Hijri. The year 12 Hijri dawned, on 18 March 633,with Arabia united
- Bleachers off Reds' fireman Rawly Eastwick to tie the game. In the top of the, eleventh ,inning, right fielder Dwight Evans made a spectacular catch of a Joe Morgan
- Lewis continues to attract a wide readership. In 2008,The Times ranked him, eleventh ,on their list of" the 50 greatest British writers since 1945 ". Readers of his
- One Colossus a month for the rest of the war, making a total of ten with an, eleventh ,part-built. The machines were operated mainly by members of the Women's Royal
- Vocational education (Education media vocational) that comprises tenth and, eleventh ,grades. It may have different vocational training modalities or specialties (
- During which each island maintained a single, central village. From the, eleventh ,to the fifteenth centuries, trade with the island of Madagascar and merchants
- Its title a geographic feature unique in its way to the islands: Fear Cay,the, eleventh ,Doc Savage adventure by Lester Dent. Many James Bond adventures were set there.
- Own religion. More recently, Peter Phillips, son of Anne, Princess Royal, and, eleventh , in line to the thrones, married Autumn Kelly; Kelly had been brought up as a
- Prescriptions of the Golden Casket, which were edited separately in the, eleventh ,century, under the Song dynasty. In the centuries that followed the completion
- Other famous people believed to have died of cholera include: * James K. Polk, eleventh ,President of the United States * Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian soldier and
- g., defense,agriculture, and labor). Between 1987 and 1990,the term of the, eleventh ,Bundestag, there were twenty-one standing committees. The distribution of
- Were subsidiary notions applied to a specific geometric situation. The, eleventh ,century Persian mathematician Omar Khayyam saw a strong relationship between
- Morocco. It is affiliated to the Berber tribes of Sahara and Lam tuna. From the, eleventh ,century to the twelfth century, their empire was extended over present-day
- Reflect the relative strength of the various parties in the chamber. In the, eleventh ,Bundestag, the CDU/CSU chaired eleven committees, the SPD eight, the FDP one
- Defeated in Round 1 in a controversial encounter. They finished a disappointing, eleventh ,– out of the Finals for only the second time in the club's history. When able
- In the Swiss Confederacy In 1501 Basel joined the Swiss Confederation as its, eleventh ,canton, separating de facto from the Holy Roman Empire, and began the
- Nor the Augean stables, as Heracles received payment for his work. For the, eleventh ,labor Heracles had to steal the Apples of the Hesperides; his final labor was
- University and lived in the Augustinerkloster for a few years after 1505. The, eleventh ,century Erfurt Synagogue is thought to be the oldest synagogue building still
- Josephus, Jewish War 6.10.1/423 (" They sacrifice from the ninth to the, eleventh ,hour" ). Phil, Special Laws 2.27/145 (" Many myriads of victims from noon
- Ended the Winter War. The Treaty was severe for Finland as the country lost one, eleventh ,of its national territory and about 13 percent of its economic capacity.
- Analysis which confirmed that the blade was made in Moorish Córdoba in the, eleventh ,century and contained amounts of Damascus steel. In 2007 the Autonomous
- On the site of the great basilica. Western pilgrims to Jerusalem during the, eleventh ,century found much of the sacred site in ruins. " Crusader period Many
- Of July ", or " July the eleventh "; American speakers most commonly say" July, eleventh ," or" July eleven ". Prepositions and adverbs * In the United States, the word
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