Examples of the the word, rigor , in a Sentence Context
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- Methodological error; again see Klein's comment on the two strands. To Cauchy, rigor ,meant abandoning the principle of the" generality of algebra" as practiced by
- Axiology, the attempt to lay out principles regarding value with mathematical, rigor , is exemplified by Robert S. Hartman's Science of Value. A Doll's House (;
- Works on perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, number theory and, rigor , " Euclid" is the anglicized version of the Greek name (), meaning " Good
- Perspective, much interdisciplinary work may be seen as" soft," lacking in, rigor , or ideologically motivated; these beliefs place barriers in the career paths
- This question became vastly more complicated. Introduction of mathematical, rigor ,All the work related to the Parallel Postulate revealed that it was quite
- S matrices. Throughout this immersion in physics, Hilbert worked on putting, rigor ,into the mathematics of physics. While highly dependent on higher math
- Geometry was revolutionized by Euclid, who introduced mathematical, rigor ,and the axiomatic method still in use today. His book, The Elements is widely
- And if so what level of code coverage is required? The typical level of, rigor ,progression is as follows: Statement, Branch/Decision, Modified
- Used for encryption and decryption must be protected with the same degree of, rigor ,as any other confidential information. They must be protected from unauthorized
- Aquatic animals have so far prevented some tests and limited sample size and, rigor ,in others. Compared to many other species, however,dolphin behavior has been
- Rule. Leibniz's approach to the calculus fell well short of later standards of, rigor ,(the same can be said of Newton's). We now see a Leibniz proof as being in
- Of marriage between Muslim women and shimmy men was enforced with the utmost, rigor , In cases where a non-Muslim wife converts to Islam, while her non-Muslim
- Francis Bacon (1561–1626) and René Descartes (1596–1650),who demanded more, rigor ,in mathematics and in removing bias from scientific observations, led to a
- Rigor, postulating a continuity between Cauchy's rigor and Weierstrass, rigor ,is a methodological error; again see Klein's comment on the two strands. To
- Trained, and his work was attacked by professional philosophers for lack of, rigor ,and critical standards. What is existentialism? Existentialism refers to a set
- Academic philosophers have criticized Rand for what they consider her lack of, rigor ,and limited understanding of philosophical subject. Chris Matthew
- While dumpster diving, though the law is enforced with varying degrees of, rigor , Dumpster diving per se is often legal when not specifically prohibited by law.
- Not carry this out; it was demonstrated by Fantail ... with all the necessary, rigor ,". Ramsey and Savage noted that the individual agent's probability
- That anticipates the rigor of Weierstrass. While Cauchy certainly emphasizes, rigor , postulating a continuity between Cauchy's rigor and Weierstrass rigor is a
- Prominent scientists deplored the lack of critical thinking and scientific, rigor ,in National Institutes of Health supported alternative medicine research. In
- At first to proscribe officials, nonetheless pursued his enemies with more, rigor ,than the other triumvirs. Battle of Philippe and division of territory On 1
- Is defined. 5. Cauchy introduced rigor into infinitesimals that anticipates the, rigor ,of Weierstrass. While Cauchy certainly emphasizes rigor , postulating a
- Producing the effect. Skeptics call cold fusion explanations ad hoc and lacking, rigor , and state that they are used simply to disregard the negative
- That composers have turned to in order to give their works both mathematical, rigor ,and expressive range. Some of these devices include: *Melodic inversion: The
- Through mercy … or that man is justified before God … according to the, rigor ,of justice without any forgiveness. " Stephen Ashby clarifies:" Arminius
- P, the proposition" P or not P" is automatically true. Modern standards of, rigor ,Placing Euclidean geometry on a solid axiomatic basis was a preoccupation of
- Rest of the narrative, and (for some readers, at least) the" hardness" or, rigor ,of the science itself. One requirement for hard SF is procedural or intentional
- And Pulp Hero. It is characterized by point-based character creation and the, rigor ,with which it measures character abilities. It uses only six-sided dice. System
- Planned research designs for the collection of empirical data, and academic, rigor ,plays a large part of judging the merits of research design. Several
- Equilibrium theory has demonstrated, with varying degrees of mathematical, rigor ,over time, that under certain conditions of competition, the law of supply and
- Temperature * Rigor Morris, the limbs of the corpse become stiff (Latin, rigor ,) and difficult to move or manipulate * Decomposition, the reduction into
- Cauchy certainly emphasizes rigor , postulating a continuity between Cauchy's, rigor ,and Weierstrass rigor is a methodological error; again see Klein's comment
- Century. Hilbert and his students contributed significantly to establishing, rigor ,and developed important tools used in modern mathematical physics. Hilbert is
- Seem more effective in treating impairments of cognition, consciousness and, rigor , The latter effect may be due to either protective effects of fever, or that
- Area or volume. Archimedes may have considered this method lacking in formal, rigor , so he also used the method of exhaustion to derive the results. As with The
- AD 100. The mathematician Euclid laid down the foundations of mathematical, rigor ,and introduced the concepts of definition, axiom,theorem and proof still in
- Because the positions are by comparison less powerful, there is usually less, rigor ,or fanfare in how officers are ordained. Latter Day Saint Movement The Church
- Methodology Critics argue that Austrian economics generally lacks scientific, rigor , rejects the scientific method, and rejects the use of empirical data. Thomas
- By Dicaearchus of Messina, but Hipparchus was the first to apply mathematical, rigor ,to the determination of the latitude and longitude of places on the Earth.
- A scale from" softer" to" harder ", not a binary classification. Scientific, rigor ,The heart of the" hard SF" designation is the relationship of the science
- Physical process of resurrection. The body of Lazarus is still in the throes of, rigor ,Morris, but his hand, facing and recognizing that of Christ, is alive. Other
- Methods. For example, a discipline that places more emphasis on quantitative ", rigor ," may produce practitioners who think of themselves (and their discipline) as
- Is less a matter of the absolute accuracy of the science content than of the, rigor ,and consistency with which the various ideas and possibilities are worked out.
- Endpoint of the interval where the function is defined. 5. Cauchy introduced, rigor ,into infinitesimals that anticipates the rigor of Weierstrass. While Cauchy
- Especially through the introduction of deductive reasoning and mathematical, rigor ,in proofs) and expanded the subject of mathematics. The study of
- Electrical engineering community during and after World War II. The theoretical, rigor ,of Shannon's work completely replaced the ad hoc methods that had previously
- Logic to derive conclusions from definitions and axioms, and used mathematical, rigor ,to prove them. Greek mathematics is thought to have begun with Thales of
- Heuvelmans argued that cryptozoology should be undertaken with scientific, rigor , but with an open-minded, interdisciplinary approach. He also stressed that
- Laser – Development of L4 and founder of OK Labs * C. A. R. Hear – Logic, rigor , Communicating sequential processes (CSP) * Herman Hollerith – invented
- Over all the ocean, : :Easily bringing men deliverance from: :Death's chilling, rigor ,: :Landing on tall ships with a sudden, great bound, : :A far-away light up the
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